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Final Fantasy VII Remake |OT| - The Reunion is coming


I have watched guides on youtube and I have no idea wtf going on but my hell house is much much stronger than theirs!
First of all: in phase 2 is uses: chair salvo deluxe, renewed hospitality, etc. all the skills people taste only in phase 3 on youtube.
My hellhouse is always in good house mode, i.e. you cannot attack it at all, you can attack it only when it readies a skill. People happily attack it in phase 2 on youtube.
All the charging attacks are unavoidable (I've seen people successfully guarding/dodging these on youtube).
All the charging attacks end with a huge splash explosion (fire or thunder or ice) that do enormous amounts of damage, on youtube the house just stops after hitting something.

I attacked when it was on god house mode just to fill my atb, but again, hit and run. Before changing characters I always back up first too. You gonna get hit, for real.


I attacked when it was on god house mode just to fill my atb, but again, hit and run. Before changing characters I always back up first too. You gonna get hit, for real.

Renewed hospitality, what did you do about it?
It's the only skill that constantly kills everybody, everything else is kind of manageable.


I'll be sincere, I don't even remember this attack by name lol

That's because you've probably got "easy mode" house too (like all the youtubers).
In "easy mode" it will do it only when at 25% of HP. And very rarely.
In my case it does it all the fucking time after 80% HP (and the silver lining: it heals the house).


It's been 15 minutes since the ending credits faded and I received my trophy for completing the main story, yet my jaw remains dropped to the floor, in fact it's dropped below the floor and deep into the crevices of my floorboards and right down to the foundations of my house.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake (Part 1) is a masterpiece, I do not use that tag lightly.

To anyone aggrieved by the changes to the story, I understand completely, but personally I adored it, to see them completely reimagine the game that was a childhood monument for me and my older sister so it feels like I'm a child again, gawping at the big moments that are yet to come that I can't predict, truly makes me get goosebumps and shudder with hype and excitement flowing through my veins.

The final chapter will stay in my mind for a long time, and I cannot see how they'll outdo that chapter in the future entries as that felt like something you end a franchise on, not the opening part of a remake!

I was astounded and astonished by the true craftsmanship shown by Nomura and his excellent team, and I cannot thank them enough for making this possible.

I urge you, if you haven't already, to pick up and play this game as soon as you can and allow yourself to be reimmersed into the world of Midgar and FF7 like never before.

It takes a lot for a game to make me love it this much. And I was skeptical just as much as some of you were during times of the build-up to this games release.

It is gonna take some time for me to fully comprehend what I've experienced and it's gonna take an eternity for me to avidly wait for the next part of this phenomenal game we call Final Fantasy 7, as chipper as I was back in the days of the original.
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I'm a little annoyed that some of the backgrounds are literally just plain images, some of them don't even look hi-res.

That said when this game is on plot it's amazing, which the exception of certain new elements.


Anyone else think the musical arrangement is not very good?

lol what the fuck

Because of the "can't hit it" animation the ATB grows is like 10x slower.

No, any flying creature will stop giving any ATB to melee characters.
Which immediately reduces your interrupt capacity to zero (Aerith casts are slow as hell) if it's Aerith/Cloud combo.
And getting ATB by blocking has problems with magic: full damage. I.e. flying magic casters decimate you in seconds, literally.

And how exactly that helps?
You cannot avoid most of the attacks that matter (see Hell house), and block gives you like 10% damage reduction (or 0% if it's magic).

Oh in that case they aren't immune/resistant, they're parrying your attacks. In that situation you just have to either back off or use magic. And uh, your melee characters will definitely jump up into the sky to fight aerial enemies if you can get under them....Hell, if you put 2 Chi charges into Tifa then she will BEAT the FUCK out of aerial enemies, seriously she does so much damage.

And as for blocking.....no dude it's a significant reduction in damage. Try blocking a move vs. getting hit raw/failing a dodge and see the massive difference in HP you're left with.

