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Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward |OT| Raiders of the Void Ark


Yay got my first class to level 60. That was quite a mixed ride.
I really enjoyed the main story. It is a lot more focused and with less filler. Some cool boss fights as well. And again the soundtrack is simply fantastic.
The new dungeons were fun as well.

And I'm happy so far with the class changes. I like the new summoner skills. They fit nicely in the normal rotation without bloating it. Just some fun things to do additionally in-between. I already loved the class before, now even more. (still waiting for the egi glamour). Next up, white mage. I hope they got nice changes as well.

Unfortunately outside of the main story I had very little fun doing quests. Most of the side quests and especially the design of the new areas often felt like they were purposely designed to be as tedious as possible to make flying more satisfying once you can finally skip the ground paths. Quest givers would constantly send you to talk to someone or get something positioned somewhere where you have to take a detour when on foot and then send you several times back and forth so that you have to walk the same detours over and over. Like put the quest target on a plateau and the only way up on the other end of it so you always have to ride around to get up. The second last area was especially bad where the quest givers are even on a separate map and the questing area is split.
That was disappointing since outside of quests during levelling there's not much to do why you would visit the areas again and once you unlock flying most of the time you can already move on to the next area.

Not sure what to think about crafting yet. That's the thing I primarily enjoyed during ARR but I haven't reached level 60 for the crafting classes yet. I hope the endgame is a bit less harsh with materia requirements to do things.


The best MT accessory setup: 1 STR ring, the rest VIT. Attribute into STR. It gives a surprisingly substantial amount of extra hate generation when paired with Defiance/Shield Oath/Grit and makes keeping aggro much easier. Unfortunately the majority of people I see geared up for MT are using full VIT and they have some trouble keeping up with the DPS output and OT aggro.
The best MT accessory setup: 1 STR ring, the rest VIT. Attribute into STR. It gives a surprisingly substantial amount of extra hate generation when paired with Defiance/Shield Oath/Grit and makes keeping aggro much easier. Unfortunately the majority of people I see geared up for MT are using full VIT and they have some trouble keeping up with the DPS output and OT aggro.

I use two STR accessories. Preferably with crit in there somewhere.

TRI Mike

After about 80 tries I've decided to give up (for now) on Titan EX. I just never got a good enough party that survived past the part where he summons the two Gaols and bombs. I'll focus on finishing the ARR story and start Heavensward one. (I think it's lame that you can't access Ishgard if you don't finish ARR's story).


When they add ilvl 170 or 180 accessories with the red scrip patch......... oh man.

If they don't add new, higher level recipes with red scrips, then getting the new crafting AF would be pointless.
Tanks never grab the second Jagd. Someone always has a shitty connection. DPS is often slow. Tanks are usually in texting mode and think they can bullshit the fight by standing in place. And yeah it's boring too.

A2 is horrible.
Being a Healer on A2 means you get to experience the full force of cleaves from Jagds just like the tanks do. Dear lord so many times me and the other healer are getting mollywhopped by several adds while both tanks entirely ignore it or they are wondering why they're not getting heals but didn't bother to get the Jagd that decapitated both healers.
Reminder our static still needs a healer (SCH/AST) and BRD for Alex Savage. At this point, will settle for if you have Ravana EX and Alex Normal on farm, and are i180+. Contact me here or in game.


Stop looking for bards. All the good bards went MCH.


Should I focus on getting my summoner to 50 before going for swiftcast? My mage is just 15 right now.

Play in whatever order honestly. Swiftcast is great, and getting to 26 with the new armory bonus is pretty quick, but pre-50 nobody will judge you too harshly.
I saw your PF recruit msg yesterday with an I180 brd's looking for static message right below it lol. Missed connection!

I left up the PF on my alt to get tells while I could still run content since simply standing around doing nothing with a PF is not how I want to spend my free time and time in XIV. So unfortunately I can't see the PF when I'm in stuff, but I had my PF up most of the weekend so the BRD should have seen it. Also would be nice if other people were on to maybe talk to people or have looked at the PF, especially being the weekend before Alex Savage hits.

