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Final Fantasy XIII |OT|

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I got grudge sucked!
~Kinggi~ said:
I kinda want to hate-fuck Vanille.

Because she annoys the shit out of you but she'd fuck like a wildcat?

Anyway, Vanille, when not going into tee-hee ritalin explosion mode, is fine. She's grating otherwise but not terrible. I think SO4 killed those nerves so I'm kinda immune.
Yoshichan said:
There was no "strategy" that would let me win in these situations, trust me, I know.

Extra 4000 hp, 400 str, 400 magic and tons of new abilities each is definitely something you notice.

That's not true. I've beaten every regular enemy encounter in ch 13 without grinding or using shrouds mostly with 5 stars.

Just because you can't comprehend a strategy doesn't mean it's impossible.

Here are the details:

Cancel Set 1 (stagger): rav/rav/rav, rav/rav/rav
Cancel Set 2 (buff) : com/com/syn, com/com/syn
Cancel Set 3 (heal): med/sen/med, med/sen/syn

Aquila Velocycle - 2x rav/rav/rav cancel, staggering it will break its super attack. In a group you may stagger it to prevent its super attack then switch targets to something that dies faster, or just use a sentinel to taunt and absorb the attacks.
Dagonite - 2x rav/rav/rav cancel one down quickly after they do their dash charge, then heal, repeat.
Megrim Thresher - Cast imperil on it. Fang is preferrable, but you can use Vanille if you have to.
Sacrifice - It doesn't do much damage but its debuffs can be annoying. Any enemy group with a Sacrifice can be easily caught in a PS because they are practically blind.
Sanctum Templar - These guys are chumps unless you get caught by their charge attack (use sentinel).. they will waste time dispelling your buffs while you go and kill other softer targets (dagonites).
Immortal - Tank/buff/heal until you get lightning protection up, then kill the sword and take out immortal.

3x Dagonite and 3x Sacrifice - Start with protection/buffs then lash out quickly with rav/rav/rav nukes on a dagonite to take it out.
Aquila Velocycle and 2x Sacrifice - rav/rav/rav nuke the velocycle while healing/removing debuffs.
Megrim Thresher and 2x Sacrifice - debuff/nuke the Megrim Thresher while healing/removing debuffs. If Fang has learned Imperil use Light, Fang, Hope.
Aquila Velocycle and 3x Dagonite - Hit the dagonites with rav/rav/rav, when you see the velocycle charge Plasma Cannon switch to a sentinel to survive it.
Sanctum Templar and Wladislaus - Tank/buff/heal until buffs are established then take out Wlad, then the Templar.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Alex said:
It's bad writing, objectively bad when characters like Vanille and Hope hit the screen and take up 15 minutes of your time with nothing but awkward angst and misunderstandings that no other human being can relate to.

You might like bad, you might find it a guilty pleasure, that's fine, but don't try to make some big equality spiel to 10, 15, 20 year genre vets who find their own things to enjoy in the games and make it some catch all for the anime addled teens.

I like JRPGs, I've liked them since I was a kid. I like this game and it's world mythos and a few characters, it's fun, but really dont want to be included into this "It's OK to make your game as fucking reprehensible as possible COZ JRPG FANS LIEK IT ^_^" gig.

The creepy modern moe watching crowd does not equal the entire JRPG crowd. Certain elements are just poor, pandering form and shouldnt be in the game (Vanille, Vanille, Vanille).

But in some parts, It's probably just a lot easier to throw in a pigtailed idiot with loli themed antics or a blockade of extremely senseless character "development" than genuine charm or color. That's what needs to be recovered. No one cares when a JRPG is a JRPG, they care when it tries to reach out to the slums of the anime crowd.

It sounds to me like you just don't like FF for what it is. Vanille and Hope are NOT characters lifted from recent Anime culture: They are the evolution of character types which have always been a part of FF.

