Babalu. said:
Anyone got any tips for mission 64? I'm maxed out with max weapons but dude keeps getting me down when he's about halfway dead.
Here's what I used to 5-star him... beat him in around ~7 mins or something I don't remember.
Fang (party leader)/Vanille/Hope
Kain Lance(star-from Calamity)/Nue(star-from Hawkeye)/Nirvana(star-from Marlboro Wand)
As for accessories just make sure you have genji gloves on everyone to break the 99,999 damage limit and your strongest +Magic and +Strength on
Also ake sure you use your shrouds before the cut-scene starts
paradigm (in this order):
COM/RAV/MED <-- free one really you can put whatever you want
-'Enfeeble' him with your SABs until he is at least deshelled, imperiled, and poisoned (poison is a must!)
-Once he has enough status ailments switch to all RAVs and just pummel him with magic
-After a bit he will probably go in his shell and heal... this is when you switch to your MEDs and heal up as well
-Once fully healed (or close to it) switch to all SYNs and buff. Since you are Fang make sure you use Bravera, Faithra, Protectra, etc. on yourself and teammates
-Once he comes out of his shell repeat the process with your SABs -> RAVs (remember poison is a must and since Fang can't use it you have to wait until Vanille's or Hope's stick, in the meantime continue to debuff him until poison eventually does stick)
-If you manage to stagger him before he goes into his shell switch over to COM/RAV/MED (or whatever you used) and continue to pummel him. if his stagger percentage is high enough I used Fang's Highwind (for massive damage).
-Once his HP is at a certain point he will use a move called Wicked Whirl (or something like that) this move owns and is the single purpose for SEN/SEN/SEN. Once you see that move appear on the screen, quickly change to your SENs no matter what you are doing
-After the movie is over make sure you switch to your MEDs and heal up then continue on what you were working on before Wicked Whirl hit
-rinse and repeat
It took me 2-3 tries it really was just a matter of switching to the right paradigm and the right time.