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Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD Remaster |OT| G - A - F in position, it's showtime gurlz!


I see, thanks for the explanations. One last thing:
Is Fayth:Aeon 1:1, or can a Fayth dream of many Aeons? If so, then is Tidus technically the Aeon of that Bahamut kid? I looked up the wiki and it said Aeons are some sort of physical manifestations of the Fayth itself.


Is it just me or does "Off" work exactly the same as "Default" in X-2 for the dressphere changes? "Short" is the only one that works.
Tidus is being summoned by one of the Fayth in the wall at Gagazet, just like the rest of Zanarkand I'd assume.

Haven't tried off but if it's your first time seeing the transition between two specific dresspheres it will always show the full length one.


ffx story/lore spoilers:

If Tidus was living in
dream zanarkand, how did he witness the destruction of zanarkand? Was the real zanarkand destroyed by Sin (because I think rikku said that on the al bhed boat) or was it destroyed by Bevelle? And did Sin-Jecht destroy the dream zanarkand (which was out at sea somewhere?) And why do the people in Bevelle worship the ancient Zanarkand high summoner when Bevelle won the war?


Is it just me or does "Off" work exactly the same as "Default" in X-2 for the dressphere changes? "Short" is the only one that works.

Off does work, except the first time you change from one Dressphere to another it shows you the full animation regardless of your settings. Have it set to off and after a while you'll stop seeing any changes at all.


ffx story/lore spoilers:

If Tidus was living in
dream zanarkand, how did he witness the destruction of zanarkand? Was the real zanarkand destroyed by Sin (because I think rikku said that on the al bhed boat) or was it destroyed by Bevelle? And did Sin-Jecht destroy the dream zanarkand (which was out at sea somewhere?) And why do the people in Bevelle worship the ancient Zanarkand high summoner when Bevelle won the war?
He witnessed the destruction of Zanarkand because Sin is programmed to destroy cities with large concentrations of machina, so it destroyed the summoned "Dream" Zanarkand, which is inconsequential really since the fayth would just summon it again. I think that's the generally accepted reasoning behind it. It could have been other things such as Jecht going to Zanarkand in order to force Tidus into Spira so he could eventually end the cycle. Auron travels to Zanarkand with Sin at that point and communicates with Jecht/Sin just before they get sucked up into it as well.

The real Zanarkand was destroyed when Yu Yevon first summoned Sin, he couldn't control it so it destroyed the city. I believe it's mentioned somewhere that some Bevelle troops climbing Gagazet saw Sin destroy Zanarkand.

People worship Yevon because of Yu Yevon's daughter Yunalesca and the whole Final Summoning bullshit they created. The people of Bevelle thought Sin was Yu Yevon's revenge on them so they made a deal to follow and spread the religion in order to appease him. As far as people know at the time of the game though, Yevon is the religion that helps them fight against and keeps them safe from being completely destroyed by Sin.

I hope that's not too confusing haha.
ffx story/lore spoilers:

If Tidus was living in
dream zanarkand, how did he witness the destruction of zanarkand? Was the real zanarkand destroyed by Sin (because I think rikku said that on the al bhed boat) or was it destroyed by Bevelle? And did Sin-Jecht destroy the dream zanarkand (which was out at sea somewhere?) And why do the people in Bevelle worship the ancient Zanarkand high summoner when Bevelle won the war?

The real Zanarkand was destroyed by Sin 1000 years ago and that's what Rikku and the rest of Spira know as history. The Zanarkand that Tidus saw destroyed was the dream version. The dream Zanarkand was detroyed by Jecht and I assume he did it to force Tidus on his journey. You are told during the game that Jecht is destroying things when Tidus is around so he can see what Sin is/does and give him motivation to stop him.


The dream Zanarkand was detroyed by Jecht and I assume he did it to force Ridus on his journey. You are told during the game that JechtIis destroying things when Tidus is around so he can see what Sin is/does and five him motivation to stop him.
Yeah that's what I've always thought too (Mentioned it briefly in my post above) but people seem to stand by the
"he destroys any cities with lots of machina so he can't distinguish that it's Zanarkand" theory, which doesn't make sense to me since his other objective from Yu Yevon is to defend the summoned Zanarkand.


Does Armour Break work on him?
I don't think so. I'm doing 9999 damage on him with the capture weapons, so it is likely not necessary.

try this method instead:
It was easier and quicker for me than doing the crater trick.
Interesting. I'll see if I fail at that one too.