FF in general has always featured things which some people have found distasteful:
-crazy fashion sense
-self-doubting heroes
-inspirational speeches
-bubble-headed pixie-like girls
-melodramatic villains
-fireside philosophy
-cute sidekick animals

These things have been in the series as far back as FFIV (the first one where story mattered), and they have irked many people, and endeared the series to others. IMO they're like the raisins in your trail mix: I didn't think I wanted anything aside from savory pretzels and peanuts (action + drama), but these sweet raisins (cute aspects) give the whole thing a unique flavor. Of course some people still don't like this, and given the choice, they would just pick out the raisins.

I'm not closed to the idea of FF hosting different game worlds which are more mature, less saccarine, and sure.. objectively better written. I wouldn't mind a really well scripted game... who wouldn't? But when Square comes along and does a game which embraces the old FF formula: melodrama, fist-pumping heroes, cutesy chicks... I definitely enjoy it for what it is. It's an anime melodrama. I don't blame you for not liking it, I'm not urging you to accept it at all.. it's not for everyone. But please understand, when you're putting things in terms of "good writing/bad writing" I don't think you're really describing a change which benefits us all. Partially you must mean really better writing (no argument there)... but I get the sense you also mean less of those offensive "raisin" elements which you never liked anyway, but certain people do enjoy.

XII has proven to me that we will get well-written, non-Anime games in the future anyway. I'm sure we'll see a game in the future which better suits your taste... but then, as you sit there satisfied, someone will ask "where's the cutesy chick? Where's the fist-pumping melodrama?". Those elements have their fans.


It sounds to me like you just don't like FF for what it is.

Dude, I've been playing Final Fantasy since 1991, I've beaten them all, I've beaten most of spin offs as well, I play a shit ton of JRPGs and always have because I am a huge all around RPG nerd of whatever culture and I like this game (XIII) a lot too, get this shit out of here.

You're trying to argue some weird, bullshit scenario and it doesn't need to be argued. I dont care why you like Vanille or why you like Soap Operas and how you relate them to video games. Just enjoy it for what you like and realize it's not all encompassing and not everyone feels the same.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
truly101 said:
Anyway, Vanille, when not going into tee-hee ritalin explosion mode, is fine. She's grating otherwise but not terrible. I think SO4 killed those nerves so I'm kinda immune.

Vanille is not that bad, on the other hand, I want to smack Hope and Snow every time they talk.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
mjemirzian said:
That's not true. I've beaten every enemy encounter in ch 13 without grinding or using shrouds with 5 stars.

Just because you can't comprehend a strategy doesn't mean it's impossible.
So you played on my save up until chapter 13 or what? Do you have the same gear as me? Have we accumulated just as much CP?


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Alex said:
Dude, I've been playing Final Fantasy since 1991 and I like this game, get this shit out of here.

I knew you were an old school fan. Sorry you took it that way. Please consider my argument in its best light.

My argument was stating that these aspects you don't like about XIII are intrinsically a part of the FF formula as it has been up until this point (whether it should adhere to this formula is up to you)


Kyoufu said:
Grinding doesn't save you. Only good strategy.

Uh no, definitely a number of situations here and there in the game where one may have to grind to get through. I ran into them myself. Folks may not run into it themselves but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Anyway, on melodrama, the problem isn't that FFXIII is full of melodrama, the problem is that it's full of badly planned and unsympathetic melodrama. Hope has a totally understandable situation,
watching his mother die in front of his eyes because of a guy that goes into combat (and drags folks in with him) all willy-nilly and simply to save his girlfriend would cause me to bust a vein certainly. Seeing Snow show that shit-eating grin of his all the time doesn't help either
but everything around it is just so poorly done from the planning to the reactions and to an extent the resolution. It's sad to because I think they did Hope the best in this area. Gave him a full development, reason, exposition, resolution and they came out half-assed anyway.

Then there's Vanille...
truly101 said:
Because she annoys the shit out of you but she'd fuck like a wildcat?

