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Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD Remaster |OT| G - A - F in position, it's showtime gurlz!


For FFX2, is there any reason to have Trap Pod SPs during the first time through? I'm in Chapter 1.

They're necessary for capturing a few kinds of fiends (mostly human) and can allow you to target a specific kind of fiend if you want it or don't have a pod of the appropriate size for it.

Edit: also, what's with the experiment in Djose and digging? Everything I read says I need to just get all of its stats to 5, but I thought I had to fight it earlier for some reason?

If you want to get to 100% in one go, you need to fight it twice in Chapter 5: once at 5/5/5, and once before it's 5/5/5. If you get it to 5/5/5 through digging before fighting it once, you'll miss some of the completion points.


They're necessary for capturing a few kinds of fiends (mostly human) and can allow you to target a specific kind of fiend if you want it or don't have a pod of the appropriate size for it.

If you want to get to 100% in one go, you need to fight it twice in Chapter 5: once at 5/5/5, and once before it's 5/5/5. If you get it to 5/5/5 through digging before fighting it once, you'll miss some of the completion points.
For the SP traps, I thought humanoids were NG+ only? Or can I really capture Gippal in Chapter 1?

Thanks for the experiment info. So technically I can dig until I get 5/5/4 (or whatever), then just wait until Ch 5?


Last Mission. I'm on floor 26 with a level 37 Gun Mage (Restart Guide), it's pretty boss. Running accessories with View all traps and Confuseproof. Should be golden until I can get Triple Tiara and the Copy folio to 4x my level!


o_O why so many?

You mean after you fight Yunalesca? There's Dark Bahamut where you fought her, but you can get the sphere without going that far in.

Sweet, thanks!

Was able to go get Anima, Magus Sisters, and unlock all summon trophies and 99,999 damage trophy within about 4 mins time <3


Last Mission. I'm on floor 26 with a level 37 Gun Mage (Restart Guide), it's pretty boss. Running accessories with View all traps and Confuseproof. Should be golden until I can get Triple Tiara and the Copy folio to 4x my level!

Damn. By the time I got that copy items my main dressphere was only ~24.


Damn. By the time I got that copy items my main dressphere was only ~24.

haha. maybe I'm a bit overleveled. I lost on floor 46 the first time. A protochimera confused me and Yuna threw away all her Dresses and shit and died. I used a Restart Guide and i've been running into Gun Mage dresses ever since. I picked up 2 back-to-back Dress Shop Guide (2)'s. 3 of the 4 times i went I was able to buy Gun Mage Lv. 2. Now I'm up to a lvl 46 Gun Mage on floor 35. Hoping to breeze through the rest. I just really want to be done with this game. I've played nothing but FFX/X-2 since March 18th. I've purchased lik 8 games since them and have played none lol


G***n S**n*bi
ok... ya know what... FUCK THE DARK AEONS

First of all, I'm an NA player and I've always been jealous of the people who got to play the definitive version of my most beloved game of all time.

But now that I'm doing my post game shit like catching monsters for the arena, the Dark Aeons are just fucking stupid. I just died to the Magus sisters after filling my quota for the high road area. Ambushed right the fuck out of NO WHERE. Can't escape. May as well be auto-death with my current stats. :|

45 minutes down the drain. What a bunch of fucking bullshit.


ok... ya know what... FUCK THE DARK AEONS

First of all, I'm an NA player and I've always been jealous of the people who got to play the definitive version of my most beloved game of all time.

But now that I'm doing my post game shit like catching monsters for the arena, the Dark Aeons are just fucking stupid. I just died to the Magus sisters after filling my quota for the high road area. Ambushed right the fuck out of NO WHERE. Can't escape. May as well be auto-death with my current stats. :|

45 minutes down the drain. What a bunch of fucking bullshit.

I feel you man, same thing here. Cindy and Mindy killed two of my party members instantly and they all Delta Attacked me before it should have even been my turn :/
ok... ya know what... FUCK THE DARK AEONS

First of all, I'm an NA player and I've always been jealous of the people who got to play the definitive version of my most beloved game of all time.

But now that I'm doing my post game shit like catching monsters for the arena, the Dark Aeons are just fucking stupid. I just died to the Magus sisters after filling my quota for the high road area. Ambushed right the fuck out of NO WHERE. Can't escape. May as well be auto-death with my current stats. :|

45 minutes down the drain. What a bunch of fucking bullshit.

