But I was going to switch to one...
Well feel free if you want to be the most disliked person in your local vicinity.
But I was going to switch to one...
It was my first extreme. Really, that was the tamest?!
And I also wasn't aware of a kill order (seeing as you aren't supposed to attack any Moogles below 10%), only that BLM and WHM should be attacked last so they always have enough health to survive getting focused to stop a spell.
Edit: Sorry, just saw Frumix's post.
Don't worry about it man. Mog Ex is just bullshit. If there is no coordination your team will lose. Most people would rather do Titan Ex than Mog Ex.It was my first extreme. Really, that was the tamest?!
And I also wasn't aware of a kill order (seeing as you aren't supposed to attack any Moogles below 10%), only that BLM and WHM should be attacked last so they always have enough health to survive getting focused to stop a spell.
Edit: Sorry, just saw Frumix's post.
So. I played a few hours today for the first time. In 3-4 hours I got lvl 7. The beginning is a little slow, but now that I get quest that are all about killing monsters its getting interesting. One question: What should I do? Concentrate me in the story and class quest or do every quest on sight? I dont have so much time and I would like to get to Heavensward expansion as soon as possible (but enjoying the experience).
Titan extreme via DF will make you hate the game forever.Tried Thornmarch Extreme last night without really knowing just how serious it was. That was....stressful. People vote abandonedI thought I did okay...did mess up interrupting a meteor and die once though. Apparently our tank didn't have enough health? I might need to ask you guys for help in that later. I'm Bayard Crescent in the game, by the way. First I need to get better gear though. I've been buying that level 120 gear with poetic tomestones - that's a good idea, right? (For someone working their way through the patch story quests).
I think I need to see video of someones hands while playing the game with a keyboard. I got the PC version so I can play at different times and I'm having real trouble transitioning to using the keyboard well.
(Bonus footage: The best part of A1S wipes.)
I would say don't worry about the expansion. Take your time, enjoy the content. If you want to level at a decent pace:
1. Do your daily roulettes as you unlock them.
2. Keep up to date with your class quests.
3. Use the main story quests to guide you. Keep doing em, and when you hit a wall consider getting some new gear/hitting some dungeons/doing extra quests for xp.
4. You'll outlevel areas before you've done all the quests in them. Only consider doing every quest in sight as a completionist thing.
4. Focus on one class, but bear in mind that you'll be branching out at level 30 (you'll see why).
If you want to go 'fuck that' and level as fast as you can:
1. Keep your main quest/Class quests up to date
2. Fate leveling party if you're DPS, Dungeon spam if you're tank/healer.
Does DRK still outparse PLD as an OT? I saw elsewhere people claiming PLD outstrips them after the DA glitch got fixed, but I saw earlier here someone claiming DRK would match WAR if not for TP issues, and fuck if I know a trustworthy tank version of Dervy.
Edit: Also how do I maximise fracture uptime on both these classes????
But I was going to switch to one...
Wow, a Savage 2 party in PF, didn't expect that.
Bearing in mind it sounds like he did it in a PUG, at which point almost every Ex turns to shit depending on luck.
Even better when these people are dps.I want to slap every single person who queues into a duty and the first thing happens is they say "brb" in the chat.
I regret to inform you that I am doing it wrong.
I finished every single EX primal until HW in duty finder except Odin where the FC did it for the lulz of my title. I'm a tank though so I would have watched the video like 5x before I went in so I don't fuck up. I actually one shot Garuda and Titan. I think people overexaggerate the difficulty of the fight, but underexaggerate how unprepared some people go into the fights. Yes, I do expect you to watch videos and guides of it before if you want to do it in a pug. Although I think the early ones up to Ramuh can carry a bad player pretty easily.
Even better when these people are dps.
You mean in that 10 minute queue you were in, you just now decided to go use the bathroom?
You don't have to search for it. Right-click on the blank slot in the turn-in window.Back to nitpicking:
As a big fan of Vanilla WoW I have always been in the camp of not making MMOs too easy/comfortable but there are a few things that could be streamlined in XIV. For example it makes no sense whenever I need to turn a quest item in I need to search it from my bags, just apply it automatically. If you have a HQ version just add a button for the option.
Back to nitpicking:
As a big fan of Vanilla WoW I have always been in the camp of not making MMOs too easy/comfortable but there are a few things that could be streamlined in XIV. For example it makes no sense whenever I need to turn a quest item in I need to search it from my bags, just apply it automatically. If you have a HQ version just add a button for the option.
Secondly why can't I ride my new magitec mount whenever I have the chocobo company in my party? It's not like having him dissapear during riding is too much to take.
Also at least give me an option checkbox for automatic dismount whenever an action requires it. Why does talking to people automatically dismount me but doing pretty much anything else requires doing it manually?
You don't have to search for it. Right-click on the blank slot in the turn-in window.
I did a random Praetorium a few weeks ago or something to help someone with the story and a Gaius card randomly dropped at the end for me. I guess once a year or so, good deeds really are rewarded in FFXIV.
These go here, right?
(No, Nin Py, this is not how you MCH)
I got mini'd. Twice. Luckily nobody cares about MCH DPS. Was fully expecting to have to push to next week since we only got two days in this week. Probably only happened because we're casual scrubs who used Drac pots once we saw enrage.
(Bonus footage: The best part of A1S wipes.)
I got the mch strats when I watched you live
I wonder if world-first groups will have some members spend their esoterics on chest or legs this week to get world-first A3S, but they risk missing out on first A4S clear because they didn't wait to get the weapon.
Man, not even ZR thought GAF knew about the stream. I guess that means you heard me go off on why I'd rather GAF not find out, too. RIP.
The group that was streaming their A3S attempts and had taken it to 8% had at least one person contemplating non-weapon Eso purchases, but they also thought the Normal drops and A1S/A2S drops from reset tomorrow would be a huge help.
A3S looks amazing though.
Man, not even ZR thought GAF knew about the stream. I guess that means you heard me go off on why I'd rather GAF not find out, too. RIP.
The group that was streaming their A3S attempts and had taken it to 8% had at least one person contemplating non-weapon Eso purchases, but they also thought the Normal drops and A1S/A2S drops from reset tomorrow would be a huge help.
A3S looks amazing though.
Man, not even ZR thought GAF knew about the stream. I guess that means you heard me go off on why I'd rather GAF not find out, too. RIP.
I caught the end of your rant, but didn't pay attention to much of it.
There is a lot of gil to be made by gatherers this week. Millions in a relatively short amount of time, compared to how much gil gatherers would be able to make before in a similar time frame.
Did Angary put GAF on blast and I missed it?
GAF is good at public criticism and generally shit at constructive; it was suggested that I at some point inform GAF there was a stream and I more or less lolno'd it because the second guessing in FC chat wouldn't do me much good (I promise, when I fuck up I know immediately). It's not a new concept or anything, I'm pretty sure it's been a topic of discussion here before, just literally had no idea anyone was watching.
Still stand by it though, so eh.
GAF is good at public criticism and generally shit at constructive; it was suggested that I at some point inform GAF there was a stream and I more or less lolno'd it because the second guessing in FC chat wouldn't do me much good (I promise, when I fuck up I know immediately). It's not a new concept or anything, I'm pretty sure it's been a topic of discussion here before, just literally had no idea anyone was watching.
Still stand by it though, so eh.
The Lalafell hate must stop.
If someone has a name in GAF that is recognizable then they are probably an asshole so you're not wrong.
I mean, we were watching you guys too so...
The Lalafell hate must stop.