Anyway, Vanille, when not going into tee-hee ritalin explosion mode, is fine. She's grating otherwise but not terrible. I think SO4 killed those nerves so I'm kinda immune.

pfft vanille is all about that missionary, fang on the other hand..

leng jai

I'm up to chapter 7 after 11 hours and am still stuck with two party members, is this some kind of sick joke? The paradigm mechanic is dead set awful with only two characters.
Yoshichan said:
So you played on my save up until chapter 13 or what? Do you have the same gear as me? Have we accumulated just as much CP?

Unless you ran past a large majority of optional encounters in the game, probably.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Alex said:
Dude, I've been playing Final Fantasy since 1991, I've beaten them all, I've beaten most of spin offs as well, I play a shit ton of JRPGs and always have because I am a huge all around RPG nerd of whatever culture and I like this game (XIII) a lot too, get this shit out of here.

You're trying to argue some weird, bullshit scenario and it doesn't need to be argued. I dont care why you like Vanille or why you like Soap Operas and how you relate them to video games. Just enjoy it for what you like and realize it's not all encompassing and not everyone feels the same.
Exactly my point. Your talk of "bad writing" was code for "I didn't like what this game was trying to do".

I'm trying to argue some bullshit scenario? You're the one who responded to me.
Chiggs said:
This game is just not captivating me the same way that Final Fantasy XII did. It's just so streamlined and the story is a mixed bag. :(

I know FFXII hate is tiring to its fans, but this game is SOOOO much better than XII. You must like MMORPG combat. Plus... what captivated you? I found myself playing XII just to say I finished it. The story was a big snooze-fest until the very end, and the gambits to make the game playable didn't show up until so late in the game. I had fun killing the tortoises though.


BocoDragon said:
I knew you were an old school fan. Sorry you took it that way. Please consider my argument in its best light.

My argument was stating that these aspects you don't like about XIII are intrinsically a part of the FF formula as it has been up until this point (whether it should adhere to this formula is up to you)

I revised my post, but I really dont agree with your break downs of things. I'm not going to persecute you for them either, I really dont care, but I just dont agree at all. You're going for way too oddball of a break down and there are varying degrees to the execution of archetypes and mainstays. Vanille and some of the conceptual bubblegum concepts in XIII are just taking it a bit too far, and theres several people I know, big FF nerds, who will certainly sign off on that.

This is essentially the same argument Amirox tried to hold, there are lines and limits and varying degrees of how far you can take something before it turns into a very strange, fetishy area. This doesn't mean I dislike the element entirely, it just means, like what happened to a lot of anime, I think they got a little too carried away and took it too far.

I realize some people may be into that shit, and thats cool for them, but I think there are better ways to present charm and levity without going overboard.
My mini review

PS3 version:

Graphics: 9.5 For an RPG they are excellent, maybe not the best designs but definitely better than most RPG's this generation. From a technical standpoint they are some of the best this gen, for an RPG.

Sound: 9.25 One of the best sounding games I've had on my 7.1 Pioneer Elite system, and I've played Uncharted 2 and have a degree in music and own a recording studio. I know what i'm talking about. I'm also loving the music, I can see where some people may find it too diverse but, the diversity helps to complement the game. The voice acting isn't the best but, it's not the worst either and that's the only real deduction I have with the sound. As hot as Vanille is and as bad is I'd like to see her in some CG porn her voice can get on your nerves especially when shes talking to herself while your running around the map.

Story and Characters: 8.25 So far I'm really liking it. While none of the characters stand out too much from one another each character does fill their role. One has a love interest, one is on a mission, on is growing up alone, and there is even a been there done that narrator. The story so far is good although it does tend to alienate you a little bit with the switching of main characters a bit often but, this does help to keep the player from feeling like the story is only about one person yet still keeps you interested in the game. I do feel the story could have been fleshed out a bit more.

Gameplay: 8.75 The battle system is really good, it isn't my favorite so far but, I think Square has done an excellent job at breaking away from a turn based battle system while still keeping the strategy in tact. Personally, I prefer turn based but, I'm finding this active system keeps me from feeling like I ever need to grind and that makes the game move forward at a faster pace.