Yeah, when I finished capturing fiends in Mi'hen Highroad, I thought I might as well start with Mushroom Rock Road since it's right next t


thus I learned to take the exit instead.


For the SP traps, I thought humanoids were NG+ only? Or can I really capture Gippal in Chapter 1?

Some of them are, some aren't. Gippal can be captured only after you've defeated him in the Den of Woe in the current or a previous play through.

Thanks for the experiment info. So technically I can dig until I get 5/5/4 (or whatever), then just wait until Ch 5?

Yes, but it's difficult to be that precise since the part you get for a successful dig is partially randomly determined. Plus I'm not sure if it's possible to check the status of the experiment prior to Chapter 5.

How does x-2 compare to x in terms of combat, story, mechanics, etc?

The tone is largely much less morose and far more campy. It has a job-based active-time battle system more similar to older FF's than are FFX's strict turn-based battle system and sphere grid.
So I'm basically almost done with FFX HD and you can definitely tell that this game was the template for FFXIII. The whole linear structure of the world and the focus on the cinematic pieces are two similarities I see in both. Both of these games are basically huge corridors but FFX does three things better in my opinion that help make it an overall better game.

First of all, the story in FFX makes sense and isn't a convoluted mess. The characters are actually more like-able then the ones found in XIII for sure. That pacing was a little iffy throughout the game and some transitions between story and actually playing the game felt awkward but this game was originally released in 2001. Problem of the times I guess. Secondly, even though both games are long stretches of corridors for the most part, FFX allows you to travel across the world at the end. It's unfortunate that it took so long to obtain the airship but it makes sense in the context of the story. Lastly, the side quests in FFX are vastly superior to the side quests in XIII which help provided incentive to travel the world at the end.

Overall, I find the game to be a pleasant experience to play and well worth my time and money. Not the best RPG or even Final Fantasy I have played but a great game nonetheless. I'll give the game a solid 9/10 compared to XIII which I would have given a 7/10. FFX is just better in every where compared to FFXIII aside from voice acting. Listening to Yuna and Tidus is hilarious.


Just finished Chapter 1 of FFX-2, does it ever get serious ? =\

Not really, although main story is somewhat serious if you compare it with the rest of the game.

I have a question about monster catching. How random are results? do you get new monsters to appear easily? I tried all locations and only already released monsters seem to be appearing, but I'm not sure I tried enough times to be sure. Is there the list of all catchable monsters anywhere? I tried to find one but all seem to be very incomplete. The only one seemingly complete was for Japanese version of the game, that doesn't help me much, obviously.

Just finished playing through FFX again. This HD remaster is worth every penny - game is still as amazing as ever.

It certainly is pretty, FFX-2 probably even more so.


Not really, although main story is somewhat serious if you compare it with the rest of the game.

I have a question about monster catching. How random are results? do you get new monsters to appear easily? I tried all locations and only already released monsters seem to be appearing, but I'm not sure I tried enough times to be sure. Is there the list of all catchable monsters anywhere? I tried to find one but all seem to be very incomplete. The only one seemingly complete was for Japanese version of the game, that doesn't help me much, obviously.

New monsters appear when a new chapter starts, or (in the case of chapter 5), when a new dungeon opens up in the area. When you send out a S, M, or L pod, it will always return a fiend whose fiend tale you haven't completed if there is such a fiend in that area of that size for you to catch. If you only get fiends with completed tales (or Shinra telling you the pod was empty), there are no other fiends for you to capture in that area with that size pod in the current chapter. Note, however, that some fiends must be captured with SP pods.

Here is a list I found to be largely comprehensive with relatively few errors. It uses the english translation of the japanese name for fiends, so it may be a little confusing at points (e.g. when it refers to "Assassin Bee," it actually means the fiend named "Aculeate" in the NA version rather than the fiend named "Assassin Bee" in the NA version, which is "Piercing Bug," a change no doubt deliberately made by the localization team to fuck with me personally).


New monsters appear when a new chapter starts, or (in the case of chapter 5), when a new dungeon opens up in the area. When you send out a S, M, or L pod, it will always return a fiend whose fiend tale you haven't completed if there is such a fiend in that area of that size for you to catch. If you only get fiends with completed tales (or Shinra telling you the pod was empty), there are no other fiends for you to capture in that area with that size pod in the current chapter. Note, however, that some fiends must be captured with SP pods.

