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Final Fantasy XIII |OT|

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ronito said:
another stupid question. I only need to do libra the first time I run across an enemy right? Not everytime I encounter the same kind of enemy? Sometimes I notice my cpu mates doing dumb stuff.

Kyoufu said:
Yup just once.

I'm confused about this. I'll use Libra and then I'll press RB but it won't show me all the details. Usually the rare drop is still "???". If I use Libra a second time it'll fill that in. Am I doing it wrong?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
OK WTF IS GOING ON? Final boss:

I had problems with him and now I switched to a debuffer and on stagger I constantly hit 99999 each hit... from like 25k... does it really make such a difference?

Edit - 5 stars :lol

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
BocoDragon said:
^ at least you agree she is kind of a standard FF thing.

Perhaps they should change the standards?... but IMO no one should be surprised by this character if you've ever played an FF before.
yeah, don't get me wrong, I'm not condoning it like a batshit insane Sonic fan or something, I'm just surprised at the amount of people shocked (feigning shock?) at the shittiness.


Crystal Bearer
Yoshichan said:
OK WTF IS GOING ON? Final boss:

I had problems with him and now I switched to a debuffer and on stagger I constantly hit 99999 each hit... from like 25k... does it really make such a difference?

Yes, you want to debuff the fuck out of the boss.


Papercuts said:
Pretty much. If you cringe at a line in this game, 99% of the time it's out of Snow.

Fixed. At least Vanille sometimes says things that make sense, this guy is just a mentally deficient moron with a hero-complex. Every time he opens his mouth the game gets a million times more stupid. Remove Snow and the story wouldn't be half bad, yes I am blaming Snow for single-handedly ruining the story.
Finally had the time to sit down and start playing this game--I'm only at the part where Lightning, Sahz, Snow, Vanille and Hope are first entering the Pulse Fal'Cie--and I'm really enjoying the game thus far. I kind of wish that the depths of the play mechanics would be revealed a little quicker but I love the FF13 take on the Active Time Battle system, I'm eagerly awaiting the added layers of complexity.

Also, I like Vanille :x


diss said:
19? hours in and I'm on the verge of giving up. I'm at Chapter 8 or 9 on
the big ass ship where Sasz and Vanille were being kept and have now freed themselves
. The story sucks, the characters suck, the battlesystem is fine but I'm sick to death of being shoved along this rigid path. It's inane. So does when does this game get good, and how long do I have to go till that point? Should I have passed it already? I've gone from really wanting to like this game to wanting to snap the disc.

You're almost there.



Wow, Jihl was a complete waste of a character. What's with all the one-dimensional villans in this game?


I got grudge sucked!
So you know what did the trick? I let Odin kill Hope 3 times and each time I phoenix downed him. Hit square with about 30 ticks left. What a stupid fight. I get it, Lightning needs friends and needs to learn what it means to really protect someone, I don't need some hackneyed contrived boss fight with retarded stipulations to drive the point home. Strike one FFXIII, strike one.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
edgefusion said:
Fixed. At least Vanille sometimes says things that make sense, this guy is just a mentally deficient moron with a hero-complex. Every time he opens his mouth the game gets a million times more stupid. Remove Snow and the story wouldn't be half bad, yes I am blaming Snow for single-handedly ruining the story.

How far are you? I think he gets better at a certain point, Vanille hasn't really changed that much though.


TheChaos said:

Wow, Jihl was a complete waste of a character. What's with all the one-dimensional villans in this game?

I agree
they set her up to be a hardass and make you hate her then poof, she's gone. Instead we get that other woman whose name I don't remember (the one that pilots the gunship when you escape the Palamecia). Also, I was really hoping for way more Rygdea, such a cool character design (I daresay better than most of the characters) and he's barely been in it.

Papercuts said:
How far are you? I think he gets better at a certain point, Vanille hasn't really changed that much though.

I'm up to chapter 12, or maybe 13 and he's been paper thin throughout the entire game spouting the same two lines that either involve "protection" or "hero". "I'll protect her" "I'll protect cocoon, that's what heroes do" "I'll protect you" "We'll protect each other" "Heroes don't give up that easily!" "I'm a complete twunt"

Chris R

So I hope I'm not setting myself up for any spoilers of any kind but I have to ask it. I just got to probably the half way point of Chapter 3 and the game is really kicking into gear. I love the whole level up system, but want to make sure before I spend too many points in one "class" or another. I will be able to max out each and every class for each character right?


rhfb said:
So I hope I'm not setting myself up for any spoilers of any kind but I have to ask it. I just got to probably the half way point of Chapter 3 and the game is really kicking into gear. I love the whole level up system, but want to make sure before I spend too many points in one "class" or another. I will be able to max out each and every class for each character right?

eventually.. the higher tier skills/spells is very expensive



Wow, Jihl was a complete waste of a character. What's with all the one-dimensional villans in this game?