I have watched guides on youtube and I have no idea wtf going on but my hell house is much much stronger than theirs!
First of all: in phase 2 is uses: chair salvo deluxe, renewed hospitality, etc. all the skills people taste only in phase 3 on youtube.
My hellhouse is always in good house mode, i.e. you cannot attack it at all, you can attack it only when it readies a skill. People happily attack it in phase 2 on youtube.
All the charging attacks are unavoidable (I've seen people successfully guarding/dodging these on youtube).
All the charging attacks end with a huge splash explosion (fire or thunder or ice) that do enormous amounts of damage, on youtube the house just stops after hitting something.
Ha, people easily avoid it's hospitality by evading to the back of the house, my hous will just move forward then and absorb second character (tried that) the only way to prevent somebody from dying is to interrupt, it looks like hospitality is the only interruptable skill.

1) God House Mode means you can't do any damage, but you can still gain ATB. Get some charges and then back off. What you're gonna wanna do is wait until he drops it and then hit him with an opposite element attack.

2) IIRC with the exception of the chair salvo attack, ALL of the houses moves can be avoided. Back up when he starts charging at you and be ready to dodge to the side when he's coming your way, it's not as hard as it looks.

3) as far as i know, unless you're already on his ass when he's charging Hospitality, he's going to take someone. Make sure they'll survive, switch characters, and use the opportunity to get some damage in.

Anyway....just fought....
Type-0 Behemoth, and the 3rd VR summon.....like jesus christ this battle system is amazing.

The Behemoth in particular is amazing to behold because it looks like they borrowed the FF15 model/animations, but the fight ACTUALLY WORKS.

And the fact that he actually casts "Meteor" when he dies..........sigh. So good.

This game is a ride, for sure man......if FFXVI's combat system is on this level of polish then i'm gonna be furious.

I think so far, the most astounding thing is just how well this game is able to merge cutscenes during combat and have it feel completely natural. It's amazing.

The best Square Enix game I've played in the last 20 years.
This is a Squaresoft game.

Bruh. Word.

I haven't seen this level of coherence between story/gameplay in Final Fantasy SINCE the Squaresoft days. It feels so god damn good.
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Just watched the ending credits, I'm not high on nostalgia factor, so it felt like a good game. Less of whatever FFXIII and FFXV was. Spent 40 hours roughly doing all the side quests, that were able to be done without repeating. Not too sure if Hard mode is worth the play through, though I appreciate the Exp bonus and AP bonus.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Just got my copy today. Only was able to play the first hour (Chapter 1), but holy shit, this is incredible. The visuals, the characterization, everything in this opening sequence has just been a blast of nostalgia combined with being impressed at just how well made this thing is by modern standards. I don't know if it's going to hold up throughout, but I'm seriously impressed so far.

Also, holy shit at that early story change (?)
the Avalanche bomb failing to do much and the Shinra president ordering the reactor facility to be destroyed as basically a semi-false flag.


Wow. Chapter 16, Shinra headquarters, is absolutely stunning.

Makes me think the texture issues in the slums are either a bug or them literally pouring the majority of their environmental asset development into very specific areas.

That's because you've probably got "easy mode" house too (like all the youtubers).
In "easy mode" it will do it only when at 25% of HP. And very rarely.
In my case it does it all the fucking time after 80% HP (and the silver lining: it heals the house).

Have you tried Barrier + Magnify to mitigate damage? Or saving your summon for the 2nd half of the fight? Carbuncle can buff all characters ATB speed until the battle ends (at least it seemed like it when I used him). Have your healer use the the refocus limit break, then spam prayer a bunch. Switch to Tifa if stuff is flying around quickly that you need to avoid. Honestly I've never heard someone have such struggles on a normal playthrough as you. Maybe just switch it to Easy for the fight? Doesn't change anything permanently, and doesn't matter for trophies. I think you may like the game better with less frustration over combat.

Type-0 Behemoth, and the 3rd VR summon.....like jesus christ this battle system is amazing.

The Behemoth in particular is amazing to behold because it looks like they borrowed the FF15 model/animations, but the fight ACTUALLY WORKS.

