He has the strategy guide, im not sure how much different they are to what you gave me. either way it looks pretty neatShadow780 said:
He has the strategy guide, im not sure how much different they are to what you gave me. either way it looks pretty neatShadow780 said:
There's a bangle that seems to get missed fairly often. You can only buy it, unless you transform the one before it. It's the titanium or tungsten, can't remember which. And he probably knows this, but each character has a weapon that can only be bought, and those each need to be upgraded. Could also be one of the elemental charms that are only found in treasure spheres on Gran Pulse. There're easy to forget about.Arsenic said:Is says he doesnt have them all, which sucks for him because now he has no clue as to what is missing. :lol
rataven said:There's a bangle that seems to get missed fairly often. You can only buy it, unless you transform the one before it. It's the titanium or tungsten, can't remember which. And he probably knows this, but each character has a weapon that can only be bought, and those each need to be upgraded. Could also be one of the elemental charms that are only found in treasure spheres on Gran Pulse. There're easy to forget about.
That's all I've got. Good luck to him!
I'll try that then. Right now I'm farming in Eden. Already done 2 (no drops yet...jiggle said:use the death method on that mission also
if it doesn't land after 3 casts
hit retry
Misson 55, actuallyjiggle said:yeah her belladona --> malboro wand
clay ring is a must on all 3 characters
if you have lots of CP saved up from the end of the game, i'd suggest maxing sab on van/fang/hope first
that'll help death land
either mission 53 or 54, can't remember :X
I agree with this. I wonder if it's out of the question for SE to actually do something like this. Being the money hungry company they are now, they'll probably just release Final Fantasy XIII International with said functionality instead :lolbadcrumble said:I think New Game+ could work out perfectly well if it's something like FFX-2. Make you lose all of your Crystarium levels, keep your equipment but push its levels back down to 1 (so you'd finally get to find out what a Level 1 Omega Weapon's stats are like), and let you keep your gil and the stores that you had already unlocked, so there'd be a moderate amount of recovering CP and weapon exp, BUT you'd start off with lv. 1 Wurtzite Bangles, ATB+1 from your ultimate weapons despite their lowered levels, et cetera. That'd be a great way to keep it interesting without undoing the work put into late-game grinding for traps/dark matters since your transformed equipment would stay transformed and just lose its levels.
Having the CPx2 and item farming accessories right from the start would make the grindy aspects of the game significantly less strenuous anyway. Game really needs to add an accessory that converts CP into Gil though.
radiantdreamer said:Ummm... does your avatar potentially breach TOS?
Cornbread78 said:I checked with the MODs in the Avatar thread and they cleared it, so I'm good there. I can go back to my human peeing fire if you'd like that one better? He has a fire demon and mortal form.
Cornbread78 said:![]()
since you asked, LOL
C.T. said:You took to long? Enemies tend to use ultima which kills you, if you took to long. Are you buffing and debuffing, trying to stagger him? What strategy are you using? Buffing and debuffing is essential to defeat enemies fast.
Diseased Yak said:What motherfucker at S-E decided that it would be a grand idea to have a blaring siren going on near continuously as you slog your way through Ch. 9? I mean really people! No one caught this during testing?
Still loving the game, though, but geez. Makes me want to stab ice picks into my ears.
ULTROS! said:I just finished the game again last night with my friends, we were laughing at the entire final dialogue.
We can make the impossible possible!
Miracles CAN happen. *Vanille Squeaky Voice*
Fimbulvetr said:In Lightning's defense it is almost impossible to make dialog this stupid.
WTF are you doing to make the final boss take 20 minuets? Go through all your paradigms and maybe readjust your party. Also check to make sure you have at least equipped your main with a cherub crown. Easy ass battle really. Part two was a bit tougher due to the doom counter, but there is really no way in hell the first part should take 20 minuets.eznark said:Progenital Insa-Death after 20 minutes on the last boss.
At this point I am only continuing because I want to finish it after 60 hours of wasted time. Plus, I deserve a mother fucking trophy for slogging through this.
Bitmap Frogs said:Ok, I just met the last boss... awesome place. Who would have thought that piece of marketing made sense. Oh well.
