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Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward |OT| Raiders of the Void Ark


As DPS am I supposed to always prioritize the adds over the boss? Or is that going to be something determined by whatever dungeon/boss/fight I'm dealing with at the time?

So far I'm up to Haukke Manor in the game, and everything's been going smoothly by not aggroing anything and A) pounding whatever the tank is targeting or B) take care of the adds while tank is keeping boss busy.

Just curious if this is going to be the basic gist of things going forward.
As DPS am I supposed to always prioritize the adds over the boss? Or is that going to be something determined by whatever dungeon/boss/fight I'm dealing with at the time?

So far I'm up to Haukke Manor in the game, and everything's been going smoothly by not aggroing anything and A) pounding whatever the tank is targeting or B) take care of the adds while tank is keeping boss busy.

Just curious if this is going to be the basic gist of things going forward.

It depends. I generally follow someone's lead on this sort of thing. There are times when you should just ignore the adds. When you're new in a group just mention you're new and hopefully someone will give you the lowdown.

There are times when you should kill them in a certain order too. As you progress the situations get more complex.


As DPS am I supposed to always prioritize the adds over the boss? Or is that going to be something determined by whatever dungeon/boss/fight I'm dealing with at the time?

So far I'm up to Haukke Manor in the game, and everything's been going smoothly by not aggroing anything and A) pounding whatever the tank is targeting or B) take care of the adds while tank is keeping boss busy.

Just curious if this is going to be the basic gist of things going forward.

For now, yes, always kill adds before the boss. The only example I can think of from low levels where you wouldn't is last boss of copperbell mines but someone should mention it before the pull if they want you to go that route. At higher level play, yeah, it's dependent on the fight but usually killing adds is the right call.


Many thanks, noted.

Reason I'm asking is, I've been reading up on the dungeons before going in for the first time, so I don't colossally screw up something for the party by not knowing a tricky mechanic or boss pattern beforehand.

So I was thinking if going forward everything would be "more of the same" in the way I mentioned, I might not need to do this anymore and "spoil" the experience.

But it sounds like it still might be for the best to do a little recon reading beforehand.


Many thanks, noted.

Reason I'm asking is, I've been reading up on the dungeons before going in for the first time, so I don't colossally screw up something for the party by not knowing a tricky mechanic or boss pattern beforehand.

So I was thinking if going forward everything would be "more of the same" in the way I mentioned, I might not need to do this anymore and "spoil" the experience.

But it sounds like it still might be for the best to do a little recon reading beforehand.

It's up to you, ordering of killing adds won't really be what you are looking for when you look at those guides though. Off the top of my head, there is a boss in a dungeon later where you need to know to get close to it when its eyes flash purple, and get far away when its eyes flash blue (the eye color pops up on your screen as a message). That's more the stuff you need to be on the lookout for if you don't want to ask others for strats/feel like they are not new player friendly.
Man, the Castrum and Prae raids were a complete crock of shit, it was just higher level players blasting through the whole thing, which locked out those of us playing for the first time from all of the boss fights because we chose to watch cutscenes. I had to skip cutscenes towards the end so I didn't miss the final bosses, but half of the party were locked out for the entire thing - and of course I had barely any context as to what was happening. Are future story heavy parts of the game all fucked like this? It's pretty terrible design in an otherwise great game - SE should change it so that boss fights can't begin until everybody is out of cutscenes (trash mobs are fine though).

It really baffles me...


Castrum and Prae were terribly designed. That whole giant cutscene dungeon thing was a mistake. They learned in HW. Anything that requires 8 people and is designed for that much downtime doesn't work long-term.
Man, the Castrum and Prae raids were a complete crock of shit, it was just higher level players blasting through the whole thing, which locked out those of us playing for the first time from all of the boss fights because we chose to watch cutscenes. I had to skip cutscenes towards the end so I didn't miss the final bosses, but half of the party were locked out for the entire thing - and of course I had barely any context as to what was happening. Are future story heavy parts of the game all fucked like this? It's pretty terrible design in an otherwise great game - SE should change it so that boss fights can't begin until everybody is out of cutscenes (trash mobs are fine though).

