Can’t stump the diablos
The 31st needs to get here. I need that Twintania mount!
In Normal Alex 4, is Perpetual Ray the attack you can stun to decrease damage?
Sounds like the A3 dps check is real.
Mr. D's revenge for people cheesing his mechanics.
Seal Rock map design is crazy good.
dayum this lv 55 aiming gear is hot
Wait, it's not white-green?
That's somewhat disappointing...
Mr. D's revenge for people cheesing his mechanics.
Haha, you don't. Hence the rage.How does one cheese living liquid's mechanics?
Well, now you gotta gear up properly and not try to go in with HQ melded crafted jewelery.
Haha, you don't. Hence the rage.
What is this lol.
Mr. D's revenge for people cheesing his mechanics.
You don't like Faust? Faust is pretty great.Everyone loves the D until he gives you too much and then everyone just rages.
Well, OLD crafted jewelry that is. Don't be such a nitpick you knew what I meant.
8-9 red scrips per turn in. 450 cap.
{I don't feel well.}
lol wut? I'm seeing 19. Or is that for gathererers?
I see 9 on my end on my CUL but I don't have any Master Books either so that could be the difference too. 9, 19. Still pretty meh.
It's looking like you need the Master crafter books to even access these recipes.
They should just say they don't want high level crafters to prosper.
High level crafting: work hard, get paid...oh wait. I mean work hard, watch other people just kill shit for gear instead.
It's looking like you need the Master crafter books to even access these recipes.
I don't think anyone on Ultros has even beaten Floor 1 yet lol.
So Lucrezia and Elysium are raging about not being able to beat A3?
Hahahaha, I find that super funny
Well, now you gotta gear up properly and not try to go in with HQ melded crafted jewelery.
Even though, if it turns out that the new stats on the eso gear is not covering it, then that's another issue..
Obviously, they are not fully geared in 200 yet..
Might want to look at the fight before making comments like this, there was actually someone streaming it last night. No amount of gear will save you from those mechanics and damage lol. Might also want to understand why people use melded accessories, even if they're lower ilvl. Ilvl isn't everything for everyone, especially when you need the extra dmg output on tanks over the small amount of extra health.
This is what I don't get. It is super hard content so you tell one of your healers to gimp themselves super hard to help the dps, while putting more pressure on the other healer.I am not talking about the ilevel. I am talking about the fact that full eso gear will help with those new fights but people can't wait with properly gearing up to get those world first (which they normally do and until now it worked).
Not to mention, we had the same discussion with Twisters (granted they were bugged at the start) but I am pretty sure there are mechanics they don't understand at the moment (and again, if they need the SCH to dps for those encounters then they are obviously not reaching the dps checks with the actual dps..) - oh wait, maybe because they need the actual accuracy they can't hit right now?
Pretty obvious that the Lucrezia SCH used melded with acc and vit to help with those dps checks..while in turn losing out on actual - healing power..
This is what I don't get. It is super hard content so you tell one of your healers to gimp themselves super hard to help the dps, while putting more pressure on the other healer.
I dunno it seems to me there's a difference between a healer helping dps and a healer being gimped in healing and helping dps.
This is what I don't get. It is super hard content so you tell one of your healers to gimp themselves super hard to help the dps, while putting more pressure on the other healer.
I dunno it seems to me there's a difference between a healer helping dps and a healer being gimped in healing and helping dps.
There's also a difference between a healer helping with dps and the group being on the floor because of the enrage, because healers would rather do nothing but heal. If the extra healing isn't required from both healers, then why not gimp your healing power to help dps? Even with all the aoe dmg going out in savage, there are still plenty of times where you can throw a few dots up as a healer and not risk people blowing up.
Well the problem I'm having in my mind is that for healer, gimped healing power = gimped dps power as well because of the way Cleric Stance works.When you fail because you lack DPS while the tanks are still alive, what you need is more damage, not more healing. The healing requirements on the fights tend to be lower than maximum theorical output of a single healer+fairy, besides some key moments where some small bursts of healing are needed. A SCH is infinitely more useful doing DPS than standing there doing nothing/overhealing when the healing isn't needed.
You also don't lose that much healing power from using melded accessories, especially if you do most of your healing through lustrates, fairy and some occasional actual healing. Losing 30mind or whatever it is from the lower ilvl accessories and a minor amount of secondary stats has very little impact on healing power. You have to understand how melding and stats weight work when it comes to itemization. An accessory that has say 20det 25crit has for example more or less the same value as one that has 20det 20crit 15accuracy(numbers not exact, but just an example). The 5 crit you lose, which don't even amount to .1% crit are definitely worth the 15 accuracy you get. Do that on every piece, and you can increase your chance to hit a mob by 10-15%, while losing something like .5% crit.
(and again, if they need the SCH to dps for those encounters then they are obviously not reaching the dps checks with the actual dps..).
Well the problem I'm having in my mind is that for healer, gimped healing power = gimped dps power as well because of the way Cleric Stance works.
Though I guess they're willing to take that hit because they still need Accuracy to actually hit the things they are attacking.
I'm just trying to fully understand it here. I mean I raid too but I don't consider the numbers on that high of a level.
So I just started playing this game again after playing for a week or so when it first released on the PS4 (was only level 20 or so when I stopped) but have started up again. I just recently fought Grafflas but that dungeon was rough for me, in that I'm not sure what people want me to do as a tank (Gladiator) besides pull stuff and try to hold aggro. I think I got kicked out of one group and had to join another to finally finish. Everyone seems like they're going through this game for like a 5th time on a separate character and I have no idea what I'm doing. I just didn't find the people I played with very friendly.
Is Ultros sort of like an expert server? Should I be moving my character over to another with less experienced people?
Is Ultros sort of like an expert server? Should I be moving my character over to another with less experienced people?
So I just started playing this game again after playing for a week or so when it first released on the PS4 (was only level 20 or so when I stopped) but have started up again. I just recently fought Grafflas but that dungeon was rough for me, in that I'm not sure what people want me to do as a tank (Gladiator) besides pull stuff and try to hold aggro. I think I got kicked out of one group and had to join another to finally finish. Everyone seems like they're going through this game for like a 5th time on a separate character and I have no idea what I'm doing. I just didn't find the people I played with very friendly.
Is Ultros sort of like an expert server? Should I be moving my character over to another with less experienced people?
So I just started playing this game again after playing for a week or so when it first released on the PS4 (was only level 20 or so when I stopped) but have started up again. I just recently fought Grafflas but that dungeon was rough for me, in that I'm not sure what people want me to do as a tank (Gladiator) besides pull stuff and try to hold aggro. I think I got kicked out of one group and had to join another to finally finish. Everyone seems like they're going through this game for like a 5th time on a separate character and I have no idea what I'm doing. I just didn't find the people I played with very friendly.
Is Ultros sort of like an expert server? Should I be moving my character over to another with less experienced people?
So I just started playing this game again after playing for a week or so when it first released on the PS4 (was only level 20 or so when I stopped) but have started up again. I just recently fought Grafflas but that dungeon was rough for me, in that I'm not sure what people want me to do as a tank (Gladiator) besides pull stuff and try to hold aggro. I think I got kicked out of one group and had to join another to finally finish. Everyone seems like they're going through this game for like a 5th time on a separate character and I have no idea what I'm doing. I just didn't find the people I played with very friendly.
Is Ultros sort of like an expert server? Should I be moving my character over to another with less experienced people?