Argh, I hate the fucking Bomb types in this game. Seems like they purposely broke the rules to fuck you over. I'm trying to fight 4 of them and as soon as I kill one of them the others all self-destruct at the same time, and there's no way I can kill them quick enough. I tried buffing but before I could buff enough, self-destruct.
Don't go there! This is what I think is the most effective weapons after doing research. Foul hounds will always reach out and say my list sucks, because it's all opinion based.
Ah, I've been wondering about that too. I've been leveling up every class of each characters equally. So far, for example, Lightning is Level 2 in all the 3 classes she has. Am I right to assume that there'd be a time when you have to choose which one you want to specialize in a bit more? At the moment, I get more CP than progression Crystarium so I always somehow manage to level all of them up.
Argh, I hate the fucking Bomb types in this game. Seems like they purposely broke the rules to fuck you over. I'm trying to fight 4 of them and as soon as I kill one of them the others all self-destruct at the same time, and there's no way I can kill them quick enough. I tried buffing but before I could buff enough, self-destruct.
Yeah I agree with this, once you're in the post game you'll have ridiculous stats to where 200 points in str/magic just doesn't seem to make that much of a difference.
Argh, I hate the fucking Bomb types in this game. Seems like they purposely broke the rules to fuck you over. I'm trying to fight 4 of them and as soon as I kill one of them the others all self-destruct at the same time, and there's no way I can kill them quick enough. I tried buffing but before I could buff enough, self-destruct.
If you libra them and have blasters they will only cast ice/wind on them which prevents them from exploding, assuming you don't leave one of them alone. They die super quickly though.
I'm not sure if you're looking to make the best weapons or what but there's a weapon called Organyx which in omega form is 750 STR 750 MAG. This way you can still be an effective ravenger with the same weapon. I'm currently trying to figure out how to get it myself though. Does anyone know?
I'm not sure if you're looking to make the best weapons or what but there's a weapon called Organiyx which in omega form is 750 STR 750 MAG. This way you can still be an effective ravenger with the same weapon. I'm currently trying to figure out how to get it myself though. Does anyone know?
Ah, I've been wondering about that too. I've been leveling up every class of each characters equally. So far, for example, Lightning is Level 2 in all the 3 classes she has. Am I right to assume that there'd be a time when you have to choose which one you want to specialize in a bit more? At the moment, I get more CP than progression Crystarium so I always somehow manage to level all of them up.
No, there is no "specialization" here. The only difference is between base classes and the additional three, which cost double the amount of CP. You will still need to level everything to its max level to get the Trophy/Achievement.
I really like the chocobo digging sidequest. Brings back memories of Chocographs and tracking down those dig spots all over the world in FFIX. I wish they had expanded on it more along those lines this time around, but it's still fun searching for buried treasure. It's like I'm some kind of avian-mounted pirate! KWEH matey KWEH
If you libra them and have blasters they will only cast ice/wind on them which prevents them from exploding, assuming you don't leave one of them alone. They die super quickly though.
I'm not sure if you're looking to make the best weapons or what but there's a weapon called Organyx which in omega form is 750 STR 750 MAG. This way you can still be an effective ravenger with the same weapon. I'm currently trying to figure out how to get it myself though. Does anyone know?
I really like the chocobo digging sidequest. Brings back memories of Chocographs and tracking down those dig spots all over the world in FFIX. I wish they had expanded on it more along those lines this time around, but it's still fun searching for buried treasure. It's like I'm some kind of avian-mounted pirate! KWEH matey KWEH
The only thing I didn't like about it is how huge the 'suspect' area can be..ugh..this thread really makes me want to pop the game back in. There's something about Pulse that just feels like a playground. It's just fun to run around there..can't really equate it to anything in any other FF except the Gold Saucer.
It's definitely not useless, it says what shop it belongs to and where you can find it in game if it's in a treasure chest. All tier 1 weapons can be bought anyway, just some way late.
Yes they do. Looks under Inventory - Weapons. It list which shop they are available from, and the page no. of the map for the chest they can be found in.
I seriously dont understand the time limit on some of these monsters. 4 dog dudes equal 55 seconds or something, but 3 penguins equal 3 and a half minutes or something? I take them out at almost roughly the same time but i get 3 stars on the dogs. ARG.
Whats the best weapon for lightning as a rav? I find im alaways using her and hope to build up combos so i better focus on that than on her as a com.