And the fact that he actually casts "Meteor" when he dies..........sigh. So good.

For real, that 3rd VR fight was EPIC. Probably took me 10 minutes to kill it. I wasn't min/maxing my strategy so much as clinging to dear life a good amount of the time but I survived!

Anyone else think the musical arrangement is not very good?

The new Wall Market theme is some jank shit. But everything else is aces.
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Awesome game, easily the best square enix era final fantasy game I've ever played. Incredible visuals, mind blowing battle system that never gets old. They nailed the characterization in this game so much i've never liked these characters so much before.

I had no idea what people meant when they compared the story changes to kingdom hearts but when you play it you will understand. It is still above kingdom hearts level of non sense but it is certainly headed in that direction which I hope they dial it down a bit for the sequel.
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Never ever played a Final Fantasy game until now. Pretty much have played this game non stop since release and I am loving it! I will be finishing it later today though as i am in the midst of chapter 17.. Really don't want it to end :(
Overall, this game is god damn amazing and my only criticisms are the texture issues and the side missions. I did all the side missions up until chapter 14. Chapter 14 they throw a ton at you and they're just the same basic stuff, so I decided I am not wasting my time with that.


I am not sure why they couldnt had used Luminous Engine for this game. It's not like Final Fantasy XV looks much worse, if any worse at all.


The last three chapters are a blast with nearly no technical issues. Just two or odd assets but now issues what so ever. I should be directly before the final battle. Its sad that its over. But so far there is no Kingdom Hearts nonsense or people didn't play KH3 directly before this like I did and therefore their memory isn't to fresh on how bad KH can be :D


I just finished the game...

Holy shit!

I'll write more tomorrow but man there's sooooo much to unpack.

Just got my copy today. Only was able to play the first hour (Chapter 1), but holy shit, this is incredible. The visuals, the characterization, everything in this opening sequence has just been a blast of nostalgia combined with being impressed at just how well made this thing is by modern standards. I don't know if it's going to hold up throughout, but I'm seriously impressed so far.

Also, holy shit at that early story change (?)
the Avalanche bomb failing to do much and the Shinra president ordering the reactor facility to be destroyed as basically a semi-false flag.

That was hinted in the original as I recall. I'll need to fish it up but the line indirectly implies something like that happens.

I'm a little annoyed that some of the backgrounds are literally just plain images, some of them don't even look hi-res.

That said when this game is on plot it's amazing, which the exception of certain new elements.

I actually liked that despite being a bit jarring since it reminded me of the prerendered backgrounds from the original. They could have at least made it high rez though, yeah


Gold Member
i fucked up the quoting:

Don't care what the haters say
This is straight up the best FF game, no
The best Square Enix game I've played in the last 20 years.
This is a Squaresoft game.

well this is partially true because just because their last good classic final fantasy game was ff9 that came out exactly 20 years ago 😆

not really a great achievement being better than ff10, ff13, his shitty sequel or ff15.
i haven't played ff12 but people have very mixed feeling about that game but nobody think that is better than ff9, so yeah...

ff14 seems great from what i heard but it's a mmorpg, not exactly a classic ff game.
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Gold Member
This right here. Fans root for the team they love and embrace whatever outcome happens, good or bad, warts and all.

This game is incredible. Also it's Nomura; is anyone surprised about the ending getting tossed up a bit? (Not there yet so maybe I should reserve comment about this, lol.)
bullshit, this is called blind fanboysm just for the sake of it.

imagine cheering for devs who makes shitty choices for their games just because they are your favourite devs.

so people had to be happy for that unfinished mess called ff15 just because it was from square 😆 😆

doing that you only encourage them to do the same or worst for the next game.
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Finished my playthrough of the game and really enjoyed it, even with the changes. Really excited to see where part 2 goes

I think that Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 2 can already been announced this year, or at least in the 2021.

