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Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD Remaster |OT| G - A - F in position, it's showtime gurlz!

Just beat Nemesis. This was my stopping point back when I played this on PS2, but I figure I might as well try to fill out the sphere grid and then Zanmato Penance and finish off the platinum. What's the fastest way to farm purple spheres to fill in empty nodes on the sphere grid? I've been doing Agility spheres from Fenrir, but is there something faster? Magic Def from One Eye maybe?

BTW, in case anyone is curious, I found a faster way to kill Earth Eater than the Attack Reels method. Ironically, it's the brute force method. Get 3 people up to 255 Strength and Magic Def, put Auto-Haste and Auto-Phoenix on them, then literally just hit X until he dies. I actually timed it, it's 2 minutes flat this way, whereas with the Attack Reels method (or any other method that involves Overdrives), it's at least 3 minutes, mostly due to the Overdrive animations (even if you set the Overdrive mode to short). You can get the 2 minutes down even more if you put Auto-Shell on the people, because that reduces the amount of time you have to spend watching the Auto-Phoenix animation. You could probably get it down to 1:30 if everyone had Auto-Shell.


Tidus, Auron, and Wakka are fine, Haven't really used Rikku in this battle, though I guess I should use her to buff my characters quickly...

If it comes down to it, you could always Mix a Trio of 9999 so everyone does 9999 damage per hit. Makes Blitz Ace and Attack Reels ridiculous.




Don't have Auto-Life. I wonder if I should grind Yuna to get it, but I kind of just want to be over this game at this point =\. It doesn't help that Yuna and/or Lulu is one shotted if they're attacked physically by this boss. I think I tried like 5 times now, and it's a pain especially with the cutscenes and all that.

You don't really need Auto-Life. The boss is balanced for characters that have completed their section of the Sphere Grid, so that's a good goal if you haven't reached it yet.

Eliminate the Yu Pagodas with Doublecast and definitely use Protect.

My HDTV has a 'Game Mode' that allows the PS3's input to bypass a couple of the processors.

You sacrifice a little bit of image quality for a huge decrease in lag. I only just discovered it, and I've tried it - with Wakka and Tidus' overdrives and it makes the world of difference.

You should all check your TV's too :))



My HDTV has a 'Game Mode' that allows the PS3's input to bypass a couple of the processors.

You sacrifice a little bit of image quality for a huge decrease in lag. I only just discovered it, and I've tried it - with Wakka and Tidus' overdrives and it makes the world of difference.

You should all check your TV's too :))

Pretty sure we talked about this on like Page 3 lol


I wrote a trophy guide and roadmap on playstationtrophies.org for X-2, if anyone wants info and advice on how to platinum the game. Since no one else was doing it, I decided to. I will submit it once I've gone over it another few hundred times and hopefully get screenshots from the game for some trophies.


Just in time for me getting the X Platinum. Should have it either Today or Tomorrow
There is no fucking way I'm going for the X-2 Platinum


I finally made peace with my extreme ineptitude at Chocobo Catcher. Once I got all the dark matters for capturing five of each monster, first thing I did was make an Excalibur (Break Damage Limit) sword for Tidus. It's no CW, but it's getting the job done.

For whatever reason, I don't mind grinding the arena creations for spheres and sphere levels for hours at a time. But I just couldn't take the race anymore. Probably because there's no tangible progress, unlike gaining a sphere, or gil, or AP. It's binary; you succeed or you start over. And at some point, I stopped getting better at it.

Weird how some things just don't click for certain people -- when other people find them trivial. That's just one of those things for me. I'm not good at it, and I don't enjoy getting good at it. Kind of a relief to give up on it.


I finally made peace with my extreme ineptitude at Chocobo Catcher. Once I got all the dark matters for capturing five of each monster, first thing I did was make an Excalibur (Break Damage Limit) sword for Tidus. It's no CW, but it's getting the job done.

For whatever reason, I don't mind grinding the arena creations for spheres and sphere levels for hours at a time. But I just couldn't take the race anymore. Probably because there's no tangible progress, unlike gaining a sphere, or gil, or AP. It's binary; you succeed or you start over. And at some point, I stopped getting better at it.

Weird how some things just don't click for certain people -- when other people find them trivial. That's just one of those things for me. I'm not good at it, and I don't enjoy getting good at it. Kind of a relief to give up on it.

Not really questioning the skill, cause I know some people have a horrific time with it, but...

You did at least use the directional pad rather than the stick, right?


If it comes down to it, you could always Mix a Trio of 9999 so everyone does 9999 damage per hit. Makes Blitz Ace and Attack Reels ridiculous.

Yeah, I might have to go and get the stuff necessary to mix Trio of 9999.

You don't really need Auto-Life. The boss is balanced for characters that have completed their section of the Sphere Grid, so that's a good goal if you haven't reached it yet.

Eliminate the Yu Pagodas with Doublecast and definitely use Protect.

I think of the characters I'm using in this battle (mainly just Tidus, Auron, Lulu, and Yuna), only Yuna hasn't reached the end. THat's something to work for, I guess. And as I kill the Pagodas, they get stronger each time they revive, so I might have to rethink that.

