Yeah this is the way I see it. If people know they will need to move why would anyone be trying to squeeze two Fire IV's together? One needs to make decisions based on what's happening in the moment-to-moment. It's kind of depressing to see that what people seem to want is a set list of skills they can just fire off in order every time no matter the circumstances.
If you have to move why would anyone switch to F1,F4,F1,F4 over F1, F4, F4, F1 considering its not only a DPS loss its slower to cast? Its also extremely disingenuous to categorise the reasonable comments people have made about the current BLM playstyle as people wanting a simplified cookie cutter approach (its also amusing because at the end of the day that is ultimately what both the old and new BLM rotation are). Of course one has to make decisions based on the flow of combat, but the current timing of the BLM rotation makes responding to those decisions unduly punishing, especially when you place it in context with the other DPS classes.