My mind really must work on a different track, I just don't see it. 0_o
Sabre is beyond help.
My mind really must work on a different track, I just don't see it. 0_o
Is there any reason that I as a Dragoon am not allowed to roll on Aethereal Steel armor in Brayflox/ect? I can both wear it and they're upgrades, yet I can't need on them.
Just go to the Rogue guild and take the quest to become a Rogue.How does changing jobs and questing work?
I am level 16 archer, I want to switch to Rogue. What happens to my Archer quests?
Just go to the Rogue guild and take the quest to become a Rogue.
Not sure what you mean Archer quests, you mean the ones their guild gives you? Generally speaking any quest you're on will apply to the class/job you're on as long as their level matches that of your current class/job's level.
i.e. if you're a level 45 White Mage on a level 45 quest then switch to your level 30 Bard your Bard won't be able to turn in that quest because they are not of the right level.
Ah ok. So how do you level up since you have done the quests already when changing jobs? The Rogue is in another starting city, so he will have all new quests. But If I switch to Conjurer (which will make my job/char at level 1) the Archer job already did all the non-class quests including the main scenario ones for Grinidia?
Last time I df'd Alex 1, one of the dps kept randomly switching between bosses for no reason at all.
I haven't done Alex yet but I read that you need to kill both bosses near each other (around 15s apart or something?) Maybe that's why he kept switching?
Like I said, not done it myself, just going off what I've read.
Which is generally why you split the dps. We would have been fine if he stayed on the same boss.
I wasn't in your run so I don't know what your dps was doing >.> You didn't say if your dps were split or not. (and I imagine not all groups would discuss it (who is on what boss), gotta go fast and all)
We discussed it and told him to stay on a certain boss with the other dps.
Well, finally pulled the trigger. Have never really been into final fantasy specifically but have been looking for a good MMO for a while. Here we go.
Edit: And the first thing I see on the guildworks site are naked children. I've made a terrible mistake.gif
I think there's a bug in there that they never fixed.
Naked children? Wut?
Guess it wasn't an obvious joke. Lots of Lalafell with no gear on.
Any great video resources for those out there trying to pick a class or uh...job?
Made a new character on Ultros. Gotta say, the Black Shroud is pretty barren! I guess that is to be expected, most players are hanging around in the new area's, but it's still kind of sad to see a huge Ochu FATE and no one around to tackle him with
Controls on PS4 are great. Really great.
So I got my archer to level 30 and started with the pugilist so I can become a Bard (I should do that, right?)
Though I noticed that you have to start at level 1 again... Can't even complete the rest of the main quests. When I get this pugilist to level 15 and become a Bard, will I start off as a level 30 like my archer is or will I be starting over a third time?
So I got my archer to level 30 and started with the pugilist so I can become a Bard (I should do that, right?)
Though I noticed that you have to start at level 1 again... Can't even complete the rest of the main quests. When I get this pugilist to level 15 and become a Bard, will I start off as a level 30 like my archer is or will I be starting over a third time?
Level 30. Whatever your level 30 class is continues.
You'll be level 30. Archer is the main class you level with Bard.
Oh thank god. I feel like I've put a lot of hours levelling up to 30 on my Archer. Really didn't want to start over again. Hopefully getting to 15 isn't too tedious. Don't really enjoy the pugilist >.>
Is it too late to start the FFXIV journey at this stage?
It's mainly the WoW babby excuse when it comes to obtaining flying. Too many are too used to just being handed it or throwing money at it and not actually caring about exploring anything.
Plenty of us starting from scratch.
How do I get the Main Scenario quests in Limsa Lominsa after switching to a Rogue?
Think I've decided on Archer -> Bard. I'd like to make a White Mage a main but without having someone to level with I feel like it'd be a crushing grind. Maybe I'm wrong.
I switched to Rogue and I am nekkid!
They should give you starting armor when you switch to new job at least
How do I get the Main Scenario quests in Limsa Lominsa after switching to a Rogue?
Yeeeah, 1 and 2 I don't mind DF-ing, but 3 and 4 are going to be way too hit or miss for my taste. I really do hope they increase the number of drops, if only for the last few turns.
I actually do want to see people do these, people that normally shy away from real challenges.
I think I've hit my first wall in the main quest. I'm a WHM and Garuda is a step up from anything I've had to do before. I can't remember their name but huge thanks to the gaffer who tried to help me last night even though we wiped like 8 times. I think the majority of them were my fault.
It's pretty overwhelming as I've developed bad habits like putting nearly all of my attention to the party sidebar when it comes to healing and buffing. The game has never really demanded that I keep positioning in mind before except for dodging obvious AOEs. It was only the last dungeon that taught me the importance of mp management and aggro. Until then it was just mindless "cast cure on tank" for basically all group stuff.
So yeah, any patient folks available to help a guy in need?
You're on Ultros I take it? If you still need help, me and Alice can help ya out. Just hit me up in game. (Jade Arcana)
Cool, thanks a lot! I'll be on in the next half hour.
A healer would be significantly faster to level than a dps, the difference in dungeon queue times is staggering and dungeons are the best source of XP. Anything you'd have to kill solo for your quests will die without any real trouble even if you were naked and hitting it with a wet sock.
They give you starting armour when you start the game, depending on your race and gender. It isn't class specific.
Main scenario quests are main scenario quests. They don't change location or type if you switch classes. The next main scenario Quest is where it was before you switched, and will have a different shaped icon to the rest of them (it has fire around it).
I think I've hit my first wall in the main quest. I'm a WHM and Garuda is a step up from anything I've had to do before. I can't remember their name but huge thanks to the gaffer who tried to help me last night even though we wiped like 8 times. I think the majority of them were my fault.
It's pretty overwhelming as I've developed bad habits like putting nearly all of my attention to the party sidebar when it comes to healing and buffing. The game has never really demanded that I keep positioning in mind before except for dodging obvious AOEs. It was only the last dungeon that taught me the importance of mp management and aggro. Until then it was just mindless "cast cure on tank" for basically all group stuff.
So yeah, any patient folks available to help a guy in need?
Thanks.A healer would be significantly faster to level than a dps, the difference in dungeon queue times is staggering and dungeons are the best source of XP. Anything you'd have to kill solo for your quests will die without any real trouble even if you were naked and hitting it with a wet sock.