Some of the penguins can spawn tougher monsters if you're not quick enough in taking them out. They usually never get anywhere close to doing so once you're strong enough to take them out quickly though.
The star requirements for the other things you mention seem to get tougher as you get stronger, you'll have to try alternative strategies to 5 star them.
I think i might have missed the purpose of the star rating at the end. The higher the star rating the better the spoils? Is that the only benefit or does it affect the CP u receive as well? Thanks
I think i might have missed the purpose of the star rating at the end. The higher the star rating the better the spoils? Is that the only benefit or does it affect the CP u receive as well? Thanks
Advertising works. I was totally gonna pass on the FF. I was standing firm all week. Didn't even get an urge.
So I'm sitting down to watch the Cavaliers-Celtics game today (lol celtics), and it was "brought to you buy FFXIII" and there was a commercial during every break. Well, by the third quarter I had the wife on the road to Gamestop.
One thing, do you really have to force DTS through the XMB? especially makes medics being able to revive feel pretty redundant when there is only one member of the team they can actually revive unless you make the medic a leader.
You will want the anti-death accessory at max level. Yes, it sucks, no arguing there. BUT, there was a strategy I found that made the boss trivial, unfortunately my memory is a little fuzzy since it was 3 months ago. There's essentially 3 phases to that fight, right? The first is the giant aoe that takes you to low HP, then there's the super debuffs on all chars phase, and then finally the insta KO getting added in third phase..I think...right? Well, get the boss to the second phase, where she debuffs like crazy, but once you're there, never break it. If you take it to break in the second phase it will initiate the third phase. Simply keep it debuffed and with Bio up. Bio will take it down heavily and with deshell and deprot your regular attacks will do decent damage. It will never cast Death, or at least it didn't for me. I'm not sure if this strategy is full proof or repeatable, but it took me 3 tries on this boss and the third went like that. It didn't take forever or anything, I just looked up at the health bar one time and realized she was almost dead. I used this strategy for the first time you meet the silver haired guy in the mech after the adamantoise fight. If you never took him to break, he never did the insane missile/machine gun aoe in response. Also use summons as a way to reset the fight if need be.
Welp, will have to skip the last 50 pages or so :lol Hard to keep up with this thread...
Anyway, ch10:
Man, Raines was a really tough fight. Took 3 tries but once I went back to my Light/Fang/Hope crew & used buffs/debuffs, he went down fairly easy. Managed to get 7 seconds below the target time :lol
It's getting really hard to level up now though. I assume it's normal to need 2000-4000 CP to get ONE lousy stat bonus?
Oh, I'm still using auto-battle all the time. It works great Don't see what's so bad about it. Apart from a handful of boss fights, it's been easy mode once I got used to the mechanics (Getting killed while switching to Medics is fucking annoying though).
With the star rating system, I find myself always trying to speed through battles as fast as possible. That means I barely use any defensive or status spells unless it's a boss battle.
I can see the appeal of this type of design, but I still wish there wasn't a counter making me rush through everything.
You are getting the death spell because you are taking way too long to kill him. The boss would be super easy (but take awhile!) if you could just sit in healing mode with light attacking most of the time. I had this same problem my first two tries. Your party is just too weak and you need gain more CP. I went back to the tower on Pulse and grinded mission 26 (I think?) for an hour and a half and the last boss was MUCH easier afterwards.
It's getting really hard to level up now though. I assume it's normal to need 2000-4000 CP to get ONE lousy stat bonus?
Oh, I'm still using auto-battle all the time. It works great Don't see what's so bad about it. Apart from a handful of boss fights, it's been easy mode once I got used to the mechanics (Getting killed while switching to Medics is fucking annoying though).
I'm in Chapter 11 and the fights (the ones that I can actually win) give a few thousand at a minimum, so progressing through the Crystarium feels reasonably swift again.
Okay this may be a daft question at this point but does increasing your attack and magic stats affect your defense as well as offense?
With the star rating system, I find myself always trying to speed through battles as fast as possible. That means I barely use any defensive or status spells unless it's a boss battle.
I can see the appeal of this type of design, but I still wish there wasn't a counter making me rush through everything.
The only thing star-ranking affects is TP regeneration (you usually won't care), and item accrual. However, the only items you ever get are singles of some crap upgrade material, so under nearly all circumstances, it's a useless meter. Play the game the way you want to play.
With the star rating system, I find myself always trying to speed through battles as fast as possible. That means I barely use any defensive or status spells unless it's a boss battle.
