Holy crap. This could be an effective way to run FFXIV on your mac: http://lg.io/2015/07/05/revised-and...-own-highend-cloud-gaming-service-on-ec2.html.
Fucking people asking to be midget cats and shit but where the fuck are the asses?
I completely forgot this was a thing.
I can't blame people for wanting more customize-able options though.
It looks like you're going to have to play something like Blade&Soul if you want that.
To "fix" the Alexander loot issue
Make a Party Finder for a floor.
State as rule that "a minimum of 4 runs have to be done with no one leaving"
Remind this before the 1st kill starts and have everyone agree.
You might still find douches that leave when they get their drop, but atleast your odds are much better this way, and if you behave correctly and are polite, nice people will usually join your PF![]()
lol at the excuse people make to avoid 30 min penalty.
"i have to go to work in 5 min, can you vote kick me?"
How did that make sense? If he needed to go to work, why did he care about 30 min penalty?
reading through some of the previous pages just now
am i wasting my time leveling an archer/bard?
sorry i'm a huge noob so i don't really know what classes does well and what they don't do well
lol at the excuse people make to avoid 30 min penalty.
"i have to go to work in 5 min, can you vote kick me?"
cat is on fire
spoilers he lied
what happened to your kawaii lala pic
Is there any way to get more inventory space or stash normal items somewhere? I'm constantly full and I'm such a hoarder since I don't know if I'll need the crafting materials later.
The one with Tiv hair?
lol at the excuse people make to avoid 30 min penalty.
"i have to go to work in 5 min, can you vote kick me?"
This is really asking for an avatar quote.I love replaying the Singularity Reactor and seeing newcomer's reactions when they realize who they're fighting.
So good.
Incidentally, it's occurred to me that as easy as Alexander Normal is for experienced raid groups, it's actually probably really good content for people with less raid experience. It teaches people some good if albeit basic lessons about things like positioning and such. (Or, don't be afraid to kite around enemies, to soak damage, etc.) Conversely though, it's a shame that there won't be any intermediate content for people that want to get into raiding because of this. I mean, if Savage is FCoB+ level difficult, that'll be a pretty darn steep jump for a lot of people. XD
Guess there's always extreme primals.
Well, Alexander's 1 to 3 floors were a breeze. A4? Yeah, this one actually requires people to be careful. Either you deal with the phases properly, either people will die rather quickly.
Also, loved A3's boss: HelloLiquid Flame! Didn't see you since FFV (and FFRK too, I guess).
I have to do Singularity Reactor tonight for first time. Come with me and see my expression... when I skip da cutscenez!
To "fix" the Alexander loot issue
Make a Party Finder for a floor.
State as rule that "a minimum of 4 runs have to be done with no one leaving"
Remind this before the 1st kill starts and have everyone agree.
You might still find douches that leave when they get their drop, but atleast your odds are much better this way, and if you behave correctly and are polite, nice people will usually join your PF![]()
Hmm, I did? I'm really curious as to where I said this. If that's how it came across then I apologize.That's the way chrono presented it, blame him!
They upped it for Heavensward.
Doing Fractal last night as a fresh 60 (and having to buy i150 gear from the vendor to meet the level requirement) was the first time I haven't out-geared a dungeon in about a year and a half. It was a nice change, actually had to work for once to keep the tank up. Even ate my fairy a few times, it's a nice oh shit button.
Not trying to make excuses for my fuck ups since I admit I fucked up a few times but I hate it when someone decides they can criticize others and then get defensive when someone does the same thing to them. If you can't take it, don't dish it out to others.
So I have put off getting my Relic weapon forever, since I never felt like it. But I decided to do it and was not looking forward to grinding for the Atma, but I have gotten like 3 Atma in around 8ish fates. I thought the drop rate was like 2%? Did they up the drop rate or am I just insanely lucky today?
No one likes people like this. I derped and my mouse battery power went poof while standing in one of the robo trash's aoe and of course I get one shotted by the clothsline. Tank immediately goes 'Um, heal?" when they are dying cause they didn't even noticed i had died and rezzed and was omw back.
Guess who got up to 4 stacks on the first boss and who stood in at least 3 mines on the final boss? That DRK. And guess who healed through all of it with no wipes on the 'weak" AST?![]()
They upped the drop rate several times. I think they may have upped it again for 3.0, bu haven't been up to date on it. I know they lowered the mob amount required for the books as well.
Heh, mentioned this before but some tanks really don't notice things. Or don't care even if it wipes or causes issues for the party.
Still sounds like you're a good 'weak' AST if you healed that with no wipes haha.![]()
I'm happy with the potential changes listed, but I'm still hopeful that they'll do something to make nocturnal sect more attractive/usefulNo one likes people like this. I derped and my mouse battery power went poof while standing in one of the robo trash's aoe and of course I get one shotted by the clothsline. Tank immediately goes 'Um, heal?" when they are dying cause they didn't even noticed i had died and rezzed and was omw back.
Guess who got up to 4 stacks on the first boss and who stood in at least 3 mines on the final boss? That DRK. And guess who healed through all of it with no wipes on the 'weak" AST?
Speaking of which, i notice there's some AST buffs in the latest Live letter, Confirmed pretty much everything I thought was wrong with the class and not the 'oh the sky is falling' crap. Lightspeed boost, Collective changes, Shuffle useable outside of combat, and indirect buffs to Noct stance by making CDs play nicer with it including Celestial Opposition 9which i think is also being looked at, hope they lower the timer some). One or two other things but meh, those were what mattered to me for sure.
They upped the drop rate several times. I think they may have upped it again for 3.0, bu haven't been up to date on it. I know they lowered the mob amount required for the books as well.
I'm happy with the potential changes listed, but I'm still hopeful that they'll do something to make nocturnal sect more attractive/useful
I'm happy with the potential changes listed, but I'm still hopeful that they'll do something to make nocturnal sect more attractive/useful
Well if they made it so you could swap stances in combat, then that would make it attractive, since you could use it when it's useful and ditch it when it's not. Otherwise there isn't really a reason to use it unless you're grouped with another AST, since stuff doesn't stack because reasons. Shields aren't good on their own. The reason SCH is good isn't because it has shields, it's because it has shields+damage mitigation+fairy. They kinda missed the mark I feel on that stance, the regen one makes for a fairly decent copy of the WHM playstyle(minus actual good cooldowns like divine seal and benediction) but the shield one is a terrible copy of the SCH playstyle since it doesn't come with most of the SCH kit.
Anyway a lot of the changes sound nice enough. I wonder if they'll adjust cards and stuff too, there's a mention of it I think(making cards easier to use?) but not sure what's going to come out of it. By then though I'll probably be 60 on my SCH and won't bother with AST much more, SCH just feels much better to use imo.
What exactly do I need to do to unlock the high level roulette ?