You're missing two story dungeons and actually three more hard level dungeons, I'm not sure why the list is showing only 3 missing.What exactly do I need to do to unlock the high level roulette ?
You're missing two story dungeons and actually three more hard level dungeons, I'm not sure why the list is showing only 3 missing.What exactly do I need to do to unlock the high level roulette ?
I believe that, if they're not on the list, they've already done them.You're missing two story dungeons and actually three more hard level dungeons, I'm not sure why the list is showing only 3 missing.
You are missing The Tam-Tara Deepcroft (Hard), The Wanderer's Palace (Hard) and Amdapor Keep (Hard).What exactly do I need to do to unlock the high level roulette ?
Giving a best man speech in front of audience = harder than anything I've done in FF XIV. And it was babby mode too since it was only during the rehearsal dinner and not the reception. Got the clear though...but next time pls send help. So nerve racking. Can't wait to be back Sunday to play with you all again GAF, miss you.
Giving a best man speech in front of audience = harder than anything I've done in FF XIV. And it was babby mode too since it was only during the rehearsal dinner and not the reception. Got the clear though...but next time pls send help. So nerve racking. Can't wait to be back Sunday to play with you all again GAF, miss you.
Totally thought you were talking about an in-game wedding for the first line, hahaha.
I have to do Singularity Reactor tonight for first time. Come with me and see my expression... when I skip da cutscenez!
Question: Is farming The Atherochemical Research Facility about as efficient as a High/Expert Level Roulette run?
I ask because I have neither of those anywhere near unlocked at the moment, and was wondering if I truly would be better served to unlock those, or just farm said Research Facility instead.
Thank you!
Giving a best man speech in front of audience = harder than anything I've done in FF XIV. And it was babby mode too since it was only during the rehearsal dinner and not the reception. Got the clear though...but next time pls send help. So nerve racking. Can't wait to be back Sunday to play with you all again GAF, miss you.
Giving a best man speech in front of audience = harder than anything I've done in FF XIV. And it was babby mode too since it was only during the rehearsal dinner and not the reception. Got the clear though...but next time pls send help. So nerve racking. Can't wait to be back Sunday to play with you all again GAF, miss you.
EZiest dismissal of my life
Hey guys, sorry it's a little off topic but I'm losing my mind.
Just bought realm reborn and I'm trying to log in, first it locked my account as I must have got my passwords wrong, I followed the links the unlock and then set up new passwords, website says password has been changed, but then when I try and log in it says invalid password. I have tried to reset three times now, all resets successful, but still can't log in, is this an issue people have came across?
Did you actually get that set up? If you didn't set it up don't enter anything
Ah ok, I assumed that I had.
I'm in now. Thanks.
When do servers that are closed for new characters open up?
Or, how easy it is to transfer to that server after creating character on another server?
already hate the alex turn with the trashtrain. running around picking adds up while dps and sometimes healers blame you and the other tank for every misstep. meanwhile, large spiders are piling up because dps is so low. always hated dungeons or raids with trashtrains. so tedious and boring,
anyway, somehow managed to knock off the last 3 drops. i don't feel this stuff is too hard, it can get rather toxic though. met one asshole group, other had 1-2 idiots, but most were fine. can't say i'm a fan of this loot system. i know i was lucky. next week could be hell.
Is there a particular server that Eurogaf are using?
already hate the alex turn with the trashtrain. running around picking adds up while dps and sometimes healers blame you and the other tank for every misstep. meanwhile, large spiders are piling up because dps is so low. always hated dungeons or raids with trashtrains. so tedious and boring,
anyway, somehow managed to knock off the last 3 drops. i don't feel this stuff is too hard, it can get rather toxic though. met one asshole group, other had 1-2 idiots, but most were fine. can't say i'm a fan of this loot system. i know i was lucky. next week could be hell.
Is there a particular server that Eurogaf are using?
anyone know the enrage timer for the Alex 4 boss? Just curious since I've encountered enrage in that fight twice
Like Reknoc said Ultros has a fair amount of Eurogaf on it. Partly because right now it doesn't make a difference with lag as all NA and EU servers are at the same place in Canada and partly because the biggest GAF presence is on Ultros so there are almost always people on no matter the time.
I'm sure this question has been asked a thousand times but I don't think the info is in the OP, soooo I'll try to keep it short:
Bought the 'complete experience' on PS4. Comes with 30 day free trial. Already have the game on pc (not the Steam-version), haven't played that in a while but have a lv 30 character still on a square enix online account from that time.
Can I still take advantage of the free trial and just be on my merry way on my 'old' account with my character still on it, or is it best to start fresh? What are the steps here?
Registering your PS4 copy to your existing account should give you the 30 days.
Does anyone know which bosses drop Valerian Terror Knight's Plate Mail? I'm interested in obtaining it for glamour purposes.
Does anyone know which bosses drop Valerian Terror Knight's Plate Mail? I'm interested in obtaining it for glamour purposes.
I think stuff just drops randomly in any of the gear-based loot chests.