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Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD Remaster |OT| G - A - F in position, it's showtime gurlz!


After a long break,I have finally beat everything except penance.

Could you guys please recommend armors for penance ?

Is Auto-Protect,Auto-Phoenix,Auto-Haste, +20% Def good for this fight ?

I am using Auron , Lulu and Tidus and beat everything except this guy.He is doing too much so maybe extra bit of defense is the secret ?
After a long break,I have finally beat everything except penance.

Could you guys please recommend armors for penance ?

Is Auto-Protect,Auto-Phoenix,Auto-Haste, +20% Def good for this fight ?

I am using Auron , Lulu and Tidus and beat everything except this guy.He is doing too much so maybe extra bit of defense is the secret ?

IIRC you're better off ditching the Auto-Phoenix for Auto-Potion and going in with 99 X-Potions and no other potions.


After a long break,I have finally beat everything except penance.

Could you guys please recommend armors for penance ?

Is Auto-Protect,Auto-Phoenix,Auto-Haste, +20% Def good for this fight ?

I am using Auron , Lulu and Tidus and beat everything except this guy.He is doing too much so maybe extra bit of defense is the secret ?

Like badcrumble said, ditch Auto-Phoenix for Auto-Potion. Use X-Potions or Trio to heal yourself to max HP each turn. Use Cheer and dispel Armor Break.
I found a crater where it does one after about 6 seconds, and then one after about 3 seconds and then repeat.

I know it should be very easy, but the small margin for error makes me worried that the stress will get to me after about 100 and I'll mess up.

Don't do it that way! It's way easier using a simple trick. Someone here posted it at some point, let me see if I can find it.

There you go!


IIRC you're better off ditching the Auto-Phoenix for Auto-Potion and going in with 99 X-Potions and no other potions.

Like badcrumble said, ditch Auto-Phoenix for Auto-Potion. Use X-Potions or Trio to heal yourself to max HP each turn. Use Cheer and dispel Armor Break.


Will I be able to survive his attacks with this set up ? I don't wanna waste turns to use cheer or revive manually.



Will I be able to survive his attacks with this set up ? I don't wanna waste turns to use cheer or revive manually.

With Auto-Protect, Def +20%, and at least four Cheers, nothing he does will kill you unless you don't dispel Armor Break or leave the arms alive.
man i just want to beat ffx vita already so i can trade in at GS.

game really does try to drag it out near the end.

its stupid that gagazet mobs have over 10k hp while my dudes average about 1k damage.


its stupid that gagazet mobs have over 10k hp while my dudes average about 1k damage.

IIRC every fiend on Mount Gagazet is vulnerable to Petrify. If you have Stonetouch/strike or Petrify Grenades, this is a good time to use them. You'll lose out on Overkill AP, however.

Since you're looking to beat the game ASAP, I'd recommend teleporting down the mountain and collecting the 30 Wings to Discovery reward from the Remiem Temple chocobo race so you can cheese the rest of the game's boss's with Trio.


Dot Hacked
Ya know I just noticed this near the end of the game but no one calls Tidus by his name. Kinda cool this being the first voiced FF that they still stuck with an old gamey type thing like that. Wonder if X2 keeps up with that or someone flat out calls him Tidus assuming he's ever brought up.

Time Played: 41:46:32

Woulda easily been under 40 hours if I wasn't a moron! Thats a good amount of time for a first playthrough. Anyhows I gots my thoughts together on this game an in general feel that ya I liked it. So stand proud FFX you're the only main FF game besides VII who's gameplay I can stomach! The main problem I had is that characters who do nothing in battle don't get any AP at all. It made me use every character in every lil encounter just so they wouldn't fall behind and thats really time consuming ya know? Since most can be ended in 1 turn an all.

That part makes the battle system fun btw! Battle speed was good and knowing & manipulating the turn order is super helpful as Atelier games have taught me. The rest of the gameplay was alright with some awkwardness! Set cameras work for topdown games which this was not which led to a buncha difficult to see things. Battle skill voice clips being once & done was kinda sad. Constantly spammed voice clips is much worse of course but still. Did like how in each new area or after story development characters would have something new to say about the area/state of things at battle start!

