Yup. From the sounds of it all it helps is that you get the tokens so don't have to worry about only loot for PLD dropping when you are a NIN. Instead now the worry is only Accessory tokens dropping when you need the pants tokens.
There is no gear in Alex, just tokens that can be redeemed for the gear.
Each week, you can get one token per floor. You can't roll on tokens once you've had your gear for that week for that floor.
After the weekly reset, you can roll on it again.
Holy shit...Are you kidding me?
How many slots are in the game 12?
Wowowowowowow...12 weeks rolling against 8 people?
So if you have bad luck, you will have do hundred of run to get one token unless it is a static.
Holy shit...Are you kidding me?
How many slots are in the game 12?
Wowowowowowow...12 weeks rolling against 8 people, 4 chances of winning?
So if you have bad luck, you will have do hundred of run to get one token unless it is a static.
Yeah, corresponding to different parts.
Though since all are basically worth the same, the only reason there's 7 different types is to keep you going back for more cause RNG.
I mean, each chest is likely going to have 1 or 2 different tokens drop and I feel rolling for either of them is better than it having like 10 different items.
Holy shit...Are you kidding me?
How many slots are in the game 12?
Wowowowowowow...12 weeks rolling against 8 people, 4 chances of winning?
So if you have bad luck, you will have do hundred of run to get one token unless it is a static.
I think there were some complaints that people didn't like some of the SFX, particularly on the Japanese servers. To be fair, as satisfying as the sound for Fell Cleave is, it's rather high pitched, so I could see it grating on some people.
I'm assuming each floor will drop the one due to the lockout, otherwise you could roll on 2 at once and potentially get them both.
I'm assuming each floor will drop the one due to the lockout, otherwise you could roll on 2 at once and potentially get them both.
If you had bad luck, you'd have to do 100's of runs in any raid. RNG gonna RNG.
I didn't say they were uber hard, but I'd say they're the hardest class in general due to having both a high focus on specific UI parts(the health bars as you mentionned), as well as having to do most mechanics like everyone else. Having to keep track of your cooldowns/debuffs/dots is easier than to keep track of constantly fluctuating health bars, it requires more focus to see when people randomly take damage and heal them quickly.
Plus you also have the tank thing where your responsability to perform your job flawlessly is higher than a DPS. A DPS who has to drop a combo because he lost focus on his rotation to avoid some aoe has very little impact on the fight. His epeen is a bit smaller but eh. Lose vision of your tank's health for a few seconds and it might be a wipe.
All in all, it's not like really difficult, any of it.
And yes your job gets easier as a healer the better the other players are.
From what I understand:
Alex doesn't drop gear only tokens.
Tokens are slot specific (head token, feet token etc) not class specific
You get one token per floor per week
You need/greed on a token and win, you can't need/greed on another token on that floor until the reset
Different gear takes different amounts of tokens. Accs are 1, body is 4
We don't know if certain slots come from certain floors.
Head Tarnished Gordian Lens 2
Body Tarnished Gordian Shaft 4
Hands Tarnished Gordian Crank 2
Waist Tarnished Gordian Chain 1
Legs Tarnished Gordian Spring 4
Feet Tarnished Gordian Pedal 2
Accessories Tarnished Gordian Bolt 1
Main thing that worries me is that if there are 4 sections meaning 4 drops do things like body tokens only drop from certain floors? Can I, if I'm lucky/patient enough, get my body in one week or am I out of luck because the body token only drops on floor 4 and it'll take a month to get it? If it's any token can drop on any floor then that is much better.
I personally would still prefer a generic token system that wasn't based on class and slot. Like how tomes are just on a smaller scale. You lot on a token, add it to your stack and cash in for whatever.
Main thing that worries me is that if there are 4 sections meaning 4 drops do things like body tokens only drop from certain floors? Can I, if I'm lucky/patient enough, get my body in one week or am I out of luck because the body token only drops on floor 4 and it'll take a month to get it? If it's any token can drop on any floor then that is much better.
No, you won't automatically be kicked. You'll be fine. The systems just update to reflect the name change.I have a question about race change and name change.
I am in the GAF free company on ultros, if I change race/name will I be kicked out of the free company automatically by the game? Just wondering because I have a bottle of fantasia and I was going to change name to match the race. My ff14 name is "Virrea Oshari"
so the rumours are real? alexander normal is going to be as easy as crystal tower?
no other reason why they'd put it on DF
so the rumours are real? alexander normal is going to be as easy as crystal tower?
no other reason why they'd put it on DF
It sounds like a per-boss version of the WoD system. The raid has 3 floors. Each floor has 1 chest with tokens in it. If you win a token from a chest, you can't roll on anything from that chest/floor for the rest of the week. The tokens themselves are the items in question.
Alex Normal basically reads like 8-man CT to me, down to the instant solo queue ability.
not sure why but people are saying there's going to be 4 floors
there's at least 1 floor where it's just a boss fight ala t9/13 anyway, so no map achievements for that
not sure why but people are saying there's going to be 4 floors
there's at least 1 floor where it's just a boss fight ala t9/13 anyway, so no map achievements for that
not sure why but people are saying there's going to be 4 floors
there's at least 1 floor where it's just a boss fight ala t9/13 anyway, so no map achievements for that
No, you won't automatically be kicked. You'll be fine. The systems just update to reflect the name change.
There could be 99 floors, with the other 96 being bug free.
Well, it is the extra dungeon after the main storyline. Aren't they usually 100 floors deep?
I have a question about race change and name change.
I am in the GAF free company on ultros, if I change race/name will I be kicked out of the free company automatically by the game? Just wondering because I have a bottle of fantasia and I was going to change name to match the race. My ff14 name is "Virrea Oshari"
All this skill speed on fending pieces lol.
Link to new items please?
You'll be kicked if you go Au Ra. Not if you go cat.
But I heard Au Ru was da best? anyway I am going lalafell for now
The stats on the Alexander aiming gear are terrible... yuck.
Nooo, my Sidewinder ;_;
Nooo, my Sidewinder ;_;
SS is new best stat for BRD (thinks Yoshi).