There's pretty much no depth to anyone in this game but the main six. Usually I don't mind this style, but this game is particularly heavy about it. Kinda unfortunate really.

truly101 said:
So you know what did the trick? I let Odin kill Hope 3 times and each time I phoenix downed him. Hit square with about 30 ticks left. What a stupid fight. I get it, Lightning needs friends and needs to learn what it means to really protect someone, I don't need some hackneyed contrived boss fight with retarded stipulations to drive the point home. Strike one FFXIII, strike one.

Prepare to see this stuff thrown at you four more times, in arguably even more annoying fights. :(


edgefusion said:
Fixed. At least Vanille sometimes says things that make sense, this guy is just a mentally deficient moron with a hero-complex. Every time he opens his mouth the game gets a million times more stupid. Remove Snow and the story wouldn't be half bad, yes I am blaming Snow for single-handedly ruining the story.


Snow is awesome.

Chris R

RPGCrazied said:
eventually.. the higher tier skills/spells is very expensive
But I will be able to grind it out if I feel like it correct? There isn't ever a point where you have to choose one or the other and you can never have the other?


Rpgmonkey said:
Prepare to see this stuff thrown at you four more times, in arguably even more annoying fights. :(

Odin is a joke compared to the insanity that is later eidolons, in particular
which came inches from making me quit the game in frustration. I ended up grinding for 3 hours to see if I could make it easier (I couldn't).

omg rite said:

Snow is awesome.

How can you possibly think this? What is good about Snow's character? Or interesting? Or anything. He doesn't have a personality, just a few badly written, cringe-worthy lines repeated ad-nausea.


rhfb said:
But I will be able to grind it out if I feel like it correct? There isn't ever a point where you have to choose one or the other and you can never have the other?

pretty much, anyone can be any role.. but not at the start.. its after story events
Red Scarlet said:
Why's Vanille so hated? When she was first shown she was the NOMCHANinator, now whenever I browse any FF13 thread it's all vitriol about her. What characters is she comparable to?

I think it's the accent and voice pitch... don't take my word for it, though, I've only played FF13 for about two hours even though I've had it since Wednesday. D:

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Lightning said:
[spoilerUraninite?[/spoiler] Please don't tell me you need to buy it, the price is absurd.
I think it's Mitite or something. It's the only(?) item you can't synth in the upgrade screen.


Rez said:
yeah, don't get me wrong, I'm not condoning it like a batshit insane Sonic fan or something, I'm just surprised at the amount of people shocked (feigning shock?) at the shittiness.

I'm personally shocked that the shittiness of Vanille exceeded my already low expectations of her character. Rikku is perfectly fine by comparison and Selphie is bad too but at least she doesn't have VA.


edgefusion said:
How can you possibly think this? What is good about Snow's character? Or interesting? Or anything. He doesn't have a personality, just a few badly written, cringe-worthy lines repeated ad-nausea.

But he does! He has a very distinct personality. You ask how I could possibly think that but I ask how you could possibly disagree. The chapter 7 scene with Snow and Hope
falling then Snow carrying him away
is one of my favorite scenes in an FF game period.


Chapter 7 is soooo good. I really liked the violin version of one of the songs that plays near the end of it.

Also, this game REALLY reminds me of Xenosaga. The sci-fi world, the datalog, the character development cutscenes in dungeons...even the the launching ability :D

It was probably done on purpose to "focus" the plot but dicking around in towns and playing mini-games makes no sense with a story like this (just like in Xenosaga!) :lol


Started playing today and I must say I find the game pretty underwhelming and very disappointing so far. I'm still in chapter 3, so that's probably why, but the whole thing just seems unfinished. Especially when compared to XII's open world. In my 4 hours playing, all I did was run through huge narrow stretches, fight and watch cutscenes full of stupid childish lines of dialogue. Especially Snow's and Vanille's lines, geez. Is this game's demographic supposed to be the same as Kingdom Heart's?

I swear I almost fell asleep during the fal'cie dungeon (literally). At least the combat system seems cool, but all the uninterrupted dungeon crawling is boring the crap out of me. I was so hyped about this game, but now I don't know if it was worth the wait. :(


i'm up to the point where Vanille ain't so bad anymore. so i like her better now.

as for Snow, he's a cool character. i still have no clue why people don't like him.

btw, Vanille
side boob ftw

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
the character of Snow, in premises and arc, isn't totally awful.

he's let down by wretched dialogue, though
and also, like most of the cast, silly character design.


omg rite said:
But he does! He has a very distinct personality. You ask how I could possibly think that but I ask how you could possibly disagree. The chapter 7 scene with Snow and Hope
falling then Snow carrying him away
is one of my favorite scenes in an FF game period.

