I literally spent an hour last night on the character creation screen, haha. I want to make a tankish character (still deciding between warrior and paladin long term), and was looking at the different race statistics and how they would support.
I first settled on a Roe Sea Wolf, but once I actually arrived in game they looked absurdly large. I don't have anything to compare the scale to other than a few NPCs I interacted with...how massive are they when in an actual party setting? I suppose there might even be some value added when they are fully armored up and look like an actual tank, but at level 1 it's hard to tell.
Next I tried out the Hyur Highlander and they seemed to be more to scale of what I'm looking for. Not too massive, not too tiny, with the bonus of having a stellar gray beard. I think the Highlander might have the added bonus of not looking completely absurd if I try out several different classes with him, since I can't see a Roe as a stealthy ninja type character.
Does anyone have a link to example pictures of what different races look like in end game armor?