I finally decided my upcoming and ultimate gear with every character, let me know if anyone's got an opinion/change about it
Lightning - Gladius upgrade (
723 STR 210 MAG) This one was tough since I usually do magic with Light too... but I need the STR.
Sazh - Deneb Duellers (
608 STR 1125 MAG) All about the MAG.
Snow - Paladin (
510 STR 510 MAG) Don't care about the stats. It gives the Guard System a huge boost and he's a tank.
Hope - Vidofnir (
305 STR 713 MAG) Not the best magic but defense enhances
Vanille - Belladonna Wand (
403 STR 807 MAG) This was a no doubter. It enhances the Saboteur-magic and that's all Vanille is awesome for.
Fang - Taming Pole (
921 STR 921 MAG) Yes, I am aware that this weapon has "No Break" but I don't care about this since my Fang's only there for the damage. My RAVs are there for the breaking.
I've done my research, let's get this show on the road!