Sphere Grid turned out cool but I think it needed ta actually be on a grid. Use the analog stick and it'd be alil hard ta get the cursor to stick, use the dpad and you're sent off where the heck ever! Cloister puzzle dungeons were another clunky thing but enjoyable so its a shame there were only like 5-6 of 'em. An whatever happened ta water/swimming stuff? I liked that alot, it really made the early parts memorable then that mechanic up an vanishes for the longest time. Lame! Lotsa good gameplay but much of it suffers to being clunky or not fleshed out enough or both!

As for the music umm the only memorable tunes for me are the main battle theme and the cloister one. As much as they tried to beat that hymn into your head I've already up an forgotten it! Nothing else really stood out to me as something I'd either remember or wanna listen to outside the game.

Story time!! I liked the overall story. It was pretty different an unexpected at many turns. The main cast less so cause frankly they're pretty generic with lil to no growth. But hey unlike most groups of heroes these peeps didn't just fall into the role. It was pretty much their jobs an they knew their destination an enemy from the start. Plus there were others aware of the bigbad and out there to try and stop it to so it wasn't the usual case of the rest of the worlds population sitting on their butts! I still dun like the Tidus narration stuff
an it makes even less sense after seeing the ending sooo...??

With Auto-Protect, Def +20%, and at least four Cheers, nothing he does will kill you unless you don't dispel Armor Break or leave the arms alive.
Cheers and other stuff like that stack?! Okies this is another thing against the game. Theres alot it just don't explain. Zombie stauts appears outta nowhere in the latter part of the game? Nothing saying what it does. Do I wanna add Distill abilities to my armor? Beats me cause I dunno what it means an I won't find out until a shop late in the game sells Distill items, cause items do have descriptions. The in-game "help" thing could've been alot more helpful!
Ya know I just noticed this near the end of the game but no one calls Tidus by his name. Kinda cool this being the first voiced FF that they still stuck with an old gamey type thing like that. Wonder if X2 keeps up with that or someone flat out calls him Tidus assuming he's ever brought up.

FFX-2 still just keeps referring to him as "star player of the Zanarkand Abes" or "him" or "that person" and so on.

The new audio drama that plays over the HD Remaster credits does refer to him as "Tidus," though. Listen to it if you want to listen to a really, really crazy and stupid thing.
Already have non BHPL armor, but I wanna shoot for 99999HP now. I was thinking of BHPL, Auto Regen, Auto Haste, Ribbon. Is X Potion capped at 9999? Is Auto Regen better with 99999HP?
Already have non BHPL armor, but I wanna shoot for 99999HP now. I was thinking of BHPL, Auto Regen, Auto Haste, Ribbon. Is X Potion capped at 9999? Is Auto Regen better with 99999HP?

X-Potion is capped at 9999, yeah (IIRC so are Phoenix Down/Mega Phoenix), and Auto-Regen is better when you've got more HP for sure.

99999 HP is actually pretty crap, though, I want to warn you. Much harder to deal with any gravity-based attacks. It's fine if you just want something ridiculous to tool around the endgame with, though, once you've already beaten all of the superbosses you want to worry about.

IMO for a general-dicking-around armor you're best equipped with ribbon/auto-haste/auto-regen/auto-protect. Regen won't get you much HP per turn but it'll let you turn your brain off against basically everything that remains in the entire game once your stats are maxed and you've already killed Penance.


Any tips for creature creation Ultima Weapon?

I don't know which skills are useful and he is level 85 right now, but is not able to beat the youth league. Any tips for GGs and Accessory? Also for skills? Got many speedbracers e.g.

I'd recommend using 3 small creatures in lieu of a large one for the harder tournaments (and really the others too). You'll have to feed them a bunch of bangles to get their HP high enough to beat Nooj, but it'll be worth it in the long run.