While I got a lot of hits, most of them hadn't even cleared Ravana EX, weren't i180 yet, or had 0 XIV raid experience. I know I'd prefer pre-echo coil clear, but yea at this point I just want to run Alex Savage and not be left out.

Stop looking for bards. All the good bards went MCH.


Direct me to all these MCH. I didn't get one inquiry from a MCH and the PF said 'BRD or MCH" for most of the time. Since only BRDs were replying, I stopped including MCH in the PF because I thought it was a lost cause (finding one that is, not the class). If a MCH is interested, then sure.


lel no git gud traitor.

The entire reason I got a turret is so I wouldn't have to git gud (well and bard sux now lols.) Work smarter, not harder!

Direct me to all these MCH. I didn't get one inquiry from a MCH and the PF said 'BRD or MCH" for most of the time. Since only BRDs were replying, I stopped including MCH in the PF because I thought it was a lost cause (finding one that is, not the class). If a MCH is interested, then sure.

There I can't help you. There's apparently an overall experienced ranged physical shortage at endgame which is weird given how everyone was a bard in 2.x, but yours isn't the first group I've heard with this problem. Just saying don't limit your options.
There I can't help you. There's apparently an overall experienced ranged physical shortage at endgame which is weird given how everyone was a bard in 2.x, but yours isn't the first group I've heard with this problem. Just saying don't limit your options.

We didn't run with a BRD or MCH most of Alex Normal last two weeks, and MP management wasn't too much of an issue...so I'd say even getting another type of DPS would be a possibility at this point. Except prior coil experience says otherwise. Going to guess having a way to easily replenish mp via support abilities is going to be crucial in progression just like it always has been. Otherwise I'd be rooting for a DRG.


My friends and I finally clicked with Ravana EX on Saturday night and farmed it a dozen or so times, getting all of us our primary Hive weapons (and several of us our secondaries as well). We are equipped and ready for Alex savage!


Crystal Bearer
I left up the PF on my alt to get tells while I could still run content since simply standing around doing nothing with a PF is not how I want to spend my free time and time in XIV. So unfortunately I can't see the PF when I'm in stuff, but I had my PF up most of the weekend so the BRD should have seen it. Also would be nice if other people were on to maybe talk to people or have looked at the PF, especially being the weekend before Alex Savage hits.

While I got a lot of hits, most of them hadn't even cleared Ravana EX, weren't i180 yet, or had 0 XIV raid experience. I know I'd prefer pre-echo coil clear, but yea at this point I just want to run Alex Savage and not be left out.

Direct me to all these MCH. I didn't get one inquiry from a MCH and the PF said 'BRD or MCH" for most of the time. Since only BRDs were replying, I stopped including MCH in the PF because I thought it was a lost cause (finding one that is, not the class). If a MCH is interested, then sure.
I don't think pre-echo experience really matters too much if someone is good at their class/playing the game. Heck, we had Rin go Summoner straight into Final Coil and his original job was a tank and was someone who never did first Coil without echo.


After about 80 tries I've decided to give up (for now) on Titan EX. I just never got a good enough party that survived past the part where he summons the two Gaols and bombs. I'll focus on finishing the ARR story and start Heavensward one. (I think it's lame that you can't access Ishgard if you don't finish ARR's story).

Maybe I'm crazy, but I don't think Titan EX is part of the main story. I've progressed all the way to the beginning of patch 2.5 (hopefully beat that tonight) and I have yet to do ANY extreme fights. These EX primal fights are side quests, not main story quests.

Edit: It occurred to me that you may have been making a separate point about the main story block and Titan EX. If so, disregard my comment.


On the other hand, Rin is terrible at support, so there's something to be said for some level of experience.

Goddamn making me spam requests for MP regen turret on the Vault final boss. Never letting that go.
I see all those stories, and I guess I can I never experience it because.. I'm always the tank. I don't play anything else lol. But wars not using defiance, drks not using darkside. Does that really happen? I mean, on my end, it's usually geared dps barely breaking 500 dps. I don't play dps though so I don't know how hard it is to hit something 5-600 as a dps. Shouldn't average be like 700? I was with a gaf drg yesterday doing 1k on A4 every run. The difference between them and the rest of the group was night and day.