Never ever played a Final Fantasy game until now. Pretty much have played this game non stop since release and I am loving it! I will be finishing it later today though as i am in the midst of chapter 17.. Really don't want it to end :(
Overall, this game is god damn amazing and my only criticisms are the texture issues and the side missions. I did all the side missions up until chapter 14. Chapter 14 they throw a ton at you and they're just the same basic stuff, so I decided I am not wasting my time with that.

I can suggest you also play Final Fantasy XV after you have finished Final Fantasy VII Remake. And I suggest you to buy and play the FFXV Royal Edition or the FFXV Windows Edition of Final Fantasy XV, a really beautiful and exceptional game.
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So I've managed to complete the game (not 100%, but that's what chapter select is for after you beat it - and let's face it, most of the side quests are nothing to write home about). And for the record, I've never really played the original, so this is from a newbie perspective with no nostalgia factor/comparisons whatsoever.

The story had tropes aplenty, overtly melodramatic and/or corny dialogue, antagonists that would make comic book villains go "guys, perhaps you should tone it down a little" and so on. And yet I don't think any of that matters, sometimes you just have to turn off the critical part of your brain and enjoy the ride. And a very enjoyable ride it is. Who cares if the resolution to a life-threatening situation comes out of the blue, if there's an awesome cutscene to show it. Overall I really liked the story, even with some pacing issues, and am eager to see where it's going (and please don't spoil it for me).

As for the presentation, yowza. The game can look absolutely stunning at times. Playing on a Pro with an SSD, I didn't have asset streaming issues that much - perhaps I just wasn't paying attention, but only on few occasions did I really notice it, and beyond that the performance was rock-solid. The environmental art can be amazing, and whatever drugs the artists are taking to come up with some of those monster designs, I want some too. This is accompanied by a phenomenal soundtrack. There are some weaker tracks of course, but the soundtrack knows when to be subtle and when to go all in. Some of the boss battles are such an audiovisual assault on the senses (in a good way) that my jaw was firmly glued to the floor from start to finish. Contrary to my usual habits, I ended up playing the game with English audio, and the voicework was fine. Some standouts (either positively or negatively) and the antagonists are be prone to overacting (that's fitting for the overall tone though).

But yes, there is one major flaw with the presentation, and that is the facial models/animation and lip sync of the lesser NPCs (and when it comes to lip sync, at times also with major cutscenes). It's completely understandable that less attention is given to them, and also a very common issue with RPGs so normally I wouldn't even complain about it. Just that in an otherwise so beautiful game it really sticks out and that's something that I'd definitely like to see improved in the next game.

As for the gameplay, I guess the largest change is the battle system. And I think it works for the most part, and is a major improvement over FFXV (hated the combat in that), but it's still not perfect. I know basic attacks are mostly meant to fill up your ATB gauge, but some more depth would be appreciated. Now it becomes easily too button-mashy and I agree with Karak Karak that a dedicated jump button would make sense. Also while having a lock-on system is quite essential, it of course doesn't mean the camera can always keep up (and the camera can be a bit janky in general). But if you adjust the camera with the right stick - whoops, you've just changed the lock-on target. How about changing characters with D-pad up/down and changing the lock-on target with left/right? But still in general the combat can be very enjoyable and I like the over-the-top animations that accompany it (there are some nice touches, for example if Tifa is already in air when you use Divekick, she will seamlessly proceed to that move instead of first landing and jumping back up).

Using "Materia" for skills/stat bonuses worked fine for me, and not being able to get high-level orbs but having to keep using them to upgrade them made figuring the loadout of my team more interesting. At least what is on offer here is much better than a convoluted skill tree, and I like that there are also some quirkly Materia. I LOLed at the pedometer Also very much appreciated is the ability to assign SP automatically for weapons: there are times where I want to be really OCD about upgrades, but most of the time I'm satisfied with the game taking care of such mundane tasks. The UI (in general, not just related to Materia and upgrades) is a bit more fiddly than it needs to be, but then again, I really can't name a single JRPG with a great UI.

