Will they be adding FFX characters at any point. I just got into FF a month ago and only game I have played is FFX and FFBE. I need Sir Auron in my party.
Will they be adding FFX characters at any point. I just got into FF a month ago and only game I have played is FFX and FFBE. I need Sir Auron in my party.
i really like Locke's ability as I love to steal from everything.. wasnt planning to pull but i did a few pulls and got the following
Cecil - 3 star
Chizuru - 4 star
Hayate - 3 star
Hayate - 3 star
Vivi - 3 star
Locke - 4 star
Overall, I never got Chizuru from when he was in banner - was very surprised
Also super happy with Locke
Now I just need a cactuar event.. these 5 star dudes are hard af to level
Edit: Not sure about Hayate - is this dude any good - any advice ??
Any good guides for leveling the Espers then?
I'm looking at the wikia and wondering if I should follow that.
i really like Locke's ability as I love to steal from everything.. wasnt planning to pull but i did a few pulls and got the following
Cecil - 3 star
Chizuru - 4 star
Hayate - 3 star
Hayate - 3 star
Vivi - 3 star
Locke - 4 star
Overall, I never got Chizuru from when he was in banner - was very surprised
Also super happy with Locke
Now I just need a cactuar event.. these 5 star dudes are hard af to level
Edit: Not sure about Hayate - is this dude any good - any advice ??
Haha, "quickly". Though easily faster than other means.Run Phantom Forest for magicites that you can use to quickly level them up.
Ahh y'all are making me want to try just once now...I love having Locke so much
Cant wait to eventually get all the FF6 crew
Run Phantom Forest for magicites that you can use to quickly level them up.
No, I mean which skills I should invest into and so forth.
i really like Locke's ability as I love to steal from everything.. wasnt planning to pull but i did a few pulls and got the following
Nah peeps, we ain't never gettin the most popular characters in RPG history in this game. Let that dream die
Gotta keep people interested / coming back somehow. What better way than FF 7/8/10 characters once it's been out for a while and people arent playing as much? VIII in particular will grab me pretty good.
It has a secret of mana cross over.
The day people leave this game, Chrono Trigger is coming.
And the world will cease to exist as we know it.
And I'm spending 500 bucks on this.
It has a secret of mana cross over.
The day people leave this game, Chrono Trigger is coming.
And the world will cease to exist as we know it.
And I'm spending 500 bucks on this.
While I do love this game, I have to admit that the number of people on my friend's list who stop playing the game is far higher than in any other gacha game I've played before. Each day I'm deleting 3 or 4 people who haven't logged in within the last 3 days.
618.670.860While I do love this game, I have to admit that the number of people on my friend's list who stop playing the game is far higher than in any other gacha game I've played before. Each day I'm deleting 3 or 4 people who haven't logged in within the last 3 days.
While I do love this game, I have to admit that the number of people on my friend's list who stop playing the game is far higher than in any other gacha game I've played before. Each day I'm deleting 3 or 4 people who haven't logged in within the last 3 days.
While I do love this game, I have to admit that the number of people on my friend's list who stop playing the game is far higher than in any other gacha game I've played before. Each day I'm deleting 3 or 4 people who haven't logged in within the last 3 days.
Three days really isn't that long of a time.
I'm at 1day or GTFO.
Got a 4th Luna. One more and I'll start to farm for Barrage. Barrage on any character will be so amazing lol
Also yay, 5th Esper!
Yeah, a full team of 5 would help raise trust faster before I combine themWhat do you mean farm for barrage my Luna is at 25% already. Do you mean just run like earth shrine for chance at raising the trust?
Just focus on getting the skills and passives.
Shame I can't upgrade my friend list more (130 max), I'm also playing everyday.
57 consecutive days and counting, not going to drop this game, I am even liking the grind.
I've found that Zadehl Wasteland was much better for leveling Ifrit since it dropped so many red magicite/megacite and at the same time I was able to get fire megacryst as well. I'm currently leveling my Locke if you want to add me, although it'll be a few weeks before I'm able to get him to 5 star + 80.Damn... three more levels on Ifrit to unlock his 2* and I can stop farming the damn Phantom Forest nonstop - need some Rank before new content hits (Takes FOREVER!). Also have enough to make my first hero ring. I need more Locke friends.
I have so much silver ore I have to sell some off. Over 240 pieces trying to get Ifrit up to 2* form. It's crazy how much magicite it takes. Do I need any magicite shards for future quest? I'm going to dump them all into him if not...
O wait, you have Kefka. Lose Cecil and go full on Nuke
Passives? You mean stats?