Just can't believe I'm having such a hard time with this guy. I even did the Magus Sister's Overdrive twice yesterday and it still didn't kill him off.


I think of the characters I'm using in this battle (mainly just Tidus, Auron, Lulu, and Yuna), only Yuna hasn't reached the end. THat's something to work for, I guess. And as I kill the Pagodas, they get stronger each time they revive, so I might have to rethink that.

Just remember that other than Summons, pretty much everything Yuna does can be done by Rikku. Healing can be done with items. Mega-Potions and X-Potions are your friend.

Get Protect, Shell, and Haste up. Regen if you want. Switch to Comrade Overdrive for everyone. Use them when you get them. If you still don't think you can take the hit, Defend before BFA's turn.

Don't use "attack." Use "Quick Hit." If you have a Three Stars item (reduces party's MP cost to 0), use it to make it easier.


I think of the characters I'm using in this battle (mainly just Tidus, Auron, Lulu, and Yuna), only Yuna hasn't reached the end. THat's something to work for, I guess. And as I kill the Pagodas, they get stronger each time they revive, so I might have to rethink that.

The Yu Pagodas revive with their HP adjusted to whatever damage they took before they died. You either need to keep doing more and more damage to kill them, or do a constant amount of damage. Hitting for 9999 helps a lot. (Yuna with Magic Booster should suffice, Lulu is probably a bit too weak)

Oh, and make sure you use Auron's Break skills, preferably with Banishing Blade. Power Break especially. If the Yu Pagodas are alive, they will dispel them each turn.


Not really questioning the skill, cause I know some people have a horrific time with it, but...

You did at least use the directional pad rather than the stick, right?

That's a fair question! I did. And it did help -- as much as anything could. I'm sure, at some point, I'll revisit the game and try again. Just not this go-through.
Not really questioning the skill, cause I know some people have a horrific time with it, but...

You did at least use the directional pad rather than the stick, right?

It's very luck-based. Moreso than skill. For starters, you have to have a good layout on the starting ramp. If you don't have 4 or 5 balloons on the starting ramp, forget about it. And even if you do, if you don't get at least 4 on the starting ramp, probably forget about it. Winning the race is more about just doing it until you get the perfect layout.


I've just won the blitzball tournament in Luca (first time you play). How soon again can I start playing blitzball? Won't let me recruit anyone in Luca just now.


It's very luck-based. Moreso than skill. For starters, you have to have a good layout on the starting ramp. If you don't have 4 or 5 balloons on the starting ramp, forget about it. And even if you do, if you don't get at least 4 on the starting ramp, probably forget about it. Winning the race is more about just doing it until you get the perfect layout.

I know it involves a ton of luck, that's why I wasn't questioning his skill. But if you are using the analog stick you are deliberately hindering your success even if you got a lucky layout of balloons.


I only got under 10 seconds once (3.2, I think) -- and it was all due to luck. There was indeed a lucky layout of balloons, and I don't know how some of the birds missed me. (And there is no question as to my skill: it's terrible!)

I'm sure that, given enough plays, I'd happen upon the perfect combo of a lucky layout, fortune with the birds, and a halfway decent run by me. Someday...
Gave up on trying to catch all the enemies last night. The spawn rate for Machea was driving me nuts.

In the end I did everything but:

1. Chocobo Catcher
2. Lightning Dodger
3. Butterfly Catcher part 2 (I did 1 of the 2)
4. The two ultimate bosses
5. The Dark Aeon's outside of Valefor
6. Unlocking Tidus' final Overdrive

75+ hours into the game though. Not too bad.

My HDTV has a 'Game Mode' that allows the PS3's input to bypass a couple of the processors.

You sacrifice a little bit of image quality for a huge decrease in lag. I only just discovered it, and I've tried it - with Wakka and Tidus' overdrives and it makes the world of difference.

You should all check your TV's too :))

My TV has the lowest input lag of any HDTV on the market, and the only way I can get a 12 hit Attack Reels is by manually counting in my head.


Dammit, I am going to beat Penance tonight, then finish the Platinum. I've even got a ton of MDEF spheres ready to replace the Luck ones!
My TV has the lowest input lag of any HDTV on the market, and the only way I can get a 12 hit Attack Reels is by manually counting in my head.

the input lag on my TV is pretty bad. But when you out it in Game Mode - it's as responsive as the PS2 version - I promise you. I got 12 on Attack Reels first try. It does come at the expense of some of the visual quality though.
the input lag on my TV is pretty bad. But when you out it in Game Mode - it's as responsive as the PS2 version - I promise you. I got 12 on Attack Reels first try. It does come at the expense of some of the visual quality though.

My point is that even with a 0 input lag, it's still hard as hell to hit Attack Reels. It's easier to just count in your head.

That being said, Game Mode definitely makes a difference.
My point is that even with a 0 input lag, it's still hard as hell to hit Attack Reels. It's easier to just count in your head.

That being said, Game Mode definitely makes a difference.