Complaints about linearity: Every single player game I've ever played I've considered to be linear, you start the game and finish the game that's how most games work unless it's an MMO or an Online FPS. What I mean is that side-quests are always optional. With that said, I am getting the feeling like Square has pulled the player away from the potatoes and only thrown us meat. Instead of looking for that super special item or forcing your character to fall in love with someone your simply pulled through the story and not really given' the chance to explore. You can take that as bad or good, I just see it as different.

I still can't put the game down, and that says more than any justification for what I think is bad or good. That alone keeps me from lowering the score too much.

Final Score: ~9 or an A-

K' Dash

Lightning said:
How do you fully upgrade your weapons? I can only upgrade until I get a star, then I can't go any further.

Someone told me a few pages back you can use some components to create new weapons out of your STAR weapons, I can't get it to work tough...


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Final part help, I can't seem to find the strategy.

Final boss, second form. His AoE that shows up from times to times just dealt around 9400 damage on Lightning, immediately killing her. I had every single buff on her from Hope (lvl 9 Crystarium). What's going on here?

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
the Crystalium just opened up in a big-way in Chapter 8. Awesome.


just great, fighting the Chapter 9 final boss and got it down to almost no health and i die from a
instant kill attack
. sigh, here i go again.

Red Scarlet

Why's Vanille so hated? When she was first shown she was the NOMCHANinator, now whenever I browse any FF13 thread it's all vitriol about her. What characters is she comparable to?

Red Scarlet said:
Why's Vanille so hated? When she was first shown she was the NOMCHANinator, now whenever I browse any FF13 thread it's all vitriol about her. What characters is she comparable to?

if she kept her mouth shut she'd be awesome. just like snow in bed.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Red Scarlet said:
Why's Vanille so hated? When she was first shown she was the NOMCHANinator, now whenever I browse any FF13 thread it's all vitriol about her. What characters is she comparable to?

Rikku and Selphie?

She's Rikku with an octave-higher voice.


Red Scarlet said:
Why's Vanille so hated? When she was first shown she was the NOMCHANinator, now whenever I browse any FF13 thread it's all vitriol about her. What characters is she comparable to?


When she was first shown she didn't open her mouth I guess :D


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
So, will having two commandos always make them go after 2 different enemies? :(

Chapter 9:
I like controlling Lightning as a Commando, but Fang isn't able to be a Ravager and her other classes aside from Commando aren't really suited to my main style, but I also hate chipping at 2 people.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Red Scarlet said:
Oh, I don't mind them really.
I don't find her much different. In fact, I think Rikku was more hyperactive? It's her syrupy high voice that bugs people.... and her playful bubble-headedness in the face of dangerous circumstances.

As I said on that last page (and was criticized for it)... she seems like a staple FF element to me. Next time they probably shouldn't cast such a high pitched voice, though... that would avoid a lot of this.

<-- I don't mind her though, of course :lol

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
the Vanile awfulness is so overrated.

she's just Rikku/Selphie/FF Bimbo Character X.

she's awful and everything that's wrong with FF storytelling, but it's not SURPRISINGLY awful, or what have you.

Red Scarlet

This thread goes by pretty quick and I don't wanna be spoilered or detract from y'all playing, so if you make any youtube vids or anything of ahhhvanille being weird just pm me.

Have fun w/ your game though!


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
burgerdog said:
Her battle voice is fucking annoying, too! Half the time it sounds like she's getting boned.


That too. She sounds like she is always having an orgasm in cutscenes.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Rez said:
she's awful and everything that's wrong with FF storytelling, but it's not SURPRISINGLY awful, or what have you.
^ at least you agree she is kind of a standard FF thing.

Perhaps they should change the standards?... but IMO no one should be surprised by this character if you've ever played an FF before.

