Leveling dungeons shouldn't be used as speedrun material as well but since there is little story involved nobody seems to care or have a ground to be offended when the dungeons I waited 20m+ to get into a run that turns into a run to the end no XP affair. I get that having the pool of people doing LLDR facilitates more people to play with however I would have waited 30m if I was actually going to get some XP out of it. But yeah wouldn't want to waste someone else's time. Heaven
The community at large for this game kind of sucks. If it isn't parseholes or speed runners it is clueless aggressive people. I was almost vote kicked out of a dungeon the other day because a healer refused to heal me while activating a magitek terminal next to an exploding crystal in DD. "You shouldn't be taking damage you shitty dps" "I am not fucking healing you." I was told. When only the tank and myself had any clue as to having to stand in those to open the way through. Simply not possible to avoid damage when there are only 2 of us trying to activate the damn thing. I even waited until after the blast went off to go in. Randoms are so random sometimes.
When I finally was 47+ I was only able to stomach 1 run of AV and it had nothing to do with the dungeon. Just the grouping. I had one group that lost 7 people in a row to leaving at the entrance without a single mob killed. So tack on an additional 10-15m waiting for more people. Mostly level 60s doing LLDR from what I could tell. People kill EX primals but A fucking V slows their roll. They should be embarrassed. When we finally got 4 people that would stay the dungeon was easy (even with a first time tank) but I wasn't going through that community imposed bs again so I was forced to finish my hunting log and grind fates at the end to hit 50. There was screen full of people in N Than all probably dodging AV doing the same thing.
Finally into the HW content now and I am impressed so far. The scale of everything is huge and there seems to be much more voice acting this round. I actually like the new voices too.