I do have one larger issue with the gameplay though. The game occasionally breaks the core gameplay loop, which is fine by me, having something different to do even for a bit can be refreshing. But the controls for those mini activities can be absolutely awful. especially looking at you fixing a water pump - also using those robot arms was just a bore, not helped by the fact that they move soooo slowly I get what the designers were going for and the intention is good, but the execution is passable at best.

Finally, there's the issue of game length and value for money. I got to the end in 30-something hours (the in-game clock says 40h, but I did take several longer breaks with the game menu open and the clock keeps ticking then, so that's not accurate) and I doubt that even if you wanted to do a 100% completionist run you'd clock in at much over 40 hours. While that is certainly on the short side for JRPGs, personally I'm fine with it. For the majority of the 30+ hours I spent with the game I was solidly entertained, I'll take that any day over 100+ hours with most of them having me question my life choices leading up to that moment. I do understand the criticism of making this "episodic", but as stated, I have no nostalgic ties to the original. For me, it was a solid first entry into a series of games, the ending was satisfying enough to justify a "cutoff point" for a next game, and I'm very content with my purchase.

(now to check out the Japanese voicework - I guess it's time for another, perhaps more complete, run)

Manji Uzuki

Got to Wall Market yesterday. This game is amazing!

Some thoughts up to this point :
  • The music in this game is incredible for the most part of it. Not liking some of the new tracks, for instance the new Wall Market theme is crap. However I really like the song in the Sector 5 slums.
  • The Combat is lot of fun. Just got a bit frustrated with the Hell House which I thing has been the worse battle so far. It's a shame because the whole concept could have been lot cooler.
  • Corneo's Coliseum and the speakers are amazing. I really hope I can come back here later for more optional content.
  • So far the new content has been ok. Things like chapter 4 have been great but chapter 6 is the weakest so far.
  • About the graphical issues that some commented, the only really annoying thing so far has been the low quality slums in Chapter 6 which look really awful.
  • I think they nailed the main characters. They all look great and keep the spirit of the original game.
  • The changes in the story so far managed to keep me curios on how this will advance. Too early to say if those are good or not.
Looking forward to continue playing it!


Which still bring me to the point that this battle system is not about strategy, but about finding out what developers wanted you to do, so it becomes winnable.

there is only one strategy to win quickly it seems.
the system is not great because if you don't guess right it will only last too much , you will win and don't even have to learn.
the experience will fell meh because you win but it was long and tedious and don't understand why. it don't feel rewarding.

I'm still digesting 50+hours of gameplay but this battle system don't seems to know what it want to be (atb / not atb / real time / not real time...in fact it depends)
where it works best , one on one fights.
Where it doesn't work as soon as IA is involved
Imo the same combat system needs (better IA for some boss fight, the skull on its chariot come to mind first) atb filling on time and not if you use low dps attack (because IA don't fill the bar most of the time or At least for not controlled characters) and FFXII gambit system to let them use some skills on themselves (and not having to play aerith in the end because ZzzzZZzz)
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I am a virgin
I'm moving along in my first play through

I am very interested to see what the second and third games do in terms of plot...One of those things where they can fuck it up reallllll good but could be totally fine

Why they did the KH3 bull shit with the difficulty is beyond me


there is only one strategy to win quickly it seems.
the system is not great because if you don't guess right it will only last too much , you will win and don't even have to learn.
the experience will fell meh because you win but it was long and tedious and don't understand why. it don't feel rewarding.

I'm still digesting 50+hours of gameplay but this battle system don't seems to know what it want to be (atb / not atb / real time / not real time...in fact it depends)
where it works best , one on one fights.
Where it doesn't work as soon as IA is involved
Imo the same combat system needs (better IA for some boss fight, the skull on its chariot come to mind first) atb filling on time and not if you use low dps attack (because IA don't fill the bar most of the time or At least for not controlled characters) and FFXII gambit system to let them use some skills on themselves (and not having to play aerith in the end because ZzzzZZzz)

FFXII has the best battle system in the franchise.
This one is just bad.
People praising it don't even have any coherent view on why it's so good.