Papercuts said:

That too. She sounds like she is always having an orgasm in cutscenes.
And when she jumps up cliffs. It's so true. You can't unhear it. :lol


LiK said:
just great, fighting the Chapter 9 final boss and got it down to almost no health and i die from a
instant kill attack
. sigh, here i go again.
When his head is down 'charging', keep on attacking him until he groans and it will not kill you. I went Com/Rav/Rav and made sure I was buffed and it only did about 550 damage overall.
In chapter 6 the view over the cliff is simply gorgeous, I starred for a few minutes, lol. I love the scenic points they made in this game.

For Vanille, its easy to grow to like her; especially in Chapter 6 with the super upbeat song playing on the map and then hearing her talk.


I got grudge sucked!
I'll tell you who's awful. Odin. Fuck him. I wish they made gamesharks for PS3. I know what they want me to do but I always run out of time. I'm over it and want to move the fuck on. They need a skip boss battle mode


Papercuts said:
So, will having two commandos always make them go after 2 different enemies? :(

Chapter 9:
I like controlling Lightning as a Commando, but Fang isn't able to be a Ravager and her other classes aside from Commando aren't really suited to my main style, but I also hate chipping at 2 people.
Yea the guide says the AI Commando will always attack another target, odd I know.

I feel the exact same way as you about the play styles though. With that said, I have been running COM/COM/RAV, and I have been getting 5 stars on just about every fight so it seems like it is working good enough. I use mainly Blitz with Lightning and it kicks ass.


19? hours in and I'm on the verge of giving up. I'm at Chapter 8 or 9 on
the big ass ship where Sasz and Vanille were being kept and have now freed themselves
. The story sucks, the characters suck, the battlesystem is fine but I'm sick to death of being shoved along this rigid path. It's inane. So does when does this game get good, and how long do I have to go till that point? Should I have passed it already? I've gone from really wanting to like this game to wanting to snap the disc.
I think Vanille is an awesome character, personally. I enjoy it pretty much any time she's talking. She feels like the heart and soul of the cast in this game, at least to the point that I've played.


Crystal Bearer
Yoshichan said:
Final part help, I can't seem to find the strategy.

Final boss, second form. His AoE that shows up from times to times just dealt around 9400 damage on Lightning, immediately killing her. I had every single buff on her from Hope (lvl 9 Crystarium). What's going on here?

Light/Hope/Vanille party. Or Light/Fang/Vanille. Use RAV/RAV/RAV to break. Heal AS SOON AS YOU GO INTO THE YELLOW ON YOUR HEALTH. When the sphere thing attacks you, use Vanille to jam it. Eventually you can poison it, so keep jamming it. COM/RAV/RAV when you stagger it. Have Hope cast Enhancements on everyone at the start of the battle.

truly101 said:
I'll tell you who's awful. Odin. Fuck him. I wish they made gamesharks for PS3. I know what they want me to do but I always run out of time. I'm over it and want to move the fuck on. They need a skip boss battle mode

Odin is easy. Have Lightning heal and Hope use magic. You will win.
BocoDragon said:
And when she jumps up cliffs. It's so true. You can't unhear it. :lol

And when she casts magic.

That seems to be the one thing everyone in this thread can agree on. Like her or not, Vanille sounds like she's orgasming A LOT.


I got grudge sucked!
Kagari said:
Light/Hope/Vanille party. Or Light/Fang/Vanille. Use RAV/RAV/RAV to break. Heal AS SOON AS YOU GO INTO THE YELLOW ON YOUR HEALTH. When the sphere thing attacks you, use Vanille to jam it. Eventually you can poison it, so keep jamming it. COM/RAV/RAV when you stagger it. Have Hope cast Enhancements on everyone at the start of the battle.

Odin is easy. Have Lightning heal and Hope use magic. You will win.

No I won't win. I've done that and I run out of time each time. I'm about to cast Doom on this game

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
KuwabaraTheMan said:
I think Vanille is an awesome character, personally. I enjoy it pretty much any time she's talking. She feels like the heart and soul of the cast in this game, at least to the point that I've played.
so you're the guy they write these things for
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