MCH - "it's not terrible"
The dps, I mean. Also said it was a blast!
MCH - "it's not terrible"
It's a stun, so if the tank is standing in the stupid, (90% of tanks are too stupid to move or stun in low DF) you push the fucking thing away. Unless it's some sort of long ranged mob, then stop pushing it MCH.
Is it realistic to shove monsters into AoEs with it?
I've only briefly experimented with the machinist, and I got a lot of mileage out of pushing enemies away from me using it. I wish you could push them off cliffs too.
Man, I think BLM AF2 is ugly. Maybe I'll reconsider once I get it myself, don't think I've actually seen it since they showed that live letter a few months back.
PLD - "it's still pretty boring"
SMN - "we BLM bahamut now"
BRD - "we BLM now"
BLM - "fire IV fire IV fire IV convert fire IV fire IV fire IV"
It's a stun, so if the tank is standing in the stupid, (90% of tanks are too stupid to move or stun in low DF) you push the fucking thing away. Unless it's some sort of long ranged mob, then stop pushing it MCH.
Blank is not a stun. It's a knockback and interrupt, but is not a stun and does not activate stun DR (why the distinction is important.) Suppressive Fire is the stun, and shares a CD with Head Graze (the silence).
I was going to do the:
Press Start > Character > Switch Gear Set to a non-shitty job
...angle, but that works tooj/k btw, I know nothing about MCH except that it's the new DRG.
That's odd, all the data centres are in the same place at the moment.
Fluid Aura also does not stun, unless you're referring to the Bind on it.
Incidentally, actually makes Blank better than random Fluid Aura knockback since the mob just immediately comes back instead of sitting there for 15s. Blank-ing random things is fine unless it's the thing everyone is actively killing. Then it's just kind of obnoxious.
Regarding the final boss theme:do we have the lyrics and their translation (assuming they mean something)?
You talking Rav? Yeah there's lyrics.
Hum, I wrote Final boss (of the main story of Heavensward), ie..King Thordan
Which it's not really/sorta/ish. As for that fight, no idea.
One option I wish they had included in this expansion, is the option to sync your Strength and Vit etc, down to something reasonable for lvl50 content, while keeping access to all your level 60 abilities. I mean, I know you can seven man a lot of content, but all that extra DPS can make some fights feel, "weird."
Basically, it'd just be nice to have some fights I'm familiar with, where I could practice using the new abilities. For starters, I'd like to get using three fell-cleaves per Berserk down to actual muscle memory.
It's a stun, so if the tank is standing in the stupid, (90% of tanks are too stupid to move or stun in low DF) you push the fucking thing away. Unless it's some sort of long ranged mob, then stop pushing it MCH.
It absolutely is the final boss of HW. Just like Ultima (well, LOLahbrea but, you know) is the last boss of 2.0.Which it's not really/sorta/ish. As for that fight, no idea.
Which it's not really/sorta/ish. As for that fight, no idea.
Have you tried just putting on worse gear? I know they added minimum iLevel sync as an option to DF but I don't know if it also forces level sync, but you should be pretty capable of determining how strong you want to be by swapping out gear pretty easily. Might require some creativity to get Skillspeed where you want it to keep GCDs the same, though.
Alternately undersized parties could be an option.
But if you're me and you're tanking, because you're a tank, and you know how to dodge AoEs because you're not stupid, and you have a melee dps you're knocking away the target messing up the melee DPS and me, making me chase the thing down, move positions and all that AND I have my own stun that I'll use when needed.
It's super annoying.
Which it's not really/sorta/ish. As for that fight, no idea.
Had a MRD that couldn't hold enmity and had a DPS teach him about Defiance. jeeeezzzus
Keeping Skillspeed/Spellspeed about the same would be really difficult though. Not impossible, but tough. Unfortunately this would be necessary too,since the feel of your rotations (and how many of X you can fit in under Y status,) changes based on how much S-Speed you have access too.
