Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Go into Character Settings > Hotbar Settings > Cross > Enable Expanded Controls
Now you have 16 more hotkeys to use, 8 on L2 then R2 and 8 on R2 then L2.
Go into Character Settings > Hotbar Settings > Cross > Enable Expanded Controls
Now you have 16 more hotkeys to use, 8 on L2 then R2 and 8 on R2 then L2.
Ughhhhh, why an I addicted to the hunt and gear grind this time? There goes 12 hours of a day.
That phone token goes wrong so many times, write it down somewhere.
erica cartman says she'd like to have a talk about hunt ls', don't shoot me i'm just the messenger
erica cartman
I literally spent an hour last night on the character creation screen, haha. I want to make a tankish character (still deciding between warrior and paladin long term), and was looking at the different race statistics and how they would support.
I first settled on a Roe Sea Wolf, but once I actually arrived in game they looked absurdly large. I don't have anything to compare the scale to other than a few NPCs I interacted massive are they when in an actual party setting? I suppose there might even be some value added when they are fully armored up and look like an actual tank, but at level 1 it's hard to tell.
Next I tried out the Hyur Highlander and they seemed to be more to scale of what I'm looking for. Not too massive, not too tiny, with the bonus of having a stellar gray beard. I think the Highlander might have the added bonus of not looking completely absurd if I try out several different classes with him, since I can't see a Roe as a stealthy ninja type character.
Does anyone have a link to example pictures of what different races look like in end game armor?
In every single instance of the character being represented in game they use your actual character model, its only in the promotional material that they use Johnny Generic to represent the player. It seems like quite a stretch for Johnny Generic to be used as a stand in for the character when in literally every other instance they just use the character.
Why do people hate Aurum Vale so much?
Last night we went through 6 tanks before one finally stuck around. The first one complained about the dungeon, then seemed to go along with it, before immediately running around to draw as many mobs as possible to wipe us and then disconnected. The following 4 tanks just either silently and immediately left, or just went "Ewwww" and left.
I don't see what's so bad about it. It's not long or difficult. If you don't want to do a particular dungeon, then don't use the roulette.
erica cartman
So I decided to start this up finally. How good is Ultros for new people? I imagine most people in the Gaf company on Ultors are pretty high level, but would I be able to find ppl to play with?
Also love Tatarus outfit changing at the Forgotten Knight while you progress the main quest line, it changes few times from what I've seen and she waves to you when you enter the tavern, crazy details
So I decided to start this up finally. How good is Ultros for new people? I imagine most people in the Gaf company on Ultors are pretty high level, but would I be able to find ppl to play with?
Moogles will play a large role, as players might have discovered.
I'll be reactivating my account again soon. I played Triple Triad on my friends and got addicted so I pretty much have to rejoin.
I'll be reactivating my account again soon. I played Triple Triad on my friends and got addicted so I pretty much have to rejoin.
I've been wanting to play this and with all the great reviews of Heavensward I'm thinking of getting it on PS4, but I don't like the subscription fee.
Is it worth getting the $60 Realm Reborn/Heavensward Bundle as a person who's never played XIV before? I know it comes with a free month as well.
Was planning on spending my poetics on a chest piece. Any reason not to?
I have the yoshimitsu atma currently. Should i do the weapon?
No. You are enough steps removed form it being relevant that the time investment isn't worth it.
Why do people hate Aurum Vale so much?
Last night we went through 6 tanks before one finally stuck around. The first one complained about the dungeon, then seemed to go along with it, before immediately running around to draw as many mobs as possible to wipe us and then disconnected. The following 4 tanks just either silently and immediately left, or just went "Ewwww" and left.
I don't see what's so bad about it. It's not long or difficult. If you don't want to do a particular dungeon, then don't use the roulette.
Gathering at 60 is kind of a drag.
In fact I'm really not enjoying crafting or gathering post-60, especially now that my leves ran out.
I'm also stuck at ~80 BSM desynth and the only way to get things to desynth is to spam hard modes and win rolls against 8 other people spamming greed.
Neither the relic weapon nor poetics gear hold much value post 50.Ill reiterate, i have an atma weapon should i homd onto to it and spend my poetics on gear? Or should I upgrade my weapon?
Neither the relic weapon nor poetics gear hold much value post 50.
So just sit on the poetics then? Ill get better when i start Heavensward? (Im just starting the ice queen now it seems, damn me for postponing this!)
Ill reiterate, i have an atma weapon should i homd onto to it and spend my poetics on gear? Or should I upgrade my weapon?
erica cartman
appearently her? Maybe she wants us to merge linkshells and form an alliance
It'll be called GAF'd
also alexander preview video is up
PLD is dead confirmed![]()
erica cartman
appearently her? Maybe she wants us to merge linkshells and form an alliance
It'll be called GAF'd
also alexander preview video is up
PLD is dead confirmed![]()
Alexander wearing that leopard bikini /growl
That soundtrack, huh.
I must say I'm kinda irked how we went from a mystery behind the earth-shattering cataclysm to... well, goblins.
I'm in love with the music already. I really didn't expect it to sound like that.
I don't know, TT is my game. I adore it.that addiction goes away rather fast.
Only got my Dragoon to 50 LOLWAZZY!!!!!!!!! How far did you get on your character?
Welcome back to FFXIV, Wazzy. Even if you're just joining to play Triple Triad [try the other stuff too, it's incredible].Also damn is this where y'all OP TC players have been?
Was gonna spend my weekend playing Heavensward with my fiancee. Bought the expansion, went to register it aaaaand
The software token on my phone decided to reset (wants me to register it again), I don't have my removal password to fix it, and can't play til during the school week when SE Support is working again.