Oh I misunderstood, my bad :)

Yeah 12 is a bitch. For me I managed to find a sort of pattern/rhythm to be able to get it right most of the time. It's pretty much impossible to judge by sight though, you're right. But with the input lag, my rhythm didn't work either.
I have a few questions about stat maxing, I want to go the Zanmatou Route and currently have Strength Magic and both Defenses at 255, Agility at 175, Luck at 40 and both Accuracy and Evaision at about 150.

Should I Up Accuracy and Evasion to 255? Or is that a waste of time? Same question with Agility, I heard it doesn't matter once you hit 170.


I have a few questions about stat maxing, I want to go the Zanmatou Route and currently have Strength Magic and both Defenses at 255, Agility at 175, Luck at 40 and both Accuracy and Evaision at about 150.

Should I Up Accuracy and Evasion to 255? Or is that a waste of time? Same question with Agility, I heard it doesn't matter once you hit 170.

Since you're using Zanmato, you just need stats high enough to defeat Dark Yojimbo. Raise your Luck to 60 and you're set. Your Defense, Magic Defense, Evasion, and Accuracy don't matter.
Since you're using Zanmato, you just need stats high enough to defeat Dark Yojimbo. Raise your Luck to 60 and you're set. Your Defense, Magic Defense, Evasion, and Accuracy don't matter.

Keep agility at 175 as well? And just fill the rest with Magic defense that I have from One-Eye?


How grind heavy is X-2 if I just want to play through the main story? Is it relatively light like P4G or more involved?

There is absolutely no grinding. FFX-2 is very easy.

Keep agility at 175 as well? And just fill the rest with Magic defense that I have from One-Eye?

Your Agility is fine. Anything above 170 Agility only affects starting turn order. You can then fill the board with Magic Defense for your achievement, yes.

I should note than once your Luck is in a good spot, your stats are good enough to beat every Dark Aeon and Penance, no need to use Zanmato.
There is absolutely no grinding. FFX-2 is very easy.

Your Agility is fine. Anything above 170 Agility only affects starting turn order. You can then fill the board with Magic Defense for your achievement, yes.

I should note than once your Luck is in a good spot, your stats are good enough to beat every Dark Aeon and Penance, no need to use Zanmato.

Alright thanks a lot! I'll try beating the Dark Aeons without, but Penance seems like such a huge drag. :D
Is there some kind of glitch with getting Blitz Ace in this version? I'm almost positive I've used Tidus' overdrive like 200 times and still don't have it.
Is there some kind of glitch with getting Blitz Ace in this version? I'm almost positive I've used Tidus' overdrive like 200 times and still don't have it.

I know you can't learn Overdrive *Modes* in the Monster Arena, although I'm not sure if the same is true for actual Overdrives. I learned this the hard way after trying to get Avenger by just hitting triangle against one of the tougher monsters with Auto-Phoenix.


Gah, interrupted by my wife AGAIN!

This time I made sure to be at 5 on an arm...game is paused until she heads out.

EDIT: I am my own worst enemy. I paused the game when the count was at 0.



Gold Member
I'm trying to do the AP trick. Does anyone know what determines the amount of damage Don Tonberry's Karma will do? When I started doing it with Tidus and Auron, his Karma was doing 99999 damage. It worked really well. But now I've equipped 3 other characters with the proper gear and his Karma does 200 damage for Yuna, 2000 for Kihahri and 28000 for Lulu. Can anyone explain?


Currently going through Omega Ruins with no encounter on just to map it out. How many platforms are there before the big fight? I've been fine so far but I get the feeling I'm not ready to take Omega on.


I'm trying to do the AP trick. Does anyone know what determines the amount of damage Don Tonberry's Karma will do? When I started doing it with Tidus and Auron, his Karma was doing 99999 damage. It worked really well. But now I've equipped 3 other characters with the proper gear and his Karma does 200 damage for Yuna, 2000 for Kihahri and 28000 for Lulu. Can anyone explain?

The more fiends a character has killed the more damage Karma does. (As in - it has to be the killing blow)


Karma is based on the amount of enemies that your character managed to defeat times 100 or so.

If Tidus/Wakka etc are your main attackers, it will be no surprise to see them getting hit by 99999 damage. Support characters like Yuna are better off using the Comrade overdrive mode (though if you are Don-Tonberrying, only your max attack character should attack...not sure why you are getting Yuna etc to hit him as well)


I'm trying to do the AP trick. Does anyone know what determines the amount of damage Don Tonberry's Karma will do? When I started doing it with Tidus and Auron, his Karma was doing 99999 damage. It worked really well. But now I've equipped 3 other characters with the proper gear and his Karma does 200 damage for Yuna, 2000 for Kihahri and 28000 for Lulu. Can anyone explain?

Karma does damaged based on how many kills a character has.

I can't quite recall the damage formula but I believe it's something like

10 damage for every monster slain for a regular Tonberry's Karma, for Don Tonberry I believe it's 100 Karma for each monster kill.

Go kill a hundred Dingos or so in the Arena and it'll add up quick.
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