So balthanders (or whatever, my countries' heavily localized) was a piece'o cake. But the Orphan - btw what the fuck is that thing? Balthanders (or his bird - maybe Balthanders IS the bird?) goes for a swim and becomes the Orphan? Nice design, it looked pretty medieval to me - the iconography and overal structure, the flat face... I digress.
The point is, I get a first stagger on him and I shred 4 million hitpoints off him leaving it at 2,2 mio. At that point I can't cope anymore with his damage output and cheatDeath gets me.
My god, so annoying. Constant damage spam. Buff wiping. And the cheatDeath to boot.
Cherub Crown gives 30% resist instant death. You should have found at least one in Chapter 12 I believe (or maybe it was Chapter 13). Fully upgraded it gives 60%, and then add veil onto that, basically impervious to instant Death. If you didn't find one in a treasure sphere, check to see if you can buy one from B&W.eznark said:I have lighting/fang/hope and was constantly buffing/debuffing/healing and attacking. Often times I had a healer.
I was whupping his ass no problem, slowly chipping away when all of a sudden he dropped the hammer with that cheap death shit.
I haven't upgraded any weapons really, and I have two mains leveled most of the way. I didn't grind that much and don't really have the patience to do it now. Will upgrading my weapons help a lot?
I have no idea what a cherub crown is.
WTF...Dimmuxx said:I used vanille/fang/hope on. SAB/SEN/SYN until you have most buffs(veil is very important) and he is poisoned. Then RAV/SEN/RAV until he is staggered after which you switch to RAV/COM/RAV. Repeat the same tactic once more and he will be dead. Remember to switch to MED/SEN/MED when needed.orphan
ULTROS! said:Lightning: Congrats
cosmicblizzard said:I liked that dialogue :/
But hey, you liked Sarah and Lymle so I guess we're even.
45-50 hours - can be finished in less than 40 though, if you go for doing all the missions it can take up to 80-100 hours.reKon said:Finally got this game. I hope to start next week sometime. What's the avg amount of time it takes to beat for people?
If you just want to beat the game and ignore trophies/achievements and missions then this game will take between 30-40hrs.reKon said:Finally got this game. I hope to start next week sometime. What's the avg amount of time it takes to beat for people?
cosmicblizzard said:I liked that dialogue :/
But hey, you liked Sarah and Lymle so I guess we're even.
It's very good actually, Digital Foundry had some comparisons for 1080p vs 720p, definitely use 1080p output.I NEED SCISSORS said:Been meaning to ask this:
What's the 1080p scaling like? Crappy, or looks the same as 720p native? I ask because i'll be playing on PS3 in 1080p to take advantage of the cutscenes, but don't want my gameplay to look like ass in the process.
miladesn said:It's very good actually, Digital Foundry had some comparisons for 1080p vs 720p, definitely use 1080p output.
Valkyr Junkie said:Seriously? Bosses will fucking cast doom on you if you're taking too long? Fuck this piece of shit game.
How far in are you? Because by the end of the game if that's still your impression then you've missed the point and the backstories of the characters has just gone straight over your head.Combine said:Probably the most annoying thing is that stupid damn first paradigm shifting scene where the entire team can't do anything while it occurs yet the enemies can still attack you (and kill you usually).
Who's bright idea was that?
The characters are probably the biggest problem with the story in the game. I couldn't care less about any of them, because they barely give you any backstories on them, and what they do tell doesn't really give any emotional support to them.
Lighting: Ice-cold bitch who's only purpose is eye-candy and trying to act tough
Snow: Dumb big-hearted guy who's love and ideas come off as more foolish and desperate than genuine
Hope: "I'm just along for the ride because my mommy was killed"
Vanille: "I serve no purpose than to be completely annoying"
Sazh: Actually, he's probably the character that had the most emotional support because of his son. Even though he's treated more like comic relief.
Fang: Angry bitch who was quite clearly designed to be a man first before they changed her into a woman.
Lightning said:How far in are you? Because by the end of the game if that's still your impression then you've missed the point and the backstories of the characters has just gone straight over your head.
If anything, this game focused WAY too much on the main characters backstories too the point that every other character in the game just got brushed aside.
Alcahest said:But on this page [ http://asia.playstation.com/my/en/game/gameDetail/146570 ], they state: "Language :Chinese, Traditional / Korean / English"