Any tips for creature creation Ultima Weapon?
I don't know which skills are useful and he is level 85 right now, but is not able to beat the youth league. Any tips for GGs and Accessory? Also for skills? Got many speedbracers e.g.
I'd recommend using 3 small creatures in lieu of a large one for the harder tournaments (and really the others too). You'll have to feed them a bunch of bangles to get their HP high enough to beat Nooj, but it'll be worth it in the long run.
The most useful attack abilities are those which have some combination of (a) active attack mode (b) fast cooldown (c) substantial damage and (d) ignore defense. For physical damage, those are Quick Attack/Mug, Black Sky (if you don't have break damage limit), and Fireworks (if you do). For magic damage, they're Flare, Holy (if you don't have break damage limit), and Ultima (if you do). For healing, Full-Life, Auto-Life, Vigor, and White Wind are generally the most helpful abilities. I'd recommend putting at least Full-Life and White Wind on S fiends and Auto-Life and Vigor on L fiends.
The best passives are Auto-Haste, Auto-Wall, Break Damage Limit/Total Limit Break, Ribbon/Super Ribbon/Ailment Defense, Magic Booster (for magic users), and Turbo Bushido/Turbo Arcana/Turbo Black Magic/etc. Just throw together whatever combination of accessories, dresspheres and GGs you need to get as many of those as possible with an eye to increasing STR/MAG/DEF/MAGDEF along the way. Auto-Haste, Auto-Wall and Ribbon are pretty trivial to get on fiends, but the others may take more time.
Lastly, some creatures have abilities unique to them or their creature type that might be superior to stuff you can teach any fiend. For instance, regular Goons learn Elixir, which is better than most other healing abilities, and machina rangers and the like learn Impale, which is superior to Attack/Mug/Quick Attack in that it ignores defense.