Also i have the perfect title for this game :

Final fantasy remake (destiny) 1.5
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Gold Member
Congrats on the wave of completion of the first playthroughs. I'm on Ch 15 atm. Its getting juicy, locked and ready for this finale. I say that now because real endings come at you fast and its good to pace yourself IMO.

I was looking at the multi-disc OST and SE wants like $75, which isn't terrible. I pre-ordered that Sephiroth figure, which looks cool. I've always wanted a figurine of Sephiroth and this is perfect.

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Darkness no more
Congrats on the wave of completion of the first playthroughs. I'm on Ch 15 atm. Its getting juicy, locked and ready for this finale. I say that now because real endings come at you fast and its good to pace yourself IMO.

I was looking at the multi-disc OST and SE wants like $75, which isn't terrible. I pre-ordered that Sephiroth figure, which looks cool. I've always wanted a figurine of Sephiroth and this is perfect.

I ordered the Cloud and Aerith figures. Didn't notice they had a Sephiroth one also. I wanted to grab the OST from SE store but it was sold out by the time I noticed they had one for sale. I might grab it off amazon.jp though which appears to still have stock.


Gay porn is where it's at.
this was a good game but that fucking ending....

why THE FUCK did they bring back Zack? this was completely unnecessary, i am 90% sure zack is gonna be the protagonist in part 2. also i can't help but feel aerith is gonna drop cloud like yesterday's garbage if she finds out zack is back


this was a good game but that fucking ending....

why THE FUCK did they bring back Zack? this was completely unnecessary, i am 90% sure zack is gonna be the protagonist in part 2. also i can't help but feel aerith is gonna drop cloud like yesterday's garbage if she finds out zack is back

imo that could be another game set in another time line they see because they beat destiny.


Running on like an hour of sleep, so probably not the best time to throw impressions down, but oh well!

I'm in the second to last chapter currently. Combat, mobs, playable character models, & animations have all been essentially a solid A+ for me, music coming in at A++ :) Big nostalgia bombs at so many points. For the most part, I've not minded the story tweaks/changes/additions, save Roche, which had me cringing every moment (I really enjoyed the motorcycle combat tho, surprised me!). The random texture issues & occasional low-res backgrounds have given me moments of o_0 but only moments. The oft-ugh side quests have their tradeoff, Iirc, in being worth doing for fairly good rewards, but sure would love to see some improvement here, ofc. Progression of materia, weapons, levels is great. If anything, I've felt there's been a lot of times where there isn't enough combat "naturally" occurring in the story/side quests...not sure if that makes sense, but it does in my mind right now!


Have you tried Barrier + Magnify to mitigate damage? Or saving your summon for the 2nd half of the fight? Carbuncle can buff all characters ATB speed until the battle ends (at least it seemed like it when I used him). Have your healer use the the refocus limit break, then spam prayer a bunch. Switch to Tifa if stuff is flying around quickly that you need to avoid. Honestly I've never heard someone have such struggles on a normal playthrough as you. Maybe just switch it to Easy for the fight? Doesn't change anything permanently, and doesn't matter for trophies. I think you may like the game better with less frustration over combat.

It's Aerith and Cloud, no Tifa, no Carbuncle. Barrier ends quickly. And then I don't have any ATB to recast it.
Refocus is a good idea, but not enough slots for materia.
I want to know why this fight is so easy on normal for any youtube player.
If I had the same hell house they have, I would finish it in 2 minutes.
Everybody ignores that, for some strange reason.

Oh in that case they aren't immune/resistant, they're parrying your attacks. In that situation you just have to either back off or use magic. And uh, your melee characters will definitely jump up into the sky to fight aerial enemies if you can get under them....Hell, if you put 2 Chi charges into Tifa then she will BEAT the FUCK out of aerial enemies, seriously she does so much damage.

And as for blocking.....no dude it's a significant reduction in damage. Try blocking a move vs. getting hit raw/failing a dodge and see the massive difference in HP you're left with.

Splash damage on charging attacks has the same damage if you guard. Tested.
Yes, you can guard the "regular" charge, but not the splash one.
I'm talking about Cloud/Aerith combo.