Although, even in pre-3.0 gear I might be able to do it by popping Vengeance and Raw Inuition, (Not to mention using Berserk while at 4 Stacks,) but it'd be tight, and would feel different enough that I'm not certain how valuable it'd be at actual-level 60.
Practice on a striking dummy.
You also don't have as much skill speed as you think you may have.
As I have mentioned before in this thread, skill/spell speed stat weights have changed and made most things feel slower. You should stop thinking like it's 2.55 and more like 2.0 when figuring out rotations relative to your attack speeds.
At ARR and level 50, it would require 10-11 skill speed to reduce GCD timers by 0.01s. Now, you require 26-27 skill speed to reduce GCD timers by 0.01s.
Other stat weight changes include critical damage not being at 1.5x at base stats and DoT damage not being at 1x per tick at base stats.
Practice on a striking dummy.
You also don't have as much skill speed as you think you may have.
As I have mentioned before in this thread, skill/spell speed stat weights have changed and made most things feel slower. You should stop thinking like it's 2.55 and more like 2.0 when figuring out rotations relative to your attack speeds.
At ARR and level 50, it would require 10-11 skill speed to reduce GCD timers by 0.01s. Now, you require 26-27 skill speed to reduce GCD timers by 0.01s.
Other stat weight changes include critical damage not being at 1.5x at base stats and DoT damage not being at 1x per tick at base stats.
I'm aware of the stat weights, I'm also aware that the skill speed I have right now more than compensates for the slight reduction in weight.
Holy shit! They did it again! After grinding to 56... a couple of Story quest and then... a huge grind to 57 again...
Uh, that's not a slight reduction and your gear is not compensating for that at all. You are no where near 2.55 levels of speed.
Did they do any stat squish on main stats?
I'd rather that than the huge series of fetch quests they sent you on in ARR to make sure you were high enough for the next dungeon when they gave it to you.
I'd rather that than the huge series of fetch quests they sent you on in ARR to make sure you were high enough for the next dungeon when they gave it to you.
I can fit more attacks in during Berserk now than I could in 2.55, so I'm pretty darn certain I'm faster right now.
That or the 20ms improvement in my latency I've seen in the past few weeks is affecting things more than I realize. (I kinda doubt it.)
I haven't read any number crunching about main stat changes relative to weapon damage. Did the amount of HP per VIT increase and MP per PIE increase change with 3.0?
but I'm forced to do mog fetch quests to level up anyways.... that or run the same old dungeons of 2.0 on the roulette.
I can fit more attacks in during Berserk now than I could in 2.55, so I'm pretty darn certain I'm faster right now.
Really? In that case I might consider migrating back to Ultros. I guess the biggest issue was me playing on PS3 before and PC now.
You have 500 Skill Speed? That's the new number.
Edit: Just checked your Lodestone since that's faster, >600. So yeah, more than before even at new weights.
Possibly yeah, PS3 is playable but can sometimes be a bitch.
Can't remember if it was confirmed or.rumour, but the EU data centres were reported to be moving to Europe.
Can't remember if it was confirmed or.rumour, but the EU data centres were reported to be moving to Europe.
I believe the last note on this was "buy some stuff from the cash shop and we might think about it."
But if you're me and you're tanking, because you're a tank, and you know how to dodge AoEs because you're not stupid, and you have a melee dps you're knocking away the target messing up the melee DPS and me, making me chase the thing down, move positions and all that AND I have my own stun that I'll use when needed.
It's super annoying.
I cannot STAND WHMs/MCHs who knock mobs away mid-fight when I'm tanking, and especially when I'm melee DPS. That shit is infuriating
Hum, I wrote Final boss (of the main story of Heavensward), ie..King Thordan
Problem is sometimes something looks big enough that we think it probably won't move if we use the pushback action. In the end it's additional dps maneuver, so it's still good for that.I cannot STAND WHMs/MCHs who knock mobs away mid-fight when I'm tanking, and especially when I'm melee DPS. That shit is infuriating