Thank you guys, Ill add that to my info doc I have where I keep all the good tips for FFXIV I findSo much info to read through!
Have you also seen these?
Thank you guys, Ill add that to my info doc I have where I keep all the good tips for FFXIV I findSo much info to read through!
I capped MCH, but I'm thinking of leveling SMN after watching them just utterly wreck the dungeons I've been in. Balmung has pretty much stopped the MCH hate, but I still get people for stuff like the Aery in low level roulette compaining about MCH.
I'm not trying to hear that noise.
Got my MCH at 54 now and I've matched or outdone melee dps with comparable gear. It's more work to get damage out of it, but it's still there.
Just don't like having both DPS in a 4-man as
Another thing I don't quite understand is why there's such a difference in bonus exp you get from the roulettes, I got over 200k at the end of Copperbell mines but only got like 60k from Cutter's Cry. The additional exp you get from the mobs doesn't feel like it makes up for the difference in bonus exp.
Because they're trying to give you the same total EXP for the two dungeons. The issue with places like Cutter's Cry is that most people skip like ... half the mobs in the dungeon.
Still, the higher level dungeons in LLDR tend to be better overall EXP even with this factored. Usually the bonus isn't enough to offset the dungeon EXP.
Because they're trying to give you the same total EXP for the two dungeons. The issue with places like Cutter's Cry is that most people skip like ... half the mobs in the dungeon.
Still, the higher level dungeons in LLDR tend to be better overall EXP even with this factored. Usually the bonus isn't enough to offset the dungeon EXP.
Market board? Where is that?You can get them from the market board but if you're in the GAF FC you can put a request in on the guildworks site and someone will be able to help you out.
Player "auction" house basically. There's a market board in each of the 3 starter cities and Ishgard, it's always in the middle of the vendor district. The 3 residential wards also have their own Market Boards.Market board? Where is that?
Unfortunately I'm not in any FC right now as I'm currently playing on Lamia.
I thought that may be the case, damn. I wanted a raptor blue one!Player "auction" house basically. There's a market board in the shopping districts of the 3 starter cities and in their residential wards.
If you're not in any fc though you won't be able to use them. You need to stable your chocobo to feed him the fruits and stables are currently only available in the residential wards so you need to either join a fc and use theirs or buy a house (good luck) and a stable for your personal use.
Ah man these are super cool. Who made them?
Depend on your lvl and the lvl of your gear.By lvl 50 with i90ish you should be above 300dps when your lvl 60 probabpy ilvl140ish 500dps. (This is a lower leaning example but as any dps you should never drop below 300dps.)Whats a good parser?
Whats a good parser?
I finally beat Bismarck Ex.
It felt so good joining a learning party, taking 2.5 hours, and finally getting the kill.
Yes, it took us a while, probably too long, but it was worth it.
Perseverance and teamwork! The joys of MMOs.
Started working on him lastnight, thinki i will need to find or start a learning party this evening, i take it you need to split the dps between A side and B side ?
With my website and another one, we did an interview with Naoki Yoshida at Japan Expo. If you're curious about MCH & BRD DPS, the next raid, Glamour Egi, Hildidi, EU Servers, 4.0 and sidequests...
"Probably around just before or just after 3.1 release then I will be able to offer a European datacenter. Please wait a little more. So we assure that we can do it sometime this year."
Is there any consensus on if Bards should be using WM? I don't think I've seen a single Bard use it in the DF.
They dps more with it on. It's either keep it on or rotate between turning it on and off depending on situation.Is there any consensus on if Bards should be using WM? I don't think I've seen a single Bard use it in the DF.
Is there any consensus on if Bards should be using WM? I don't think I've seen a single Bard use it in the DF.
Honestly speaking? He's not actually doing anything wrong by going on follow and Eos doing the healing as long as he's truly not afk and at the end of the day healers don't have to dps if they don't want to because well, they're healers.
In fact you would be in the wrong if you kicked him.
Honestly speaking? He's not actually doing anything wrong by going on follow and Eos doing the healing as long as he's truly not afk and at the end of the day healers don't have to dps if they don't want to because well, they're healers. And in low level dungeons? Hell no healers really shouldn't be dpsing there that's asking for trouble.
In fact you would be in the wrong if you kicked him.
Still though he doesn't have to dps if he doesn't want to.We were all lvl 60s on our alts/down leveled.
There was never any moment where him DPSing could have been bad,especially in Toto-Rak which features basically no mechanics till the last boss.
I'm not sure what you mean by "good sites" but here are some good sources of information:I am thinking about getting back into FFXIV.
Have to think about it, but any good sites for a new player?
Sure you can kick them if you convince the others in the group and then the healer can report you all for the kick and you would have no standing.
However, there is one topic in this thread that seems to be an underlying point of contention: reasons for dismissal that are not strictly "AFK", "Offline", "Harassment", or "Cheating". I would like to address this.
The response from the GM touched on this, although it was missed due to the focus on the first part of that sentence. The reasons for dismissal are not all encompassing, which means that there may be valid reasons for dismissal outside of those four examples. Good examples of this that have been provided in this thread are the refusal to fulfill one's job function. Because of this, it is possible that the reasons provided for dismissal may be found to be accurate if they are used against you. As well, the feelings one may have about the reasons may differ from the feelings of those who voted to dismiss. For example, cultural differences in language may have one person using language they find fairly benign while another person takes great offense to it.
Because of these subjective discrepancies, the final decision on if a violation of the use of the vote dismiss feature is left to a GM after an investigation. In general, abuse of the vote dismiss feature is considered to be a grief tactics violation, which falls under section 3.2 in the Final Fantasy XIV User Agreement. However, it is only after a GM investigation that it can be determined to be a violation of the rules. If you feel that the vote dismiss feature has been abused, please do report it to the GMs through the Help Desk in game, and we will investigate.
And in low level dungeons? Hell no healers really shouldn't be dpsing there that's asking for trouble.
Exactly this.I don't DPS as a SCH.
Hell, I don't even have my DoTs on my SCH hotbars. If I need to kill shit I switch to SMN. If I want to kill shit in dungeons I queue as a SMN. If I want the run to go faster I tell the DPS to stop playing like the elderly and do their goddamn rotations.
I am a lazy man.
How are people leveling new jobs fast these days? I just came back after a long long break from this game, and I'm leveling a new character (old one still active, but wanted a change). It seems they've buffed the experience points for MS Quests as my Arcanist is 30 and I'm only to level 26 story quests. I'm leveling Thaumaturge for Swiftcast, and it's going pretty fast, but I'm wondering if it could be faster. I got from 1-17 last night in about 4-5 hours.
But the people who are taking Machinist, Astrologan and Dark Knight to cap, what is your trick for fast experience with no quests to help you along?
How?And in low level dungeons? Hell no healers really shouldn't be dpsing there that's asking for trouble.