1) God House Mode means you can't do any damage, but you can still gain ATB. Get some charges and then back off. What you're gonna wanna do is wait until he drops it and then hit him with an opposite element attack.

2) IIRC with the exception of the chair salvo attack, ALL of the houses moves can be avoided. Back up when he starts charging at you and be ready to dodge to the side when he's coming your way, it's not as hard as it looks.

3) as far as i know, unless you're already on his ass when he's charging Hospitality, he's going to take someone. Make sure they'll survive, switch characters, and use the opportunity to get some damage in.

1. That's again a good theory. In practice when it drops god house mode for 5 seconds you cannot even cast magic in time. Heck I couldn't even limit break, when the break launched god house mode was up and cross slash did a stunning 20 (twenty) damage!
Yes I know that on youtube it drops god house mode for like 15-30 seconds or so, plenty of time to stagger it. Not in my case.

2. Again good theory (btw, what happened to "you need to guard and not use twitch moves" strategy? is is a fucking dark souls now?)
But if you dodge it will just continue charging at you, trust me I've tried it multiple times.
I can tell you what works. Guard when it charges at you. when it rams you, it will do half damage. Then immediately evade to avoid the splash attack. That's the only strategy that works. (yes, it's a fucking dark souls style crap)
Again nobody in this thread mentioned it, because nobody had the "hard" mode house here.

3. It uses renewed hospitality on me. I.e. it will heal the fucking house all the fucking time.
So the strategy that works: let it grab Aerith. Attack it to fill ATB, then use a Breaker skill with Cloud to interrupt its healing and free Aerith.
Nothing else works, nothing.


I’m slowly starting to get the hang of the combat... I think. I think my two main problems/mistakes so far has been that I’ve not analyzed enemy weaknesses properly and that I’ve panicked too easily.

Last night I got to the Hell House fighting, and though I made it quite far into the fight, I must’ve used like 5 or 6 Phoenix Downs, before I eventually died, said “fuck this shit” and went to bed. This morning before work I did a quick google search on the matter and tried again. It was over after 10 minutes or so, without using a single Phoenix Down, and while I hate myself for having to google shit like this, it still felt satisfying to easily defeat something which felt impossible the night before.
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Gold Member
Finally jumping in on this. That intro...



wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Stuff I've noticed that are good for each character (that you guys have probably already noticed)

Cloud: Triple Slash great for trash mobs. Infinity End has a long wind-up but does SO MUCH fucking damage on a staggered enemy. You can end boss fights this way if you are smart with saving your ATB charges. Punisher Mode parry is amazing for 3 enemies in particular: those agile ninja-esque guys at the beginning of the game, the 3rd class SOLDIER enemies, and even the helicopter arm guys (Aero does way more damage to them but it tends to miss)

Barret: Give him Provoke. He is the ultimate damage-taker. Also his melee weapons suck but maybe I'm just not using him correctly. For some flying enemies I will switch to him even if he doesn't do the most damage. I didn't even get a damage-dealing long range Ability until Shinra HQ.

Tifa: Chi Trap devastates groups of small enemies. If you have an ATB bar of hers and dunno what else to do with it if you don't need her to cast a spell, Chi Trap is usually a good one to settle on.

Aerith is mostly just like the original. Magic damage dealer & magic healer. I haven't really used her Abilities.


Jesus, Barret cant hit a barn with his firearm.
when rude runs to control panel

Time to change careers buddy.


The solo time you spend with Aerith is lovely. Every moment these two have together is adorable and I'm glad I did the side quests of Sector 5 for the Wall Market segment, lol.

Kinda wanted to see Aerith and Tifa "rip them off."
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It's been 15 minutes since the ending credits faded and I received my trophy for completing the main story, yet my jaw remains dropped to the floor, in fact it's dropped below the floor and deep into the crevices of my floorboards and right down to the foundations of my house.
I just beat the game and I totally get you, bro.
Loved the game.