Slow, Threaten, and Silence work wonders.

Or Valefor.
I'll try those. Valefor won't work due to the capturing thing.


I'm at the stage where I'm just farming orbs/capturing remaining monsters (final boss beaten and stuff). Should I farm the best orbs, or should I just heck it all and just grind out magic def spheres to fill the sphere grid? It's like...I have beaten the final boss and all, but I'm just stuck not knowing whether I really want to max out my characters, or just yojimbo everything and go for the plat >.>

Anyone experienced anything similar to me?
I never played FF before and started.. but waiting for my vita copy to come in before continuing. I was wondering, is there post game play after the final boss? I'm wondering if I should worry about missable collectibles since I'm just going to play for fun on my first playthrough

It looks like post above me answered my question.


I never played FF before and started.. but waiting for my vita copy to come in before continuing. I was wondering, is there post game play after the final boss? I'm wondering if I should worry about missable collectibles since I'm just going to play for fun on my first playthrough

It looks like post above me answered my question.

Only missable trophy is the Master Linguist. Just don't miss the Al Bhed Primers (3 at
and one just before
you enter the Belleve temple


I never played FF before and started.. but waiting for my vita copy to come in before continuing. I was wondering, is there post game play after the final boss? I'm wondering if I should worry about missable collectibles since I'm just going to play for fun on my first playthrough

It looks like post above me answered my question.

Well, no, if you beat the boss then all you can do is load you latest save if you want to play more on that file.


I'm at the stage where I'm just farming orbs/capturing remaining monsters (final boss beaten and stuff). Should I farm the best orbs, or should I just heck it all and just grind out magic def spheres to fill the sphere grid? It's like...I have beaten the final boss and all, but I'm just stuck not knowing whether I really want to max out my characters, or just yojimbo everything and go for the plat >.>

Anyone experienced anything similar to me?

Have in mind you'll have to kill Dark Yojimbo the normal way. Unless you get extremely lucky and manage to Zanmato him 5 times in a row.


I have a question, it has probably been asked and answered before but I'm hoping someone can help! With the monster arena, capturing the fiends, do you have to capture 10 of each find in every area to 100% and get the platinum? Thanks!


I have a question, it has probably been asked and answered before but I'm hoping someone can help! With the monster arena, capturing the fiends, do you have to capture 10 of each find in every area to 100% and get the platinum? Thanks!

Yes, it's required to unlock Nemesis, who you need to beat for a Gold trophy.
ok so I did the Chocobo race (the one under remiem temple) this morning, and I got the 5 chest trophy.

However, despite getting five chests and winning I still got a potion! Is this common, did I screw something else up?
You hit one of the coloured light posts.

Ok, that's not terrible at least and with a good path, I can probably do it again.

Though I will probably wait until I have some celestial weapons before I get back up on that Chocobo...

Thank you very much!

2 down (hard minigame trophies) 2 to go (lightening and Butterflies)


Ok, that's not terrible at least and with a good path, I can probably do it again.

Though I will probably wait until I have some celestial weapons before I get back up on that Chocobo...

Thank you very much!

2 down (hard minigame trophies) 2 to go (lightening and Butterflies)

The 5 chest prize isn't even worth it. The 4 chest prize is though, grab that, should be easy if you got the trophy.
Have in mind you'll have to kill Dark Yojimbo the normal way. Unless you get extremely lucky and manage to Zanmato him 5 times in a row.

Thankfully Yojimbo is defeatable with just the stats on the normal sphere grid + "free" stat spheres.

Luck(x5), Aim(x5), block all of his attacks with Aeons, Quick hit him/overdrive him to death.

Touch the save sphere, and repeat. It's a slow kill this way, because of how much Quick Hit will miss, but it will hit enough to kill him before you run out of Aeons to block with, and that's all that matters.


Ok, which idiot designed the way to get to the first switch in Leblanc's mansion?

Any way to get the spike wall to pop back without loading my previous save (which is before entering the mansion... I don't really want to watch all thos euseless scenes again) ?

Edit: ok, saved and reloaded, it was enough. God is that a dumb and unlogical way to go up.
Only missable trophy is the Master Linguist. Just don't miss the Al Bhed Primers (3 at
and one just before
you enter the Belleve temple

Thank you, I'll be sure to keep this in mind

Well, no, if you beat the boss then all you can do is load you latest save if you want to play more on that file.