The most useful attack abilities are those which have some combination of (a) active attack mode (b) fast cooldown (c) substantial damage and (d) ignore defense. For physical damage, those are Quick Attack/Mug, Black Sky (if you don't have break damage limit), and Fireworks (if you do). For magic damage, they're Flare, Holy (if you don't have break damage limit), and Ultima (if you do). For healing, Full-Life, Auto-Life, Vigor, and White Wind are generally the most helpful abilities. I'd recommend putting at least Full-Life and White Wind on S fiends and Auto-Life and Vigor on L fiends.

The best passives are Auto-Haste, Auto-Wall, Break Damage Limit/Total Limit Break, Ribbon/Super Ribbon/Ailment Defense, Magic Booster (for magic users), and Turbo Bushido/Turbo Arcana/Turbo Black Magic/etc. Just throw together whatever combination of accessories, dresspheres and GGs you need to get as many of those as possible with an eye to increasing STR/MAG/DEF/MAGDEF along the way. Auto-Haste, Auto-Wall and Ribbon are pretty trivial to get on fiends, but the others may take more time.

Lastly, some creatures have abilities unique to them or their creature type that might be superior to stuff you can teach any fiend. For instance, regular Goons learn Elixir, which is better than most other healing abilities, and machina rangers and the like learn Impale, which is superior to Attack/Mug/Quick Attack in that it ignores defense.


Hey guys,

I just beat the main story of X, and am curious:

1. Will continuing on affect me at all in terms of capturing, dark aeons, etc.?

2. I get to keep the items I got before fighting Jecht, right?
Replaying this after all these years is actually making me appreciate certain aspects of the game even more.
I always loved the battle system because of how it allows you to switch members during fights and how each member is tailored for specific enemy types so everyone in the party feels useful.

There's a good story here that doesn't shine as much as it could have for several reasons.
With today's quality of animation/facial expression, some top notch voice acting and some tweaks to the script some moments could've been truly powerful. It's still good but definitely being held back by these issues.

But overall it's really a very good rpg and like other remasters before it, I'm glad this will forever be preserved in this glorious HD version.
I'm glad these remasters exist because some classics just deserve it, gaming wins for having classics like this, ICO/SotC, MGS2&3, etc with a pristine HD presentation/good frame-rates.

FFX-2's lighthearted tone never bothered me as much as most peope but I have to say that I'm actually enjoying it more this time, it's fun. Why so serious? Amirite?
Hey guys,

I just beat the main story of X, and am curious:

1. Will continuing on affect me at all in terms of capturing, dark aeons, etc.?

2. I get to keep the items I got before fighting Jecht, right?

Not sure what you mean. If you beat the main story, that's it. The game ends. No continues, no NG+. Nothing you do after the point of no return (
where you collect crystals for rare items
) affects anything, nor do you keep anything. At this point, there's really nothing you can do that affects the outcome/difficulty of sidequests.

IMO for a general-dicking-around armor you're best equipped with ribbon/auto-haste/auto-regen/auto-protect. Regen won't get you much HP per turn but it'll let you turn your brain off against basically everything that remains in the entire game once your stats are maxed and you've already killed Penance.

That's actually similar to my party's armor (Ribbon/Auto-Potion/Haste/Protect). Only Tidus has Ribbon since it's so tedious to farm.

I'm starting to regret clearing the grid for minmaxing. It makes plat a lot harder. Farming Ironclad isn't as fast as I hope since I either:
a) Do a complete pre-battle setup of overdrives (Dingo kills). Longer setup, shorter fight.
b) Just open with Frag Grenade / Banishing Blade then Quick Hits. No setup, longer fight.
Just deciding whether to start ffx2 now or after watchdogs, and wondering how long it's taking people to 100% the story to get the best ending? Not bothered about all side missions (that don't count towards 100%) etc as will come back to it.

I've not played it since finishing it on ps2 so can't recall how long it took me back in the day!


