Why isn't there anybody on Ultros controlling the tier V materia market and basically being the sole supplier? Dead server.
Because currently the only way to get V materia is through mutamix's RNG roulette of doom
Why isn't there anybody on Ultros controlling the tier V materia market and basically being the sole supplier? Dead server.
Because currently the only way to get V materia is through mutamix's RNG roulette of doom
That's a little unfair tho, for people that have gotten through it a dozen times. You can watch the cut scene later at an inn, its not like you will lose the cutscene forever.Skipping dungeon cut-scenes shouldn't be allowed unless the entire party agrees.
That's a little unfair tho, for people that have gotten through it a dozen times. You can watch the cut scene later at an inn, its not like you will lose the cutscene forever.
For gathering and crafting? Yes
Skipping dungeon cut-scenes shouldn't be allowed unless the entire party agrees.
No, they've been saying for a long time that it will be a brand new quest line and weapon set. The only relation to the Zodiac Braves weapon quests is that if you have done them, they will likely provide you with a shortcut on the path to the new weapons.
Until we see the actual patch notes for 3.1, we won't know, but every indication points to these 3.0 relics being new and completely different from 2.0 relics with nothing needed from 2.0 to start. He has said he might throw us a bone if we have a completed zeta but I don't think there has been any more discussion on what that might be.
That's a little unfair tho, for people that have gotten through it a dozen times. You can watch the cut scene later at an inn, its not like you will lose the cutscene forever.
So saltyPeople want to watch them in the moment, deal with it.
So salty
I usually wait for new comers to watch their cut scenes. However in places with long ass cutscenes like the final instances in vanilla ARR, asking to wait for people to watch them all its a little too much.
Wrong. Go make one of your students read the patch notes for you please.
Well you mention a bit on gathering and crafting materias so I assumed you mentioned those and not battle materias.
Jayhawk please
So salty
I usually wait for new comers to watch their cut scenes. However in places with long ass cutscenes like the final instances in vanilla ARR, asking to wait for people to watch them all its a little too much.
Inconsiderate prickslol, this instance is for us not you
So salty
I usually wait for new comers to watch their cut scenes. However in places with long ass cutscenes like the final instances in vanilla ARR, asking to wait for people to watch them all its a little too much.
Ask for a few seconds before they start the cutscene so that I can get into the lockout zone before I get trapped outside,
Inconsiderate pricks
People want to watch them in the moment, deal with it.
People don't want to do that, nor should they really, people shouldn't have to go out of their way to see the story in a story focused game. Anyway, if they're watching the cutscenes it means you're getting a bonus from it.
I'm fairly certain every one of those options is present in the Character Settings menu.
^ This. FFXIV is a story-focused game; the cutscenes are important to a lot of people and they are more dramatic in the context of the actual trial. It doesn't take that long to just let them watch, and you're getting a bonus besides.
Hate the "OMG SKIP CS" people.
People don't want to do that, nor should they really, people shouldn't have to go out of their way to see the story in a story focused game. Anyway, if they're watching the cutscenes it means you're getting a bonus from it.
So salty
I usually wait for new comers to watch their cut scenes. However in places with long ass cutscenes like the final instances in vanilla ARR, asking to wait for people to watch them all its a little too much.
Yeah I just finished the 2.0 main story quest and I watched the cutscenes. However I did it with the knowledge that my group would probably advance ahead and do all the fights without me. So past a certain point in the final dungeon, I could no longer keep up and it was just one cutscene after another. I grabbed a soda and sat back and just enjoyed the show til the credits rolled. Now I've done the 2.0 story at this point, but I have no idea how the fights went (other than "yay, we won!") There were a couple seconds in between some cutscenes where I caught snippets of my group complaining, but hey, they got the newbie bonus. I don't know if they were contemplating kicking me and the 1 other new guy or what (someone did say "Ah, let them watch it") or just general comments.
It's bad design to have dungeons be like that, but luckily it's not repeated in HW?
Ask for a few seconds before they start the cutscene so that I can get into the lockout zone before I get trapped outside,
Inconsiderate pricks
I started the Final Coil after the last Echo patch and was able to clear T12 with a DF group on my first try and T13 after a few days of grouping with both PF and DF players. From what my LS members have been saying, T13 is basically a roulette.I'm actually curious how often these result in a clear, specifically something like t13. Felix, Haman, Korra and I went in half premade (Felix was on Conjurer and Haman on Lancer for funsies) and we oneshot it, although the others seemed to mostly have cleared as well.
We had way more that resulted in failure, though Felix's Conjurer has the dreadwyrm staff and robe I believe, so we got a few clears. If you've done t13 a bit in the JP DF, how often did they clear it?
Higher level crafting is a grind and a huge money sink.Does crafting become more dreadful in higher levels (as in class level, not crafting level)?
Because I want to focus on leveling up my first class before doing the crafting.. I dunno if it would be wise to just wait, or do it in-between. Any suggestions?
(I'm a lvl 24 Thauma, going for Goldsmithing first.)
This is likely my style and I am white mage so likely will be main healer.. Let's see them skip ahead thenWelp, missed every boss in the final 50 dungeon because fuck those pricks, I'm watching the cut scenes.
This is likely my style and I am white mage so likely will be main healer.. Let's see them skip ahead then![]()
To be honest, if the other healer isn't new then they probably won't need you.
Wait so the last stage will include more than one healer ?
Wait so the last stage will include more than one healer ?
At least one person hung back to profusely apologise for the others. That person got my commendation
Yes, some dungeons have 8 players (usually with two healers).
A lot of the ending of 2.0 stuff is 8 man (2 tanks, 4 dps, 2 healers), they will also be common as you move through the 2.1,2.2, etc. parts of the storyline.
Oh well ! Hopefully I'll still get exp from it ?
Most unfortunate but expected, they did the same thing in FFXI. Had to go from Excalibur and Aegis to Burtgang then Almace and Ochain so I am used to multiple relic lines.
Hopefully they will toss us a bone for finishing zeta weapons but then again my Paladin is just about retired as I have been focusing on DRK.
I think the new sets look pretty nice but It kind of looks like multiple tank sets are available not exactly sure.
The armor looks the same but it looks like DRK has a cowl and WAR has a helmet.
Looks ugly. Will have to see it in-game for myself I guess.
Yeah, but Alexander Normal will be easier than Coil.
To be honest, if the other healer isn't new then they probably won't need you.
That gun looks sexy though.
Well, easier than some of coil, a recent quote about the difficulty
"As a result, Alexander has both a normal (story) mode and a savage mode. The normal mode will be higher difficulty than that of the Extreme Primals, but easier than Second Coil of Bahamut's Savage Mode"
Seems at odds with the impression they were giving beforehand about it being more accessible
It looks bad.
Leveling AST really feels like cheating the Commendations system. I spend all my time seeing how low I can get the tank during Gravity spam while still recovering with an ED and Benefic II, fish for extended Bole so I can Gravity spam more (and occasionally AOE Ewer everyone because I think it's funny), and mostly just play like a really shitty BLM with two heal buttons and it works out.
Oh well ! Hopefully I'll still get exp from it ?