It's Aerith and Cloud, no Tifa, no Carbuncle. Barrier ends quickly. And then I don't have any ATB to recast it.
Refocus is a good idea, but not enough slots for materia.
I want to know why this fight is so easy on normal for any youtube player.
If I had the same hell house they have, I would finish it in 2 minutes.
Everybody ignores that, for some strange reason.

Oh, so you're stuck on the house boss....okay makes sense now. The boss was not easy for anyone, he's a hard boss. In fact he's basically like a strategy check. FF7R's "Demon Wall" moment i guess.

Refocus is okay for this fight but thats for you to judge. I made sure to hold on to Healing Wind for clutch moments since sometimes ATB was hard to charge. Only use Refocus if you're confident you can keep that person alive. If you don't have enough materia slots, either buy gear that has more or upgrade your weapons and prioritize materia slots, because having materia in this fight for counter spells is more important than having high stats.

If you have some left and used up all your spots, you can go to Chadley and reset a weapon, but that really shouldn't be necessary -- it really just sounds like you need to git gud.
Splash damage on charging attacks has the same damage if you guard. Tested.
Yes, you can guard the "regular" charge, but not the splash one.
I'm talking about Cloud/Aerith combo.

Are you talking about the aerial move where he flies around for a few seconds and then power bombs you?

That move is intended to be interrupted, not eaten -- he's going to float around in god, drop barrier, and switch to an element. Blast him with whichever spell and it will cancel the attack....otherwise you gonna have to tank it.

You aren't supposed to be trying to tank that move. Like i said, this fight was a strategy check. If you tried to brute-force this boss, that phase is just there to make your life really fucking hard, but if you've been paying attention then the fight should be pretty much over by the time he starts using that.

The only difficult part of that phase is making sure you have ATB+MP to actually interrupt the attack. But once he starts charging, all you have to do is blast him with magic, and he stands perfectly still so its really easy to interrupt (unlike other phases where you have to hit with Wind/Ice and he moves before it detonates.)
1. That's again a good theory. In practice when it drops god house mode for 5 seconds you cannot even cast magic in time. Heck I couldn't even limit break, when the break launched god house mode was up and cross slash did a stunning 20 (twenty) damage!
Yes I know that on youtube it drops god house mode for like 15-30 seconds or so, plenty of time to stagger it. Not in my case.

God House Mode has different windows depending on the current phase you're in, it does that to trip you up. Adapt and look for a better opening.
2. Again good theory (btw, what happened to "you need to guard and not use twitch moves" strategy? is is a fucking dark souls now?)
But if you dodge it will just continue charging at you, trust me I've tried it multiple times.
I can tell you what works. Guard when it charges at you. when it rams you, it will do half damage. Then immediately evade to avoid the splash attack. That's the only strategy that works. (yes, it's a fucking dark souls style crap)
Again nobody in this thread mentioned it, because nobody had the "hard" mode house here.

The one where he's on the ground, you can absolutely dodge that, you never have to be hit by that move.

Just pay attention. He's going to track you up until about 1-2 seconds before he actually moves. Keep moving and when he stops tracking, dodge out the way....but you should literally just be able to run.

3. It uses renewed hospitality on me. I.e. it will heal the fucking house all the fucking time.
So the strategy that works: let it grab Aerith. Attack it to fill ATB, then use a Breaker skill with Cloud to interrupt its healing and free Aerith.
Nothing else works, nothing.

1) avoid the attack, free window
2) use Lightning Magic while he's casting. Huge damage + stagger + interrupts
3) let it grab whomever he's targeting and use the opening for damage.

That's 3 strategies for 1 move that really isn't even that big of a deal. IMO it's the easiest of his attacks to deal with because Lightning has no travel/detonate time.

You do not have a "different boss", that's nonsense, you just aren't adapting to the game.

You have all the tools and then some to beat the boss, you just seem determined on blaming the game at you not being able to beat him. Which is silly, because this is still an RPG -- you could always just go grind a few levels and come back.

Moments like these are why developers don't actually put difficult fights into RPGs anymore. It's either "too easy" or "its badly designed because i can't win"
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