Here is a list I found to be largely comprehensive with relatively few errors. It uses the english translation of the japanese name for fiends, so it may be a little confusing at points (e.g. when it refers to "Assassin Bee," it actually means the fiend named "Aculeate" in the NA version rather than the fiend named "Assassin Bee" in the NA version, which is "Piercing Bug," a change no doubt deliberately made by the localization team to fuck with me personally).

Thanks, that's really helpful. If new monsters are easy to catch, I probably don't need the list. Still, nice to know.
anyone got any tips for the last boss in x? shit goddamm im so close

Use Rikku's OD and mix 2 wings of discovery. All your hits and healing will be for 9999 for the entire fight. Have Rikku toss elemental gems that you randomly got throughout the game, they'll hit 4 times for 9999 each and the entire fight will be 2 minutes at the most.
The fiends you can catch in chapter 2 get quite powerful. Chocobo Eater's flare to do five digits of damage if the enemies M. Def is low. Beat the Standard Cup hard and unlock the grand cup.

The fiend tales monster that show up in the arena are something else. Makes me think of the FFX Monster arena in terms of crazy skillsets, though thankfully their stats are insane, yet. The wolf brothers attack every 2 seconds, and No Heart gets black sky, and reflect(oversouled).


What's the easiest way to defeat One-Eye in lower sphere grid levels? I'm in the end game and I have completed all paths for all characters, but my stats aren't up to par. I know I probably need complete the grid in full for more characters, but I want to start maxing out my sphere grid using the Don Tonberry trick.


What's the easiest way to defeat One-Eye in lower sphere grid levels? I'm in the end game and I have completed all paths for all characters, but my stats aren't up to par. I know I probably need complete the grid in full for more characters, but I want to start maxing out my sphere grid using the Don Tonberry trick.
Anima's Overdrive/Pain work well.


If there hadn't been a trophy for it, I would've been happy to leave her weapon unpowered. She's a terrible post-game party member because her overdrive sucks and her attack animation is slow.

I got the trophy before I even had jupiter Sigil for Wakka's Celestial weapon so apparently powering all the Celestial weapons is not mandatory you just have to have them all. Kinda lame I think.

Edit: Frogot about the Lighting Dancer trophy! Sry! I was thinking about Weapon Master Trophy.
What's the easiest way to defeat One-Eye in lower sphere grid levels? I'm in the end game and I have completed all paths for all characters, but my stats aren't up to par. I know I probably need complete the grid in full for more characters, but I want to start maxing out my sphere grid using the Don Tonberry trick.

Overdrive / Entrust spam probably. One Eye only has 150,000HP, so it's probably doable before One-Eye takes too many turns.

You still need Overdrive->AP for Don Tonberry. One-Eye only drops Triple AP.


I got the trophy before I even had jupiter Sigil for Wakka's Celestial weapon so apparently powering all the Celestial weapons is not mandatory you just have to have them all. Kinda lame I think.

Edit: Frogot about the Lighting Dancer trophy! Sry! I was thinking about Weapon Master Trophy.

Yep, not mandatory for the trophy.
I played about 30 minutes of FFX-2 last night. So far I'm very unimpressed. Literally 1 minute into the opening cutscene and I could already tell this was going downhill. Then they started these idiotic character panel cutins that look like pages out of a comic book. I really don't know what they were going for here. I hope it gets better, otherwise I don't see myself lasting very long in this game.
Moving onto Stat Maxing in FFX. Feels good! It's going faster than I anticipated it would too now that my characters are strong enough. My general routine is

1. Fight Stat Sphere dropping monster about 5 times
2. Fight Kottos twice using Extract skills.
3. Do Cactaur / Tonberry trick if needed
4. Have everyone follow the same path on the sphere grid, replacing all non +4 Nodes with whatever sphere I've been farming. I'm going one stat at a time, so even if it's a +2 Agility sphere I'll replace it with a +4 Strength if that's what I'm doing.

And repeat.


The fiends you can catch in chapter 2 get quite powerful. Chocobo Eater's flare to do five digits of damage if the enemies M. Def is low. Beat the Standard Cup hard and unlock the grand cup.

I'd suggest re-recruiting a regular Goon before Chapter 2 ends. They naturally learn a couple decent moves (Elixir and Phoenix Down, to be precise) that you can't teach a fiend otherwise.
Moving onto Stat Maxing in FFX. Feels good! It's going faster than I anticipated it would too now that my characters are strong enough. My general routine is

1. Fight Stat Sphere dropping monster about 5 times
2. Fight Kottos twice using Extract skills.
3. Do Cactaur / Tonberry trick if needed
4. Have everyone follow the same path on the sphere grid, replacing all non +4 Nodes with whatever sphere I've been farming. I'm going one stat at a time, so even if it's a +2 Agility sphere I'll replace it with a +4 Strength if that's what I'm doing.

