Random/Roulette against your opponent who has 6 cards that break your deck restrictions pls look forward to it.
They've fucked TT so badly in this patch I can't honestly believe it. No deck upgrade, nearly every npc has a combination of random, chaos and roulette, drop rates are insanely low and they made it nearly impossible to get anything from the tournaments unless you win trade or buy wins. gg.
Yup. TT from top to bottom was destroyed in HW. They took a fun little time waster that had benefits to playing and collecting and turned it into shit where there is no point getting newer cards. Super low drop rates make the rare wins you can get against the new opponents super frustrating when you don't get a card, the common rules make it near impossible to win consistently due to you getting handicapped with a random deck while your opponent uses their rule breaking deck, no deck upgrade makes it so you can't even get on an equal footing with them even if you get 90 cards AND they nerfed the NPC tournament points further ensuring that match fixing in the TT tournaments is the only way to place on top.
Now, I'm no game developer and don't have the skills to fix it but I believe there are some very simple fixes that have been overlooked.
-If you don't want 90+ card decks to be 4x4* and 1x5* then how about it lets you have 3x3*, 1x4* and 1x5*? That way it's an upgrade but not too OP
-Get rid of the Random rule for NPCs or at least balance it so they pick from a pool as big and as varied as yours. It's bullshit to be given a full 1* deck against NPCs playing with much stronger cards
-Put the TT Tournament NPCs points back to how they were and expand it beyond the Gold Saucer giving players a reason to travel and play TT against harder opponents that offer more points. Risk/reward and all that.
-Make a TT DF like thing like how Chocobo racing has it so we can play against human players that way instead of having to /sh for randoms
-Make it so you can only play against a player once (or limited times) per tournament. This would stop people using alt accounts to grind to the top of the leader board every single tournament.
- If a DF was implemented make it the only way to play in a tournament. That would stop people from buy wins and from going against alts. If it can't find an opponent then you go against a "random" NPC.
Or, you know, what will actually happen:
-All NPCs now give 1 Tournament point
-All NPCs now permanently have the Random rule
-NPCs only drop cards on the 100th win.
-Cards no longer drop from non-TT opponents
-Fuck you for wanting TT, wait till 3.51 where Tetra Master is brought in