So I just picked up this game for the Vita, and it's awesome. I never played FFX on the PS2 so I'm assuming I'm in for a treat.

The one thing that's bugging me so far...can anyone explain to me what the hell the purple bars mean on the CTB window?


Anyone know a good guide or walkthrough for all the sidequests?
I thought I'd start with collecting Jecht's Spheres, but I encountered a Dark Aeon on Besaid. With my current stats, I won't even come close to defeating it.

There's so much to do.. I'm kinda lost.


Anyone know a good guide or walkthrough for all the sidequests?
I thought I'd start with collecting Jecht's Spheres, but I encountered a Dark Aeon on Besaid. With my current stats, I won't even come close to defeating it.

There's so much to do.. I'm kinda lost.
Start capturing enemies. You'll gain xp that way, and you'll unlock arena bosses which you can use for further grinding.
I agree, but keep in mind that pretty much all post-game content is tedious. A great bulk of it is just not fun. If you're burned out from capturing, you can try working on Celestial Weapons. Having a team with Celestial Weapons is mandatory for later quests. If you still haven't finished it already, you can also try beating Omega Ruins, but a weapon with First Strike is MANDATORY there.

So I just picked up this game for the Vita, and it's awesome. I never played FFX on the PS2 so I'm assuming I'm in for a treat.

The one thing that's bugging me so far...can anyone explain to me what the hell the purple bars mean on the CTB window?
It's kinda like a partially filled ATB. It's there just to show how close they are to their turn relative to other characters. You can completely ignore it though.

Certain actions take shorter or longer. Eg, Defend and Escape are very short, meaning you can take your next turn earlier than usual. Using certain spells and Overdrives can delay your next turn.
Omega's also a lot tougher than he was in the original version of the game, FWIW. Not that you can't power level past him in a jiffy, but yeah.


Dot Hacked
FFX-2 still just keeps referring to him as "star player of the Zanarkand Abes" or "him" or "that person" and so on.

The new audio drama that plays over the HD Remaster credits does refer to him as "Tidus," though. Listen to it if you want to listen to a really, really crazy and stupid thing.
Thats pretty cool they keep it up in the next game. I've sat through some stupid stuffs before so I'll give that Eternal Calm thing a watch. Does it work as a recappish thing/bridge to X2? I'ma wait alil while before starting that one up.

There's a lot of things to like about it.
The battle system is great, and grinding to learn abilities is awesome. Reminds me of tactics abit where you grind to learn job abilities.
Since X2 was the main draw of this package for me thats the kinda stuff I like ta hear! Except maybe the Tactics part... I was sooo terrible at that game.
Thats pretty cool they keep it up in the next game. I've sat through some stupid stuffs before so I'll give that Eternal Calm thing a watch. Does it work as a recappish thing/bridge to X2? I'ma wait alil while before starting that one up.

Since X2 was the main draw of this package for me thats the kinda stuff I like ta hear! Except maybe the Tactics part... I was sooo terrible at that game.

Tactics might be the wrong reference, think more FF3, or 5 or Bravely Default. Maxing a job role. Grinding to gain point towards active and passive skills.
I honestly don't advise *that* much grinding out AP in FFX-2 until you get the AP Egg/Key to Success combo (or any other means of stacking up to 6x AP). That won't really happen until Chapter 5.

But you should keep in mind the basic mechanics for how AP is gained (1 for killing a normal enemy; 2 for killing an Oversouled enemy; like 40 as a bonus for a very small set of specific bosses; and most importantly, 1 for every single time you use a job-specific action (a.k.a. not Attack) and it is "effective" (i.e. healing someone who isn't at full health, successfully stealing an item, inflicting or curing a status ailment, or letting any of the damage-dealing special abilities successfully deal damage).

Basically never use just the normal Attack command unless you have absolutely no other choice for some reason, and your jobs will level up at a reasonably quick pace without requiring you to stop and grind.