It really baffles me...

I don't think they should change it so people can't run bosses when some are viewing cutscenes, but the problem is that there are long cutscenes in multiplayer dungeons in the first place. I usually just skip all the cutscenes, then watch them on Youtube when I finish the dungeon.
Castrum and Prae were terribly designed. That whole giant cutscene dungeon thing was a mistake. They learned in HW. Anything that requires 8 people and is designed for that much downtime doesn't work long-term.

They may as well make that whole thing solo play and then have the boss fights as separate instances (like Primals), it would be so much better that way.
Man, the Castrum and Prae raids were a complete crock of shit, it was just higher level players blasting through the whole thing, which locked out those of us playing for the first time from all of the boss fights because we chose to watch cutscenes. I had to skip cutscenes towards the end so I didn't miss the final bosses, but half of the party were locked out for the entire thing - and of course I had barely any context as to what was happening. Are future story heavy parts of the game all fucked like this? It's pretty terrible design in an otherwise great game - SE should change it so that boss fights can't begin until everybody is out of cutscenes (trash mobs are fine though).

It really baffles me...

Only the dungeons (and ESPECIALLY those two) of the initial game have those issues. SE seemingly hadn't realized that the vast majority of players wouldn't want to sit through cutscenes every single dungeon run, and especially on those two where there are a ton of cutscenes and many of them are minutes long.

They realized the error in their ways, and all other story dungeons after those don't have the problem. They generally make it so that any cutscenes during dungeons are short, and all the main cutscenes occur after the final boss. It gets better. Not being able to do Castrum and Praetorium with cutscenes is sad, but the rest of the game isn't like that, promise.
Only the dungeons (and ESPECIALLY those two) of the initial game have those issues. SE seemingly hadn't realized that the vast majority of players wouldn't want to sit through cutscenes every single dungeon run, and especially on those two where there are a ton of cutscenes and many of them are minutes long.

They realized the error in their ways, and all other story dungeons after those don't have the problem. They generally make it so that any cutscenes during dungeons are short, and all the main cutscenes occur after the final boss. It gets better. Not being able to do Castrum and Praetorium with cutscenes is sad, but the rest of the game isn't like that, promise.

I'm glad they have changed it up, I would be loathe to go through that again.


Are any of the dungeons that unlock at 50 + the Hard mode versions actually difficult mechanic wise or can you go into all of them blind as long as you have a good iLevel?


They may as well make that whole thing solo play and then have the boss fights as separate instances (like Primals), it would be so much better that way.

They more or less go this route later in the game. There are a lot more solo instances in Heavensward, and the 8-man boss fights are isolated into Trials rather than long dungeons like Praetorium. Don't worry, they learned their lessons from Praetorium.

I am sorry that you weren't able to enjoy the cutscenes in those dungeons though. It is just a miserable situation for everyone involved.


Are any of the dungeons that unlock at 50 + the Hard mode versions actually difficult mechanic wise or can you go into all of them blind as long as you have a good iLevel?

They are generally more complicated than the leveling dungeons, but not to the degree that your party members can't explain them in a couple minutes tops. Go ahead and go into them blind, just make sure to tell your teammates that you are new. With modern item levels, they really are not hard at all.


Are any of the dungeons that unlock at 50 + the Hard mode versions actually difficult mechanic wise or can you go into all of them blind as long as you have a good iLevel?

Ironically, story dungeons are often more difficult, in large part because they cannot really be overgeared.

I think the name is a bit of an anachronism. The few few post 50 dungeons actually were legit kinda difficult, but there were complaints and they were later nerfed. Now it seems like the devs are careful not to throw in too many mechanics that might make people wary of farming those dungeons. So, between that and the ability to overgear.....


Main storyline completed. Ready to begin the expansion.

But man, did shit ever get real towards the end there. Most of it was telegraphed to hell, but now I have a nice little laundry list of people to kill.


Are any of the dungeons that unlock at 50 + the Hard mode versions actually difficult mechanic wise or can you go into all of them blind as long as you have a good iLevel?