I think on A4 I'm around 900-1000 with law weapons, it's a very boring fight as a melee DPS. Depends on how often you get a timeout in the other room, and unlike OT I don't run around eating orbs. Fight's more or less a training dummy.
My preparation for Alex savage had to be put on restart since dealing with mudra lag has been pretty terrible in HW and I'd like to play as something not hampered by that. That and no one seems to want a melee.


I see all those stories, and I guess I can I never experience it because.. I'm always the tank. I don't play anything else lol. But wars not using defiance, drks not using darkside. Does that really happen? I mean, on my end, it's usually geared dps barely breaking 500 dps. I don't play dps though so I don't know how hard it is to hit something 5-600 as a dps. Shouldn't average be like 700? I was with a gaf drg yesterday doing 1k on A4 every run. The difference between them and the rest of the group was night and day.

It is the only way to play tank nowadays.
All STR if your healers are good, or mix for padding a bit of HP.
Shield/Defiance/Grit for like 3-4 rotation of enmity, DPS stance all day long for boss fight.
The only time you have to use tank stance without question is adds tanking for AOE.

I have seen warr OT dpsing at like 600-700 on a constant based in DF, there is literally no point in bringing other dps when the playerbase for warrior know what the hell they are doing majority of the time.
You can have 6 warrs+2 healers and likely to success more than bad dps with their 400-500 dps.


On the other hand, Rin is terrible at support, so there's something to be said for some level of experience.

Goddamn making me spam requests for MP regen turret on the Vault final boss. Never letting that go.

Maybe if you were more mana efficient you wouldn't need to call for MP regen so often.


People should stop referencing data that makes me feel uncomfortable because games get ported to platforms I don't like
Alright since we're on the topic of Tanks I have to ask what stat should a Dark Knight focus on?

Just keep in mind I will only be using the DRK in 4 Player Content only while I play with irl friends and I won't be using the DRK for 8 player content since I already have my Bard/Astrologian/Machinist for that.
It is the only way to play tank nowadays.
All STR if your healers are good, or mix for padding a bit of HP.
Shield/Defiance/Grit for like 3-4 rotation of enmity, DPS stance all day long for boss fight.
The only time you have to use tank stance without question is adds tanking for AOE.

My issue with this as DRK is grit costs a fuck ton of mp to turn back on. BisEX taught me how rough it can be if you don't manage your mp right. A tiny bit of me regrets going drk over war because war is clearly in heaven right now, but drk is so much fun to play it makes up for it.

Alright since we're on the topic of Tanks I have to ask what stat should a Dark Knight focus on?

Just keep in mind I will only be using the DRK in 4 Player Content only while I play with irl friends and I won't be using the DRK for 8 player content since I already have my Bard/Astrologian/Machinist for that.

Nothing in a 4 man requires hp unless your healer is bad. It's STR.


Alright since we're on the topic of Tanks I have to ask what stat should a Dark Knight focus on?

Just keep in mind I will only be using the DRK in 4 Player Content only while I play with irl friends and I won't be using the DRK for 8 player content since I already have my Bard/Astrologian/Machinist for that.

I haven't done any savage yet but nothing right now can burst you down.
Maybe blinding light but that is 8man stuff.


My preparation for Alex savage had to be put on restart since dealing with mudra lag has been pretty terrible in HW and I'd like to play as something not hampered by that. That and no one seems to want a melee.

They don't? I certainly haven't heard any complaints from people about my 1,000+ parsing.
As a healer I detest A4. MT taking massive damage constantly, dps trying to be heroes and take multiple orbs then quickly get shot by that random laser shot and mainly the last phase with Judgement Nisi. I simply do not find it to be a particularity fun fight as a healer, just stressful.

