I literally, without exaggeration, have never tuned in to a bifuteki stream and not have it be a total shitshow. Bifuteki will:
-have a shit stream and blame the venue internet when every other person streaming at the venue is having zero problems
-have garbage audio/mics and insist everything is fine when it is clearly not
-have fucked up contrast on the image; I have seen bifuteki say that it's fine, blame the local monitors (what), or blame twitch for this. Yet this keeps happening
-have his girlfriend (?) come on the stream or in the streamchat and more or less beg for subs
-talks shit about other streamers for no good reason, dude is salty as hell.
I have no goddamn idea how bifuteki even still has or qualifies for a sub button on twitch, dude literally has the worst twitch streams I have ever seen lol.
Edit: Art is periscoping the MvC2 match from the crowd, which is doing a better job than bifuteki. So yeah.