That would've been my option if it didn't have "post-game play." Thank you
Yeah that's what I've always thought too (Mentioned it briefly in my post above) but people seem to stand by the
"he destroys any cities with lots of machina so he can't distinguish that it's Zanarkand" theory, which doesn't make sense to me since his other objective from Yu Yevon is to defend the summoned Zanarkand.

The story very clearly tells you what is happening with Sin and Tidus. I think it's Auron that flat out tells you which means it's only logical that it was Jecht who attacked Tidus' Zanarkand and why. I don't see how people could think of it another way lol


Been having Flame Flan attack Tidus for almost 2 hours now trying to get Yuna and Kimahri to learn the Comrade overdrive mode. Is it supposed to take this long?
Who was the wise guy who thought making the player do that weird "collect 10 items" thing before every single attempt at the final boss of X was a good idea?

Made me stop trying last night because it was so annoying to do that ON TOP of unskippable cutscenes. Oh well, finally beat him this morning!


Okay so in the chamber where you get Anima and I'm missing 2 destruction spheres.


X's are the statues I'm missing the destruction sphere for in the temple. Which temples are those for?
whats a good team for the Don Tonberry Ap trick
Yuna and Wakka both have an AP weapons
Tidus will be sacrifice(not surprised)
who should get the third weapon until
Ultima Buster
farming(unless Tidus needs one too)
Am I the only one who got the feels at the final boss rather than the ending itself?

"You'll cry. You're gonna cry. You always cry, see? You're crying."

So good. I love how they handled that whole scene in there.

whats a good team for the Don Tonberry Ap trick
Yuna and Wakka both have an AP weapons
Tidus will be sacrifice(not surprised)
who should get the third weapon until Ultima Buster farming(unless Tidus needs one too)

Only thing you need is the ''sacrifice'' with the most kills (usually Tidus) and the two others can be anyone. Of course if you only have AP weapons for some it makes sense to use them.


Okay so in the chamber where you get Anima and I'm missing 2 destruction spheres.


X's are the statues I'm missing the destruction sphere for in the temple. Which temples are those for?

I think the bottom left is Zanarkand, middle right Macalania, but don't quote me on that.
Edit: or not.

whats a good team for the Don Tonberry Ap trick
Yuna and Wakka both have an AP weapons
Tidus will be sacrifice(not surprised)
who should get the third weapon until
Ultima Buster
farming(unless Tidus needs one too)

Only those who have the AP Weapons will get the AP.
So unless you don't want to have the sacrifice getting levels, he should get the weapon too. But if he doesn't have one, the other two will still get the AP boost.
I think the bottom left is Zanarkand, middle right Macalania, but don't quote me on that.
Edit: or not.

Only those who have the AP Weapons will get the AP.
So unless you don't want to have the sacrifice getting levels, he should get the weapon too. But if he doesn't have one, the other two will still get the AP boost.

mmk after i get enough kills for karma ill get him one as well


Looking at the full Dressphere Menu, I notice that the menu would have enough space to accommodate four additional spheres without messing up the design layout.

As you can see in my edited image I scrapped together.

I was thinking maybe 4 Master Spheres, special dresspheres only available if several jobs were mastered.

1) Red Mage = Black+White Mage ability set on one job.
2) Sword Master = Dark Knight + Warrior set
3) Gun Expert = Gun Mage + Gunner

I really don't know what a good 4th combination would be.

I know none of this actually happens, but it's nice to dream though.


It makes me strangely happy when Yuna hits for 99999 damage with that little rod of hers clearly designed to one-hit kill gargantuan Iron giants and Barbatos.
whats a good team for the Don Tonberry Ap trick
Yuna and Wakka both have an AP weapons
Tidus will be sacrifice(not surprised)
who should get the third weapon until
Ultima Buster
farming(unless Tidus needs one too)

Personally I didn't bother waiting for Ultima Buster, I just farmed One Eye for Triple AP weapons and then put my own Double Overdrive and Overdrive -> AP on them. Just from the materials you get for unlocking some monster arena characters, you can put Double/Triple OD and Overdrive -> AP on everyone's weapons yourself.


Damn, I need 6 more tonberrys and 2 more Valahas in the cavern of the stolen fayth to complete this area. All i am getting are thorns and imps & epaajs. Is there a way to effect this at all?

Also, lolz I accidentally triggered dark yojimbo and died before even getting to make a move.


