day 1 and players are nearly breaking these fights, haha.
day 1 and players are nearly breaking these fights, haha.
day 1 and players are nearly breaking these fights, haha.
Good god, the amount of updates this game needs to install before I'm even able to start is ridiculous. Why do I have to be in the client to download the 9 GB update? I could at least let it download in PS4 rest mode, but noooo, the client needs to be running.
I just want to start the damn game.
Content streaming is standard these days in the MMO sphere but something something PS3 something something servers.
At the very least you're being hassled in-game rather than being hassled by a launcher trudging along at 100Kbps.
I guess that goes to show how crappy most DPS are. I thought the split happened at 50%, but it seems to be based on time.
Good god, the amount of updates this game needs to install before I'm even able to start is ridiculous. Why do I have to be in the client to download the 9 GB update? I could at least let it download in PS4 rest mode, but noooo, the client needs to be running.
I just want to start the damn game.
day 1 and players are nearly breaking these fights, haha.
Outside of FCs and maybe Linkshells is there anywhere that people sort of go just to idle and chat? Between doing endgame stuff I mean.
That was a big draw in the MMO I used to play for me, but there was a global chat system there, combined with a rather miniscule community.
Yes, I hate how's there no general channel in this game. I feel like I'm in a world where every one is a mute. With how many people i see running around, it feels empty because no one talks outside of their LS or FC.
/sh Invite to hunt please!
/sh PF for XXXXXXX is up!
Seriously, that is all I ever see in this game.
Need to bring General and World Chat so people can socialize, create group, and sell their stuff with ease.
/sh Invite to hunt please!
/sh PF for XXXXXXX is up!
Seriously, that is all I ever see in this game.
Need to bring General and World Chat so people can socialize, create group, and sell their stuff with ease.
Would love just a world chat.
the only thing i have to say about this video is this is the worst song of storms remix i've ever had the displeasure of listening to
day 1 and players are nearly breaking these fights, haha.
Suggest it on the official forums.
I've still see a lot of shout chat in Ishgard.
Lol, I would but I'm sure I'll be yelled at telling me how horrible world chat is even when it's optional.
People flipped out about jumping and flying mounts, and you see how well that turned out.
a lot more enjoyable than just having an instanced turn/floor with the same circular arena for every boss fight. I don't even know why they design it like this except out of laziness.
What?! Complaining about jump???
No jumping=a bad MMO/game in general.
The first thing I ever do in any game is to make sure space=jump.
Probably the reason I couldn't play FF14 1.0...I think you can't even fall from a 1in ledge or go over a rock.
Am I misremembering thing?
Weren't people only complaining because FFXI/XIV didn't have jumping?You aren't. People were all "Jumping will break MY immersion >:U" when in all actuality, being able to jump around things, climb over objects, etc. ups immersion if you're going for that kinda thing. Something about people shouldn't be able to jump with armor on...but no one ever complained about Dragoons.
EDIT: That snake boss fight in first coil had me expecting future boss battles to have multi-tier platform arenas.
What ilv gear converts into Type V materia? Does ilv 46 - 50 still guarantee Type III? The new gear giving Type II is kinda a bummer![]()
Weren't people only complaining because FFXI/XIV didn't have jumping?
I guess some were afraid of the bunnyhopping completely destroying the immersion in other MMOs like WoW. /s
Weren't people only complaining because FFXI/XIV didn't have jumping?
I guess some were afraid of the bunnyhopping completely destroying the immersion in other MMOs like WoW. /s
Was a little of both. Don't like bunny hopping (or skill spam in town for that matter) either, but I do think there were an equal amount of people clamoring for either end.
I still want swimming / underwater areas.
Why are we unable to set /shout to stick as our chat instead of /say and the like? This is bullshit
Discourages spamming because it's tedious to constantly type /shout.
day 1 and players are nearly breaking these fights, haha.
Floor 1 of Alexander really is quite easy. About as difficult as WoD. Hell the Behemoth fight in LotA was harder than this.
lol at the DPS not being able to meet DPS checks. Took the third run in DF to clear it
Has anyone ran into people with obnoxious macros?
I think the only one I've seen is from a Ninja on Sycrus Tower.
He had a macro for his Trick attack (in Alliance chat) that he spammed repeatedly, and it was about a paragraph long for one button press along with sound effects.
I honestly thought that one was pretty hilarious just because it was the first time I had encountered something like that.
Well there's all the warriors with their 10lines berzerk timed macros like Used berzerk! <se.1> 10secs remaining on berzerk! <se.2> 5secs remaining on berzerk prepare to Esuna/Leeches! <se.11> 4secs! <se.5> 3secs! <se.2> 2secs! <se.3> 1sec! <se.7> BERZERK ENDED NOW PACIFIED REMOVE NOW <se.1><se.2><se.3><se.4><se.5>
It's like, one out of 2 warriors almost with one of these stupid macros. I never remove it if they have a macro spamming noises.
But in general yeah text macros are terrible. If you do one, you should really put a <wait.1> between the skill and the text, so if you spam it(which you do a lot if you're out of range or out of mana or just in general gameplay since macros don't queue) it doesn't also spam text, but eh.
Just unlocked flying in the hinderlands and half way to 59. I can feel the end is near.
That sounds like a good idea. There are a few times when I've pressed my Hallowed Ground macro one too many times.
I just made one for Divine Veil just now, which I think is necessary for that skill since it require that another party member act on it to have any effect and I don't think many people even know what the skill does or what the animation looks like.
Has anyone ran into people with obnoxious macros?
I think the only one I've seen is from a Ninja on Sycrus Tower.
He had a macro for his Trick attack (in Alliance chat) that he spammed repeatedly, and it was about a paragraph long for one button press along with sound effects.
I honestly thought that one was pretty hilarious just because it was the first time I had encountered something like that.
I have run Alex over 20 times and have only gotten a SINGLE FUCKING DROP. last run on floor 1 I rolled a 91 and a 95, lost to 99s, then the run before that both items were fucking lenses which I was the one item I had already gotten! ARUGH
That's when I realized I need to stop for the night and just take my fucking L.
back in 2.1 there was a monk who had touch of death macro'd.
"bite that pillow *ENEMY NAME*....cause it's going in DRY!"
thank god we disbanded on atomos.
and i remember a dps with "BEAST MODE ACTIVATED!"<SE.1> <SE.1> whenever blood for blood or internal release was up for him.
and recently there was a pld in frontlines that macro'd his shield bash.