Takes a healer who doesn't panic and I've been partnered with too many healers that panic and are OOM before the third phase. Though I admit mana conservation is extremely important in the fight unlike much of the other content.
As a healer I detest A4. MT taking massive damage constantly, dps trying to be heroes and take multiple orbs then quickly get shot by that random laser shot and mainly the last phase with Judgement Nisi. I simply do not find it to be a particularity fun fight as a healer, just stressful.

Takes a healer who doesn't panic and I've been partnered with too many healers that panic and are OOM before the third phase. Though I admit mana conservation is extremely important in the fight unlike much of the other content.

A4 is my favorite fight in the game so far.. though I'm not a healer :3


They should add the final story dungeon to expert roulette too. At least a little more variety then.

I honestly feel that dungeon is more fun than the other two as well. Who cares if it doesn't have loot? The loot in the EX dungeons gets thrown away after you run them a few times and start picking up law gear anyway.


My only opinion on the STR/VIT debate is that Clemency and Divine Veil should scale off the same stat and stop confusing me, and that cover should scale off the same stat somehow and block magic damage so I can chase confused healers running away from me shouting 'NO IT'S A GOOD TETHER PLEASE COME BACK I WON'T HURT YOU' in 100% more dungeons.

STR is situational, VIT is the way to go unless certain conditions are met, period.
And no, you shouldn't go STR no matter what while leveling a job, you will probably use more a STR set up for lvl 60 dungeons when you get i180-190 armor pieces...

Worst case scenario? STR gear for main tanking Ravana EX (solo tank FTW), Alexander 2-3-4, lol. No one can excuse that, specially the latter.

As a healer I detest A4. MT taking massive damage constantly, dps trying to be heroes and take multiple orbs then quickly get shot by that random laser shot and mainly the last phase with Judgement Nisi. I simply do not find it to be a particularity fun fight as a healer, just stressful.

Takes a healer who doesn't panic and I've been partnered with too many healers that panic and are OOM before the third phase. Though I admit mana conservation is extremely important in the fight unlike much of the other content.
Having two whm instead of just one also makes the fight harder imo, because there are moments when both healers will have to move while the main tank will get massive amounts of DMG.
I also encountered the worst WHM ever the other day, it was a girl that wouldn't stop running in the whole fight, 50 % of her movements were running, and lol as healer (or as player) you have to avoid moving for no reason and only doing so (tanks, healers, blm and certain DPSs) when it's necessary, she moved so much that she was barely healing


Honestly in leveling dungeons I'd way, way rather have a full-STR tank who understands how to maximize cooldown returns than a full VIT tank who plays CD roulette. DF tanks are so erratic you basically have to figure out the healing patterns for each individually, and as long as they can hold hate and have the HP to take a few hits from whatever they pulled, it's fine.

If I can't heal fast enough to keep up with the damage the tank is taking from trash, an HP bump is just going to delay the wipe, not prevent it. Since there aren't any %heals left that I know of outside of Bene, VIT in leveling seems less important than ever.

That said, don't be the guy in DD announcing you're swapping to STR accessories before every boss. I'm going to be too busy eye rolling to see my healing buttons.
As a healer, the main difference between vit and str is how long I have before I have to start healing, which is relevant because it's also how much damage I can do. And as a Scholar specifically, the amount of damage I'll do just from being able to apply all dots then bane them will dwarf whatever damage the tank gets from having str accessories.

Mostly it's not a problem, as long as the left side gear is up to date. Str accessories become annoying when the tank is also running NQ whites from Azys La+lower level HQ whites from quest rewards and a couple of i160 dungeon drops. It gets even worse if they don't use cooldowns or pull more than one pack.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
I've been going right-side strength items while leveling my WAR and have had very little trouble so far in dungeons. Especially now that I'm getting used to what the mobs and bosses dish out. Pull a large pack? Use cooldowns. See a boss charging up something that I know will hit hard? Cooldowns. It's pretty satisfying getting disgusting levels of self-healing in with Inner Release, Convalescence, and Bloodbath up at the same time. Pretty much need to learn to love your CDs as a tank while leveling anyway since there are a lot of healers in those dungeons trying too hard to dps at the same time, then forgetting to actually heal. =S

Also, I won the role on the baby unicorn in Vault the other day. Kinda happy about that. \(^_^)/
As a healer, the main difference between vit and str is how long I have before I have to start healing, which is relevant because it's also how much damage I can do. And as a Scholar specifically, the amount of damage I'll do just from being able to apply all dots then bane them will dwarf whatever damage the tank gets from having str accessories.

