Are you sure this is how it works?Yes, Maximum at 100% (basically this means the 'final resolution' is the resolution you have selected on the top of the options) and Minimum at 66% (this is the resolution the game will upscale to the 'final' resolution - i.e. takes 1440p and upscales it to 4K if you have selected 4K as your resolution).
It's unnecessarily complex, but hey, wouldn't be a Japanese game otherwise.
I thought having both set to 66% and DLSS being selected would essentially mean you're rendering using DLSS quality mode all the time.
Having max set to 100% and minimum set to 66% would mean the game tries to render the game at native (with DLAA) and if it can't hit it's performance target you've set (60/90/120) it will reduce the internal resolution to DLSS quality level (66%) to potentially hit that performance target.
This dynamic changing of internal resolution is what causes the hitching. At least it did in Remake, which is why we mostly disabled it.