What's this all about? Unless I'm thinking of something different, Dravanian Mistletoe was never all that rare, I gathered a lot of it myself and the nq's sold for about 1000-1500 each on the Ultros mb. Unspoiled node in Churning mists, right?
It was highly rare and expensive when it was even available until 5 days ago when they hotfixed it on a vendor for 1300gil. Before it was on an unspoiled node that appeared every 30 minutes. It was literally not available to buy at all until about 2 days after EA ended and at that point was about 100k normal quality per item on my server, Mateus. It stayed very close to that price until the hotfix. It basically completely blocked up a lot of crafter progression because so much of the gear relied on crafting much lower level gear or paying huge sums of money or simply not progressing.
Not to mention that Unspoiled nodes are also where you make the collectible items that give you a ton of xp so a lot of those Botanists are going to be using the Unspoiled nodes to level and not to gather items.
Compound with the quick nerf they put on doing Leves under 50 giving xp to people leveling those skills and it was kind of a recipe for disaster unless you had a Botanist to just do it yourself.
Contrast that with the other part of Holy Water which is available as a normal node in the Dravarian Foreland and was available for a reasonable price pretty soon into EA.
It was just super dumb to gate what is early crafter progression behind a basically unassailable wall. Frankly, their fix is jsut as bad because they completely destroyed the value of an item from an Unspoiled node by making it a vendor item :/ Sucks for Botanists. Moving it to a standard node would have been much more reasonable.
Also even after you make the stuff it doesn't sell because they are giving it away with quests and selling it on vendors.