Go in blind.
You done a couple of dungeons, you have done them all.
This applies to 50-60 as well.
Even if you don't do the mechanic correctly, you are right about iLevel allowing you to wing it.
And usually, high level alt will carry you anyway.


Ironically, story dungeons are often more difficult, in large part because they cannot really be overgeared.

I think the name is a bit of an anachronism. The few few post 50 dungeons actually were legit kinda difficult, but there were complaints and they were later nerfed. Now it seems like the devs are careful not to throw in too many mechanics that might make people wary of farming those dungeons. So, between that and the ability to overgear.....

Steps of Faith still gets some complaints even tho it's so nerfed and everyone is so overgeared even as a fresh 50. That you can tuck up half the mechanics and still kill him before the last barrier

I still see people instant drop when they see it. Even tho it's so easy and a huge exp lump.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
For now, yes, always kill adds before the boss. The only example I can think of from low levels where you wouldn't is last boss of copperbell mines but someone should mention it before the pull if they want you to go that route. At higher level play, yeah, it's dependent on the fight but usually killing adds is the right call.

Don't forget the add kiting from Cutter's Cry.


Don't forget the add kiting from Cutter's Cry.

True, though most guides will tell you to kill the add that regens the boss, when really, everyone should just focus boss and maybe toss in an lb if it looks like the regen is faster than dps.


So I bought Heavensward and haven't played my main since it launched on pc. Decided to head back to him to play the new content and it turns out I can't play the new stuff til I beat the story quests released with the patches I missed right? Picked up the controls with a controller pretty quickly, but I only did the lvl 35 dungeon that de-leveled me and a few forced hest quests.

Having fun so far, is the Ultros guild full or do you guys have room for an occasional player? I only get a few hours to play games a week due to the job and a family and I didn't want to pay for a transfer until I know it's a good move. I don't have anyone else irl to play with since they moved on to other games or just aren't interested anymore, but I plan on hopping on when I get the chance.
Main storyline completed. Ready to begin the expansion.

But man, did shit ever get real towards the end there. Most of it was telegraphed to hell, but now I have a nice little laundry list of people to kill.

Crazy right?
I did find it interesting that one of the Grand Companies played a significant role in the story instead of just being there for the sake of gameplay. The other two had roles, but they were gone once you beat said primal threat past 2.0


"TP Song"

"TP Song!"

"TP SONG!!!"

"He's not on mumble."

"God damn it."

Same idea, different situation.

"Shit, he's gonna self-destruct. Bring them closer so I can LB! Bring them closer! Bring them clo -- Oh, never mind."

"He was kicked from Discord."



One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
What is LB? Is that 1, 2 or 3?



Melee DPS afraid of LBs kill me inside

When we get to the second boss with a full stick, pop that shit

When were on the last boss, don't wait until we cut 5%

I had a chrysalis run where the melee dps refused to LB the tear. By the time the ranged did, too much of the group had died to AoE damage.

Took three wipes to comets until they got the idea not to save it for the last % of the boss. Still 1/3 of the group had died when they did it right.
Some people get really impatient about the LB though. I'll use it when it's convenient for me to use it, it doesn't make a difference if I use it at 50% or at 10% as long as it doesn't do more than 10% of the boss health anyway, other than specific phase change mechanics or whatever. As a monk, use LB means losing GL3 stacks if I don't set it up properly so I want to do it either when I don't have stacks, or when I can tornado first then LB and not have to rebuild stacks(phase change, boss dies/is at 1%). And realistically, LB1 saves you maybe 5secs per boss fight, so not doing it at all really doesn't do a whole lot.

Also once in a while I just forget about it, entirely. That's my fault. I blame lag though.
I had a chrysalis run where the melee dps refused to LB the tear. By the time the ranged did, too much of the group had died to AoE damage.

Took three wipes to comets until they got the idea not to save it for the last % of the boss. Still 1/3 of the group had died when they did it right.

Getting this in roulette is terrible because no one remembers how to do that part correctly...