It might've been better if Snow didn't yell every line in ridiculous melodrama and have his voice break during every sentence. Hope in this scene = great. Snow = ear-rapingly, please-burn-it-from-my-memory bad.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Cloudy said:
Most people like the character but HATE the voice acting. She sounds like a drunk retard with a phony Aussie accent :lol

Which makes no sense considering her VA IS australian. I don't know why she seems to try and hide it, Fang atleast pulls an accent off fine.

Chris R

Ok so final question. I normally play with rumble off on my DS3 to conserve battery life, but turned it on for FFXIII. Only thing is, the thing hasn't rumbled yet. Will it ever or did SE not include ANY form of rumble in FFXIII?


Crystal Bearer
rhfb said:
Ok so final question. I normally play with rumble off on my DS3 to conserve battery life, but turned it on for FFXIII. Only thing is, the thing hasn't rumbled yet. Will it ever or did SE not include ANY form of rumble in FFXIII?

It's there... they just toned it down in the English version for some stupid reason.
lorddarkflare said:
Removed the crazy.

No charge.
But he doesn't have a great design; he has two (TWO!) popped collars, a lace bra, and he wears a beanie. Also, his gloves have zippers on them! His English voice actor is fine, though, which makes him tolerable in spite of the awful dialogue. At least from what I've seen out of the two seconds or so that I've actually played the game.

Papercuts said:
Which makes no sense considering her VA IS australian. I don't know why she seems to try and hide it, Fang atleast pulls an accent off fine.
Right but Fang > the rest of the cast in general


DarknessTear said:
This game is hard.

So, so hard...


I wouldn't say it's hard even though I've been KOed several times. It's just that even random monsters require specific strategies or you'll die/take forever to beat them. They really wanted folks using "Libra" :lol

In some ways, it's not as annoyingly hard as FF12 because ether/MP isn't an issue but I don't like how it's "game over" if the leader dies. That is seriously LAME and has made me have to redo one or two boss fights even though I was a few hits away from winning >_<

That said, the retry system should be standard in RPGs from now one. Really takes the tedium out of things :D
Seems like people are quite divided on the cast. FINAL FANTASY IS BACK!

Anyway, Pulse is way too big. I think I'm actually lost. If that arrow wasn't in the mini-map, I'd probably be wandering around for hours before getting back to the big central area.


I get the feeling that Snow is just jokingly being "the hero", that he knows he is being a fool and enjoying it.

Maybe it's the writing or maybe the voice acting, but that's my impression. He is a cool guy.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Just beat it. Tears.

But not because it was sad OR "so bad it's sad"... I think there's tears because this is the game I've lived to hype since TGS 2006. I remember it back then, my god I got so hyped.

Sigh. I guess I'll try finding something else to hype now... for four years ;_;

Nose Master

I'm in chapter 11, and randomly started doing the plot after a couple of hunts. All the warp stones I've passed haven't been active, should I just start back tracking now (going to take like two hours to get back to the plains... :lol), or are there some lowbie ones farther up by wherever plot is taking me? Please tell me there are.


I like Snow a lot too, although he can grate at times. Still like Sazh best.

Chapter 7 is soooo good. I really liked the violin version of one of the songs that plays near the end of it.

Also, this game REALLY reminds me of Xenosaga. The sci-fi world, the datalog, the character development cutscenes in dungeons...even the the launching ability

It was probably done on purpose to "focus" the plot but dicking around in towns and playing mini-games makes no sense with a story like this (just like in Xenosaga!)

That's weird, it doesn't make me think of Xenosaga at all (which is good since Im not a fan of Xeno anything). Especially as you go, it still just makes me think of a tighter, oddball FFVI mixed with FFX.

It's still probably one of my favorites in the series though (thus far), but I'm easy to read, my FF favorites all include the job system (+IX and XII). Even though I grew up with the old school I really dont care about them anymore. The old school one I like best is the one we never got in the US (FFV). :lol

I got kind of annoyed in Nautalis though. Place is so stupidly pretty, and you wanna run around and do stuff and buy things Gold Saucer style, but you can't really do shit except talk to people. Pseudo town!

Really excited to see what comes out of XIV city wise, XI had some great cities even with some of its backwards design and for the time it came out in.


Crystal Bearer
Yoshichan said:
Just beat it. Tears.

But not because it was sad OR "so bad it's sad"... I think there's tears because this is the game I've lived to hype since TGS 2006. I remember it back then, my god I got so hyped.

Sigh. I guess I'll try finding something else to hype now... for four years ;_;


ACE 1991

The combat is starting to finally click for me. I'm starting to manually input battle commands, as auto battle makes the game fucking boring.
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