Mostly it's not a problem, as long as the left side gear is up to date. Str accessories become annoying when the tank is also running NQ whites from Azys La+lower level HQ whites from quest rewards and a couple of i160 dungeon drops. It gets even worse if they don't use cooldowns or pull more than one pack.
Those damn tanks who seem convinced they can pull multiple packs and aren't taking their own gear, the dps output and the healer's ability to keep them alive.

Maybe you shouldn't pull multiple packs if both the dps are melee...


I think melee have a fair amount of burst AoE ability. But yeah HW has discouraged taking multiple packs, at least for now while we aren't overwhelmingly outgeared for the dungeons.


Suffering From Success

It's an old ass interview too. What else do people expect to happen?

Interview said:


Will we be able to obtain AF2 equipment from Job quests?
Yoshida: No, that's not it.

Then, is it obtained through collecting Allagan Tomestones of Esoterics?
Yoshida: Yes, that's what we're going for.
I leveled PLD 50-60 with STR attributes and a couple of STR accessories without any problems. As long as you know how to use your CDs it's fine. I'm still full STR with two STR accessories and haven't had any problems.

I probably won't do Savage Alex so I won't have a need to switch ever I guess. I imagine STR is better in PVP anyway, which is what I'm gonna be doing!


Reddit also has that weird fixation with "all STR all the time! Tank stance is for the weak!" that doesn't always benefit every party. As awesome as the WAR I got yesterday was during bosses, I didn't enjoy tanking 70% of the trash on my MNK because lolDefiancewhoneedsthat. Good players should be smarter than that.

Tank dps definitely has a place, but if i can't even get a chance to lay out my dots and either Bane or cast a few Gravity or the adds are all over the DPS just for AoEing or whatever I kinda get annoyed, especially if I am expected to be DPSing too.

Then again i get similar things from healers who won't leave Cleric stance unless 4+ people in the party are one AoE from death. Too many people not paying attention to what is actually going on, most fights are pretty scripted and there's very clear windows for DPS and then there's very clear windows for when healing/defense are needed but nope because derrrrrr.

As a healer I detest A4. MT taking massive damage constantly, dps trying to be heroes and take multiple orbs then quickly get shot by that random laser shot and mainly the last phase with Judgement Nisi. I simply do not find it to be a particularity fun fight as a healer, just stressful.

Takes a healer who doesn't panic and I've been partnered with too many healers that panic and are OOM before the third phase. Though I admit mana conservation is extremely important in the fight unlike much of the other content.

A4 is one of those situations where people will just explode sometimes and I will have literally no idea what happened and that is pretty annoying. The super OP dot in the last phase that can tick for close to 3k is no fun when there's tank damage AND random damage to the DPS. One of the few times where I can get some real Synastry use though, pop it on the other healer and spam the tank and yeaaaaaaa.


As a healer I detest A4. MT taking massive damage constantly, dps trying to be heroes and take multiple orbs then quickly get shot by that random laser shot and mainly the last phase with Judgement Nisi. I simply do not find it to be a particularity fun fight as a healer, just stressful.

Takes a healer who doesn't panic and I've been partnered with too many healers that panic and are OOM before the third phase. Though I admit mana conservation is extremely important in the fight unlike much of the other content.

I really enjoy healing A4. It's a really dynamic and interesting fight for healers. With that sad, if you get even one stack of damage up on the boss, it's another story entirely and can become very stressful very quickly.
It's a shame I probably won't get to experience the savage version since I never got around to trying to find a group.


I was going to start my two week trial today but then remembered I have family in town this weekend and that will take up a few of my nights. Guess my two weeks will wait for another week.

Really looking forward to trying this though. I've still been trying to decide on Black Mage or Summoner.
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