I can see the appeal of this type of design, but I still wish there wasn't a counter making me rush through everything.
Well, sometimes using defensive and status spells is the thing that saves you time, if you would have been wasting time healing HP.
In any normal FF, you wouldn't "have to" use defensive or status spells unless it sped up time there either.. unless it was just for comfort. Does that make sense?
Rare item drop rate is something absurd like 3% plus 1% per star (Best Choice is 1.1x, and wiki says 8.8% drop rate on -that- item.) It means a lot, but it still doesn't help too much. :lol
This fucking game. I just spent 40 minutes on the Chapter 5 boss after dying a dozen times before. Finally got it staggered a second time and used
but then with a tiny bit of hp left it kills Hope so I use a Phoenix down and then try to heal him but he gets killed again and stupid Lightning wastes 3 cure spells on a dead body instead of herself and I get killed. Fucking game.
Got the game yesterday, been playing it quite extensively since.
My impressions will probably mirror most folks. I was pleasantly surprised that the story's working for me more than I thought it would. I remember the first FF13 trailer being almost nonsensical in terms of what the dialogue was saying. At the start with this even it's a bit befuddling, since the overall big picture of even how the world is laid out isn't offered up front and center. Well, I suppose it is if you mean the encyclopedia in game, which is nicely informative without being too long winded.
I expected the linearity of the initial experience from what I've read, but now after experiencing it (
I'm working my way through that frozen lake area, just got Shiva for Snow
) I can understand why. The story exposition alone needed this deliberate pacing in order to not flat out confuse the player, as does the introduction to all the nuances of combat.
Of the latter, I'm liking it a lot more now than I initially thought. The paradigm system is awesome, in my humble opinion, since it cuts the micromanagement to almost zero. I like having that option though, even if it's for myself, so I'm defaulting my combat command to Ability instead of Auto.
If I had one beef it's the insane pace of combat, shit's just happening way too fast for me to pick what I want and react to changing stances and positions of enemies. I figured hey, I'll change the speed of the ATB to slow instead of normal. I could be wrong, but I THINK that is fucking my scores by making that selection, which is a bit of a disappointment. I'm finding myself just fiddling through menus in order to do what I want at the pace the game wants me to, because I decided to try to be strategic in what my leader does, versus play the way the game is ham-handedly trying to force me to play (auto mode). Again I'm still early on, maybe this gets more reasonable later, I don't know.
So far though, as a long time fan of FF7, I'm thoroughly enjoying it so far. I can't wait for things to open up a bit more. Hell I'm even liking all the characters so far (somehow, even Vanille).
The only thing star-ranking affects is TP regeneration (you usually won't care), and item accrual. However, the only items you ever get are singles of some crap upgrade material, so under nearly all circumstances, it's a useless meter. Play the game the way you want to play.
Well, sometimes using defensive and status spells is the thing that saves you time, if you would have been wasting time healing HP.
In any normal FF, you wouldn't "have to" use defensive or status spells unless it sped up time there either.. unless it was just for comfort. Does that make sense?
I guess you guys are right in a way. The rewards are not too significant, but I can't help it when this computer program is judging my combat performance. :lol I always get the feeling I didn't do something right if I didn't 5-star a battle.
Holy fuck I had the worst moment and the best moment of the game within 15 minutes of each other.
I was doing the Growth Egg trick and I managed to get a death kill on my SECOND try. I was so fucking happy until I realized that I didn't have a RAV paradigm. I literally sat there mouth agape for a minute, trying to see if there was ANY way to salvage it... of course, I just had to reset at that point.
Luckily, 15 minutes later, I got another death kill... and then spent the next 25 minutes beating the trash enemies. I still managed to get 4 stars. :lol
God, I think this might be more exciting than the end game.
Edit: Now grinding will be much faster anyway. :lol
Using an eidolon never produces better results than just sticking with my main party for me. I've only used Odin twice, and Shiva once, and haven't even bothered with the rest. Such an extravaganza for such little benefit.
Question: the ravager attacks that are basically elementally charged physical attacks. Flamestrike, sparkstrike (I don't remember if these are actually the names), etc. Do these draw from your attack stat or your magic stat? I use lightning mostly as ravager now, with fang as commando, but I hope light's huge atk stat isn't going to waste.
Played it for five hours total (last fight was Shiva) and then traded it in. Personally, I feel the game is a failure on so many levels. Loved the visuals and music, though.