There are a lot of things to be enjoyed about X-2: battle system, minigames, funny silliness, non seriousness and list goes on. But I must say I wouldn't want all FF to be like X-2. Actually, X and X-2 makes perfect combo. Both are fun in own way, but one is serious other is funny.
its annoying how unpredictable when there are item vendors. Is there really no vendor in zanarkand, and naturally all these bosses are about status effects :X
There are a lot of things to be enjoyed about X-2: battle system, minigames, funny silliness, non seriousness and list goes on. But I must say I wouldn't want all FF to be like X-2. Actually, X and X-2 makes perfect combo. Both are fun in own way, but one is serious other is funny.

I do enjoy exploring Spira post Sin.
its annoying how unpredictable when there are item vendors. Is there really no vendor in zanarkand, and naturally all these bosses are about status effects :X

FFX is actually fairly lenient about status effects (outside of petrification/berserk/confuse), in the sense that most of the time in boss fights you can just swap that character out and keep going.

Also, don't forget that Yuna has her Esuna spell if you need it, aeons are immune to status effects other than Curse, and so on. You've got lots of options.

Also, don't heal people of their Zombie status when you reach a boss that starts inflicting it. That boss is only capable of some pretty pitiful damage output, so you actually don't have a lot to worry about.

Final form yunesca. One dude left.

Mega Phoenix.

Dude dies 2 lives yay!

Mega death.


Redo cutscenes and first 2 forms.

I hate everything.

Definitely don't use Mega Phoenix against her. Individual Phoenix Downs are good enough (because her damage output is so low). I'd only call that a worthwhile gamble if the zombied character were at very low health and you had no other choice, basically.
Definitely don't use Mega Phoenix against her. Individual Phoenix Downs are good enough (because her damage output is so low). I'd only call that a worthwhile gamble if the zombied character were at very low health and you had no other choice, basically.
Yeah. Was cornered there lol.

She seems different mechanics wise vs ps2. Way more aggressive with the zombie move.

Beat her the second time just now because she loves healing my nonzombie
Yeah. Was cornered there lol.

She seems different mechanics wise vs ps2. Way more aggressive with the zombie move.

Beat her the second time just now because she loves healing my nonzombie

It's good that she's aggressive with the zombie move! It does very little damage to you and it protects you from Megadeath. I'd *rather* have her use it frequently. Being zombied in the fight against her has very few downsides because her cure/regen stuff does paltry damage.

Now, if Yunalesca used Full-Life like Seymour Flux does *and* she used Megadeath, then you'd have a pretty tricky boss (and I wish FFX had an optional boss that did that). As it is, she's pretty simple.


ya, it's not hard as long as you know that zombie status makes you immune to mega death.
.. or just go for trio of 9999. just sayin'

anyway no shit that I couldn't play it on Vita as well, in order to cross play I'd have to buy the game on the Vita too. lol, nice bullshit.


What's trial 9999?

It's one of Rikku's Overdrives that makes everything the party does heal/hit for 9999 damage. An easy and boring way to cheese bosses. :p

It's good that she's aggressive with the zombie move! It does very little damage to you and it protects you from Megadeath. I'd *rather* have her use it frequently. Being zombied in the fight against her has very few downsides because her cure/regen stuff does paltry damage.

Now, if Yunalesca used Full-Life like Seymour Flux does *and* she used Megadeath, then you'd have a pretty tricky boss (and I wish FFX had an optional boss that did that). As it is, she's pretty simple.

She actually does have a hard hitting move in Curaga, but the chances of her actually using it are so low it doesn't really matter.
I don't get why Earth Eater counters Blitz Ace with Megaton Punch, but falls over against SnD. I do way more than 100k damage with either OD.


Trying to do Chocobo Catcher now, myself.

Never was able to complete the PS2 version, the best I have been able to do with the remaster is 10.4.

What really ticks me off about the birds is they zone in on you. You need to run way off to the sides to dodge them, they should have just had it where the birds fly in a straight line once dropping and they don't adjust and keep following you.

And once you dodge them, you need to run 'way' back to the course towards the balloons, and lo and behold, more birds!
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