So in a nutshell, YoshiP and Co. were tired of seeing something meant to keep most the "hardcore" players occupied for a few months being slain in less than a week ... twice with SCoB and FCoB. The more recent Final Coil overcome by an oversight on T12 and the developers underestimating the potential gained from crafted gear melded with materia to achieve desired stats that bypassed the balances in place on loot gear that the raid content was designed around.
So as a result, they actually put the savage into Alex Savage for once, after EZ mode Alex made everyone go "lol savage" until they met Agent Fraust. Meanwhile the gods of raiding proceeded to bang out A1/A2 as expected, but then "lol gear check is real" A3 appeared and they complained about it. But lord savior crafting in part 2 of patch would be the answer, except it isn't the quick fix answer they thought, and thus it looks like, barring some exploit or ridiculous strategy, Alexander Savage will not be blown up in the span of a week as before, instead being more like First Coil where you had to actually gear up to beat turns and it took some time.
Unless I missed something and A3S was cleared by somebody finally made it longer than 3 mins into the fight?
This makes me very happy. And it will make me even happier if Relic 3.0 is the highest ivl in the game but is an ungodly grind the likes that hasn't been seen in this game before, something akin to the fabled shit I keep hearing about in FF XI. For once I'd like relic to be seen as something that takes more time and dedicating than even raiding, even if it doesn't mean clearing as difficult of content, because I'd like relic to mean more and be more special. Felt like everyone and their mom had a relic in 2.0, and it would be nice to make them a bit harder to obtain if they're going to be on par or better than the best weapon drop in raid content.
Is this true of later turns maybe? While I am hearing "WHM/SCH duo best for A1S" from those who cleared it, if the RNG goes your way can the card drawing potential of AST compensate for their lower DPS output by upping the rest of the raid dps? If anything, WHM are back to being the healing workhorses so far, while the other healer contributes DPS and support where necessary. I don't know, I kept hearing varying opinions on which healer combo would be optimal for savage, and maybe anything said so far or now will only hold true for a limited time (until X weeks when everyone's gear is better). Just like MCH is getting a lot of weird flack from "I LIKE TO COMPLAIN ABOUT CLASSES I DON'T PLAY" types, I feel like both tank combos and healing combos are getting a bit of that? The only serious thing I've seen is several groups who have yet to clear are now ditching DRK for a PLD/WAR combo on A1S, but again, in probably a few weeks with some better gear, that maybe won't hold true?