Could be worse; we're making our WAR farm 1400+ law. He's done 0 hunts and is running around in i170 in slots without Hive/Alex stuff. Chest, pants, etc.
I was laughing a few weeks ago when Master Xtech was crafting X-Potions of Strength to sell because people were still buying them and they were more expensive than Draconian Potions of Strength.
Good thing I bought stacks of draconian potions before the prices went up and that our raid group get plenty of potions from our weekly sessions of dragonskin maps.
I don't think I've crafted a draconian potion yet. I should just sell the stacks of Furymint, Rue, and Coriander that I have.
Nuadha, if you want some potion help... we can work out a deal involving usage of your red scrips.
!!I have an alt with Law bonuses.
whip him into shape. Make him the the very best elitist he could ever be
Perpetual Ray (A4) interrupts upon hits so Surecast is useful again. Hasn't been in ages.
What red Scrips? I'm still gearing up my miner. Though at this point, with so much of my time taken up with raiding, maintenance, and connection problems, I think I'm about ready to bite the bullet and buy some lvl60 gear, so I can at least get past that initial (gathering all the mats,) grind.
Your miner is level 60. You can get and use red scrips.
On the subject of SCH I feel like once again they really forced a specific job class into progression situations.
Considering I don't have the gear necessary to get highly collectable Cuprite, I'm assuming most Red Scrip stuff is going to be out of my range right now. Suppose I should test this when I get home.
They are always doing this to prevent job-stacking comps, it's been like this since groups were running 2 PLD + 2 BRD BCoB comps. What's interesting is how Squenix have been trying so hard to find ways to gimp DRK and make sure WAR is never quite as good as PLD just to avoid another invincible PLD situation but they also refuse to ever nerf PLD because reasons. They refuse to make the other 2 tanks as good as PLD for pure damage mitigation but they also refuse to nerf PLD so PLD is the invincible chosen one anointed MT forever and ever.
I have to continue outfitting my alt classes I never play.
Gear carry isn't elitism!
I am crafting your gear for you. I will also teach you the rotations you will be using. Any more questions?
I am crafting your gear for you. I will also teach you the rotations you will be using. Any more questions?
So in a nutshell, YoshiP and Co. were tired of seeing something meant to keep most the "hardcore" players occupied for a few months being slain in less than a week ... twice with SCoB and FCoB. The more recent Final Coil overcome by an oversight on T12 and the developers underestimating the potential gained from crafted gear melded with materia to achieve desired stats that bypassed the balances in place on loot gear that the raid content was designed around.
So as a result, they actually put the savage into Alex Savage for once, after EZ mode Alex made everyone go "lol savage" until they met Agent Fraust. Meanwhile the gods of raiding proceeded to bang out A1/A2 as expected, but then "lol gear check is real" A3 appeared and they complained about it. But lord savior crafting in part 2 of patch would be the answer, except it isn't the quick fix answer they thought, and thus it looks like, barring some exploit or ridiculous strategy, Alexander Savage will not be blown up in the span of a week as before, instead being more like First Coil where you had to actually gear up to beat turns and it took some time.
Unless I missed something and A3S was cleared by somebody finally made it longer than 3 mins into the fight?
Haha Jayhawk enterprises going deep.
This is funny because everyone was saying "lol goblins suck, nobody wants to raid against goblins ha ha". Who's laughing now? I tell you who, Faust and his little goblin buddies. Ha ha!
what game are you guys playing
The exciting world of 3.0 crafting and gathering! I got requests to stream when I was doing the new gathering favors last night, so they could learn information.
How long do I get to be your indentured slave for information and gear?
Pending negotiation
I was laughing a few weeks ago when Master Xtech was crafting X-Potions of Strength to sell because people were still buying them and they were more expensive than Draconian Potions of Strength.
Good thing I bought stacks of draconian potions before the prices went up and that our raid group get plenty of potions from our weekly sessions of dragonskin maps.
I don't think I've crafted a draconian potion yet. I should just sell the stacks of Furymint, Rue, and Coriander that I have.
Nuadha, if you want some potion help... we can work out a deal involving usage of your red scrips.
You're begging for red scrips like a junkie on crack.
still have shit luck in peasant alex. i gotta stop.
got a little comfort in mael wins. adders were too strong these past days.
I'm not offering it either.I'm not really searching for validation in my class selection here
For the first few days Immortal Flames were doing really well it seemed. Last few days though, ugh.
I found the problem.
Maelstrom usually gets their shit pushed in way worse than we do.
And yet Maelstrom isn't sitting in the middle of a desert ruled by a bunch of potatoes.
Also why would you chumps sell your red scrips to that traitor?
also flames being asses and targetting maelstrom
And yet Maelstrom isn't sitting in the middle of a desert ruled by a bunch of potatoes.
Also why would you chumps sell your red scrips to that traitor?
What does your allegiance matter whenwe're all going to the moon anyway.
Real spoiler above
Thewill be a 24-man raid you AFK on for 45mins. Get excited.moon
Thinking about it, a 24-man savage could be fun. You would have static alliances.
Haven't had an opportunity to play much, decided to go for WHM, but now I have to level up THM and ARC to get the cross class goodness. I also haven't gotten around to getting my BRD's ilvl up to snuff to clear Bismarck and Ravana cause I don't want to run the Gubal Library a billion times atm and all the gear at ilvl150 on the MB is too expensive. y u do this square![]()
Haven't had an opportunity to play much, decided to go for WHM, but now I have to level up THM and ARC to get the cross class goodness. I also haven't gotten around to getting my BRD's ilvl up to snuff to clear Bismarck and Ravana cause I don't want to run the Gubal Library a billion times atm and all the gear at ilvl150 on the MB is too expensive. y u do this square![]()
Leveling daily roulette doesn't stack, does it? I've been able to do two today (Stone Sigil earlier on, and now Dzemael Darkhold) and also got all of the bonus exp both times - I didn't do it yesterday, but it surely doesn't stack, right? I'm a little confused, but it means I've gone from 55 to 56 in one day, can't complain lol
Afaik you can buy i150 gear from the vendor in Azys Lla. Gear sucks but it'll get you at a decent enough ilvl to be able to start farming law.
Bless the both of you.Go to Helix in Azys Lia. A vendor there sells NQ iLVL 150 left-side gear. Buy that, start doing EXDR dungeons for law. You should never have to grind Library for anything but EXP (and even then only if you want to level by playing the class and not just FATE grind.)
The reset is at 11am eastern time. Did you do one early in the morning NA time and then one later today?
I did! I had no idea it resets like that, I always thought there's like a 24hr cool down time haha
Thanks for the info![]()
He has appeared!My understanding of the opener is um ... Sharp+Ley on pull -> F3 + Eno -> F1 + PotRS. Since you're doing the B3 opener, I'd guess it's B3+Ley -> T1+Sharp -> F3+Eno -> F1+PotRS? You should be able to get at most around 6 hits in that potion (4x F4, Swift F4, FS'd F3) and an extra F4 on RS should be the most damage you can squeeze out of the buffs.
Not actually a BLM though so where's Makotoooooo