And repeat.

My general thing (after 100%ing monster capture) was to first-and-foremost grind out like 20 of every non-Luck +4 sphere, have everyone fan back out across the entire Sphere Grid and unlock every sphere lock/delete every single node that wasn't a +4/+300/+40, then converge on a single part of the grid (using Friend Spheres, which are very easy to obtain) and start moving the whole party around it together maxing out stats one by one. It seemed pretty efficient to me and was a good way to make sure I wouldn't overshoot/undershoot my goals on any particular stat.
I'm really let down by ffx-2. I couldn't remember why I never beat it back in the day, I still have 2 copies of it laying around and never could remember why. I finally beat chapter 1 of the hd remake and this is the furthest I ever made it . After how serious ffx was, especially the ending I guess I was expecting too much from Yuna wanting to find her love again. Now she just wants to wear booty shorts, dance for brother and hunt down random spheres. I wouldn't be surprised if she's getting high off camera. =\ I'm gonna drag myself through the rest in hopes that she finds out more about him but I'm not getting my hopes up. FFX Yuna is my fav female game character next to Aeris but FFX-2 Yuna needs a punch to the face.

And yes, I'm drunk IRL.
Almost forgot to capture a yellow elemental and an agama for the arena. I also managed to not fight a bomb during chapter 1. Guess I'll have to wait until chapter 5 to add it to the bestiary.


Gold Member
Any basic Blitzball strategies you guys could share? I've been looking online but every Blitzball guide I find is about the size of a novel. I want a few quick strategies that could help me get going. I've played 6-7 games so far and I think I tied twice and I lost the rest of them. I've gone through the tutorial entirely but it seems every team I face just overpowers me. Maybe I need to recruit the right teammates I don't know. Any quick tips you guys could share?


I'm really let down by ffx-2. I couldn't remember why I never beat it back in the day, I still have 2 copies of it laying around and never could remember why. I finally beat chapter 1 of the hd remake and this is the furthest I ever made it . After how serious ffx was, especially the ending I guess I was expecting too much from Yuna wanting to find her love again. Now she just wants to wear booty shorts, dance for brother and hunt down random spheres.

You missed a ton of character development. Did you watch the "interlude" part between FFX and FFX-2?

Yuna is DELIBERATELY breaking out of her quiet, subservient and passive church-girl mentality of her youth. That's why she's going wild and partying with her friends for the first time ever.
BOOM! Fuck this game. NEVER again.


You're a better man than me. I got the first one, and after about 45 minutes in FFX-2 and not a single trophy earned, I already think the game is a steaming pile. I don't know if I'm going to go through with it. The characters went from having depth and personality to a bunch of fucking high school idiots that I literally cannot stand.


Dot Hacked
Are there any dungeon-dungeons in this game? The cloisters are neat an puzzley but it seems like all the exploring an battling stuff takes place on the overworld. Is there anyway to tell when status boosts like Cheer wearoff in battle or do they stick for the whole fight? There aren't like any icons above the character or by their names.

Rikku's back so now I can do lotsa stealing since apparently she never fails at it! But customizings not what I thought it'd be. Could be useful, would be nice if it just plain didn't list equipment which can't be customized instead of making me scroll through it all! Or maybe I should finally unload a ton of crap I've been hanging onto >.>

Looks like I was right about Seymour trying to love on Yuna! He can have her! Seems like there's a buncha different races in this world but only humans need apply to our party... well besides Kimahri. Anyways I figured the farplane'd be like subspace or some crap but its an actual physical place we get to visit? Neat!

edit! What're "distill" abilities anyways?


You're a better man than me. I got the first one, and after about 45 minutes in FFX-2 and not a single trophy earned, I already think the game is a steaming pile. I don't know if I'm going to go through with it. The characters went from having depth and personality to a bunch of fucking high school idiots that I literally cannot stand.

I told myself once the Remasters were announced that I would Platinum them both. It was really non-negotiable. FFX was my favorite PS2 game. Now i'm 5/5 on FINAL FANTASY Platium Trophies. (Not counting FFXIV because it literally takes at least 6 months to Platinum. Ain't nobody got time for that)
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