Not yet, nowhere near. But if the issue is added stuff that alters the original, that's basically the same complaint that Remake got. "It's super faithful but the added plot towards the conclusion may confuse or turn off some players/newcomers to VII," I mean, if your point is I can't engage in genuine discussion about the game as a whole until I finish it, well then....
I agree, hahahaha
I'm just going primarily by the small bit of story I've seen and the gameplay loop. I'm a "live in this game for a month or so," types, so the aimless checklist exploration of vast wildlands is cool with me, and I figure where I'm at, with the exception of learning new party members, I pretty much know going forward that I'll be in for more of the same, which I understand isn't a selling point for some, but again, it doesn't offend my particular tastes. I'm 24% through Main story, in the Junon region, for reference.
I'm looking forward to gaining a complete picture so I can really engage in these discussions, but disclaimer: if you didn't vibe with the game, that sucks, but you're entitled to your own opinion.