Damn, I need 6 more tonberrys and 2 more Valahas in the cavern of the stolen fayth to complete this area. All i am getting are thorns and imps & epaajs. Is there a way to effect this at all?

Also, lolz I accidentally triggered dark yojimbo and died before even getting to make a move.

In the first fork in the road take the road that leads to the right until you get into a green room. Just run around inside there to find the Tonberrys. If that doesn't work do a soft reset and go back inside that green room


Damn, I need 6 more tonberrys and 2 more Valahas in the cavern of the stolen fayth to complete this area. All i am getting are thorns and imps & epaajs. Is there a way to effect this at all?

Also, lolz I accidentally triggered dark yojimbo and died before even getting to make a move.

The first cross-roads in the cave with four paths, take the right path to a green room. You'll get a lot of Tonberry's. Valaha appeared best for me at the entrance.


Just EPCOM'd every place except Bevelle. Got Mascot. Only got Via Infinito left, then Monster Master.

What's a good team for a quick Blitzball win in X-2?


So I've put 19 hours into X at the moment, just arrived at Macalania Woods (Dunno if that's fast or slow?), and normally I've gone for the standard route on everyone on the sphere grid, but this time I've really gone for it and I have some decent results. Wakka for one, is as good a mage as Lulu, albeit with less MP. Tidus and Kimahri have steal. Everyone has one or two extract sphere abilities (Thank god for extract ability!), Auron and Kimahri got haste before Tidus (Who still hasn't got it) as well as two sets of Nul element on Lulu and Yuna. It's made things much easier haha.
Personally I didn't bother waiting for Ultima Buster, I just farmed One Eye for Triple AP weapons and then put my own Double Overdrive and Overdrive -> AP on them. Just from the materials you get for unlocking some monster arena characters, you can put Double/Triple OD and Overdrive -> AP on everyone's weapons yourself.

99 formulas isnt enough for every character to have an AP weapons -_-
besides maxed stats Yuna will curbstomp Ultima Buster
shouldnt take too long
99 formulas isnt enough for every character to have an AP weapons -_-
besides maxed stats Yuna will curbstomp Ultima Buster
should take too long

You get 99 Winning Formula for catching 1 of each monster, that's enough for 3 Triple Overdrives.

You get 99 Underdog's Secret for getting all 26 Al Bhed Primers, that's enough for 3 Double Overdrives.

Double Overdrive is plenty to still level up very quickly. Either method is fine, but personally I found some of the monsters in Omega Ruins and Sin pretty difficult, and I didn't feel like capturing 5 of them with weak characters, so this method was much easier for me.
You get 99 Winning Formula for catching 1 of each monster, that's enough for 3 Triple Overdrives.

You get 99 Underdog's Secret for getting all 26 Al Bhed Primers, that's enough for 3 Double Overdrives.

Double Overdrive is plenty to still level up very quickly. Either method is fine, but personally I found some of the monsters in Omega Ruins and Sin pretty difficult, and I didn't feel like capturing 5 of them with weak characters, so this method was much easier for me.

that leaves one character without
though i guess i could just bribe a sandworm by then
that leaves one character without
though i guess i could just bribe a sandworm by then

For the last character you can wait for Ultima Buster :) Personally I just wanted to get my team up a little bit so I could handle the omega ruins and some of the creations with ease, and I jsut neglected the last character (Kimahri) until I felt like grinding out more of the monster arena.
For the last character you can wait for Ultima Buster :) Personally I just wanted to get my team up a little bit so I could handle the omega ruins and some of the creations with ease, and I jsut neglected the last character (Kimahri) until I felt like grinding out more of the monster arena.

lol according to karma yea i dont use him much
The first time I tried it up I messed up at 183 dodges :( Was super pissed. The next time I messed up at 95 and I almost went ballistic. Did it on the 3rd try though.

If I messed up at 183 there would be no second time haha. Then again, there's no first time for me either, I just can't muster the effort to try and do it. It sounds sooo tedious.
If I messed up at 183 there would be no second time haha. Then again, there's no first time for me either, I just can't muster the effort to try and do it. It sounds sooo tedious.

If there hadn't been a trophy for it, I wouldn't have tried. But in the grand scheme of things, it's really nothing compared to the rest of the stuff people are grinding for. Even with a few failed attempts, it's not going to take you more than 30 minutes. And you're probably spending 30 hours on the monster arena and postgame stuff anyway. If you get it the first time it's like 15 minutes.
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