Some people get really impatient about the LB though. I'll use it when it's convenient for me to use it, it doesn't make a difference if I use it at 50% or at 10% as long as it doesn't do more than 10% of the boss health anyway, other than specific phase change mechanics or whatever. As a monk, use LB means losing GL3 stacks if I don't set it up properly so I want to do it either when I don't have stacks, or when I can tornado first then LB and not have to rebuild stacks(phase change, boss dies/is at 1%). And realistically, LB1 saves you maybe 5secs per boss fight, so not doing it at all really doesn't do a whole lot.

Also once in a while I just forget about it, entirely. That's my fault. I blame lag though.

It's admittedly less important in 4 man content, although using at the beginning of the 2nd boss fight instead of at the end is generally preferable, because otherwise you're just wasting meter. Also, if you're using it at the start then you don't have to worry about interrupting your rotation, you just let fly. Melee DPS rotations are simple anyway

It's ultimately less about the damage itself and more about resource/time management and reading situations. There are DPS out there who will go a full dungeon without popping LB and ranged DPS are like "well, I would, but..."

For primals it can mean the difference between being forced into another loop


Some people get really impatient about the LB though. I'll use it when it's convenient for me to use it, it doesn't make a difference if I use it at 50% or at 10% as long as it doesn't do more than 10% of the boss health anyway, other than specific phase change mechanics or whatever. As a monk, use LB means losing GL3 stacks if I don't set it up properly so I want to do it either when I don't have stacks, or when I can tornado first then LB and not have to rebuild stacks(phase change, boss dies/is at 1%). And realistically, LB1 saves you maybe 5secs per boss fight, so not doing it at all really doesn't do a whole lot.

Also once in a while I just forget about it, entirely. That's my fault. I blame lag though.

The LB actually needs to be used properly because it locks you in place and you can eat a ton of dungeon if you use it at the wrong time. People don't understand that and just shout "LB! LB LB!!!!!" in chat :(


So how's Monk nowadays? Is Tornado Kick worth it? The Chakra thing seems kinda cool.

RL stuff keeping me distracted from the game is making me think what job to take to 60 next too much.
So how's Monk nowadays? Is Tornado Kick worth it? The Chakra thing seems kinda cool.

RL stuff keeping me distracted from the game is making me think what job to take to 60 next too much.

I like it a lot, however it is pretty much the same class it was at 50, not much has changed. Tornado Kick is worth it IF you're going to be dropping your stacks anyway(like every single fight when the boss leaves to go do something, if you know the timing, you can TK to compensate from starting at GL0 again), Chakra is annoying to use in every day dungeons but is pretty good for bosses otherwise, Elixir Field is great and the Form Change thing is very very nice to sometimes prevents losing GL3 or for resuming combat/starting fights with 1stack of GL right away. It's a lot of nice utility stuff to compensate for the fact GL3 is still a shitty mechanic in most boss fights.

Monks' performance is pretty decent, it's lower than dragoon on their own, but when with a dragoon in the group, it's fairly close/equal due to leeching off Battle Litany, and Dragon Kick/Improved Mantra are still going to be very useful tools for progression.


Tragic victim of fan death
Awwww yeah.




I used to glamour for the daggers that extend when you draw them (with a satisfying "chink" sound) but I just got these bad boys from a trial roulette and well....

How could I NOT glamour that?

They make Moogle sounds when you draw/sheathe them!


Bismarck EX really shines a light on all the crap DPS in the game..have yet been able to clear it :/

I love how on my server the party finder parties have slowly but surely been raising their "minimum needed iLVL". It started at iLVL 160, then went 165, 170 and now people want you to have 175 for Bismarck and 180 for Ravana.

I'm just all...."really?"
I love how on my server the party finder parties have slowly but surely been raising their "minimum needed iLVL". It started at iLVL 160, then went 165, 170 and now people want you to have 175 for Bismarck and 180 for Ravana.

I'm just all...."really?"

Gear can't replace sense and reflexes lol

Highest I've seen is 165, for most people it's just something to slap out of the way for Ravana. Most problems I see come from terrible tank swaps during the snakes or popping bubbles during lightning weather.
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