Drivers issues aside, this weekend was pretty demoralizing. I'm an i179 SMN, and according to my friend that has a parser, I do pretty well.
It took 4 different groups to even clear floor 4 of Alexander a single time for my quest. That's like 4+ hours of attempts before I could even get a clear, never mind a drop. I think it's going to be impossible to get drops from this from DF groups.
In addition to that, I joined 3 different Bismarck EX groups to try to get my clear to move on to Ravana, and all of them failed after the green/blue snakes when weather is introduced. After the first group (learning party), I have the mechanics nailed and do what I'm supposed to be doing.
It's incredibly frustrating to lose to things outside of my control. I can't control the Monk that does less DPS than the offtank so we can pass the dps check, I can't control the tank that doesn't pop a cooldown and dies during the island stun, I can't control the healer that moves when I'm trying to block a tether in floor 4, and gets hit by all of them, or the healers that stand next to each other in the last phase and get wrecked.
I know people will say find a static, and maybe it's something I need to look into. As it stands, out of my friends, only 2-3 of us are on at any given time. Maybe we need to look outside the group.