Salaadin said:How is the overall menu speed now? Before, adding points and accessing equipment screens felt slow.
Still very slow and I seem to get an error when trying to access skills the first time, just like phase 2.
Salaadin said:How is the overall menu speed now? Before, adding points and accessing equipment screens felt slow.
MomoPufflet said:This is all I want. WASD to move, arrows for camera was perfect for me. Has this been brought up on the beta site? I don't have access..
LaneDS said:It's a shame because in instanced settings the game runs beautifully and controls nicely. It's just when there's a ton of people around it goes to shit really quickly. My issues with the stamina bar being useless are still present (cooldowns on actions mean you can't expend all your stamina and it might as well auto-attack for you in most cases early on).
Kintaro said:I'm having a problem where I would attack a mob...and then I can't attack back. The mob attacks me, then its dead because I was spamming 1 and it finally went through but came up "action not allowed" or whatever it is.
The controls right now are absolute piss. Just fucking awful. Seriously, the game is FFXI-2. Why not have the option to just use those controls while getting the others right? Especially if they can't get mouse controls right.
Also, minimap is weird. Why doesn't it rotate with you again?
Jinko said:Tek do you mind making the linkshell ? message me in game Jinko Jinko.
Kandinsky said:So i didnt get anything at lvl 2 nor lvl 4, and im seeing these guild npcs that sell abilities for Guild Marks, that means we have to buy them now?:lol
Kandinsky said:Skills appear if you use mouse to equip them lolz.
IJKL for camera + numpad for movement still worksKintaro said:I'm sorry but I can't play this. Mouse controls are just god awful and since that's the only way to use the camera... =/ No, I'm not hooking up a gamepad to play either.
use the drop down box to select the class you want to see abilities forLaneDS said:Skills aren't showing up for me no matter what I do. Logging in and out didn't fix the problem but it did at least play the main menu and character select music continuously, even after logging back into the gameworld. So yes, two songs are playing on top of one another.
At this point my hope for a smooth launch is a distant memory. This is somehow buggier than phase 2 was for me, which is mind boggling.
Valru said:use the drop down box to select the class you want to see abilities for
Kintaro said:I keep getting error messages from windows while playing this Direct X errors and "program quit running" errors. Weird.
fizzelopeguss said:You alt tabbing to minimise the window?, that shit always crashed my game.
hgplayer1 said:Its so funny reading all this negativity right at the start of phase 3. My god it just started! :lol
Robobandit said:To the person who said they were getting over 60 fps away from town.. I can't see how.. there are players everywhere.. my FPS stay below 30 at all times except in cutscenes.. and I have an i7 920 @ 3.6Ghz, a 5870 and 6GB of ram.
CcrooK said:Stay away from the quest nodes. Go explore. It passes 60 easy.
CcrooK said:Stay away from the quest nodes. Go explore. It passes 60 easy.
Robobandit said:Ah. so it's just being in the same zone as other players that does it?
The only area I can even find right now is near bearded rock.. but even when there are only 1 or 2 other players that I can see, my fps take a nosedive.
What area are you going to where things improve? I'd like to try that myself..
BUT ITS FINE, JUST LIKE FFXI!Londa said:Even I want to tear my ears out from the damn level up fanfare
sameLonda said:Even I want to tear my ears out from the damn level up fanfare
Man this game is so slow, everything feels archaic, having to re-equip ammo after a stack is gone, wtfisthisshit.jpg
desa said:I thought it was capped at 30? Did they up it to 60 now? I haven't had time to play for the last few weeks so I don't know what's new, changed, or what have you.
Kintaro said:So...which part of the game are we testing exactly? Just one of the towns? Weren't there more starting towns/cities? If so, will these not be tested? Just how limited in scope is this beta test a month before launch? =/
Are you serious?Teknoman said:Well people said that at the beginning of each new phase, yet a ton of stuff gets added/improved each time. Im sure it'll be just long as they keep listening to the tons of feedback...and add some way to regen MP (aside from lowering the cost of ether).
Kandinsky said:Are you serious?
Beautiful.Teknoman said:The scrolling speed of the map has been improved.
Certain NPCs have been given a unique chat window.
Do you honestly think thats the only thing wrong with this game atm? seriously?.Teknoman said:Well what else is a complete mess aside from no decent way to recover MP without items/ no hardware cursor for when using WoW style controls? I'm not saying there isnt anything to fix, but it keeps improving by alot each phase/during phases, and isnt some complete disaster.
Kandinsky said:Are you serious?