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Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward |OT| Raiders of the Void Ark

Just had my first bad dungeon run as a tank. For some reason my healer decided to focus more on attacking than keeping me alive. I had to stop after that one.


Could do some of the tricks the WoW Proving Grounds did.

For DPS, they had multiple targets that needed to be taken out in a specific amount of time, including some that did not come in at the start of the wave. No damage to avoid, but had (I think) some mob AoE that would lower your dps if hit so meeting the enrage got near impossible if one didn't dodge. Promoted target switching and meeting a DPS check

For healers: they put you in a pt with other NPCs and expected you to keep everyone alive (and everyone could take damage, not just the tank. lots of AoE). If any of the NPcs died, game over.

For tanks, you had to pop your damage mit CD at the right time for big hits/mob waves and keep threat on multiple mobs at once. I believe you got a pt similar to healers but never did that one.

Had Bronze < Silver < Gold < Endless modes. Silver was required for Heroic dungeons (they dumbed down Silver a lot between MoP and WoD tho), Getting Wave 30 in Endless (was fairly hard) got you The Proven Tank/Assailant/Healer title.Your gear was ilvl capped too so you couldn't outgear it.

It wouldn't work 1:1 here due to class design here vs there (as an example most WoW healers have spell interrupts to mitigate some of that AoE, not the case here) but I think there's room for improvement in teaching people how to play their class. I think things like Savage Faust are pretty good checks for Alex but I'd like people to get a clue beforehand. Class quests alone aren't enough it seems, and when they did stuff like OG Steps of Faith and current Bismarck people would just drop the queue over and over again rather than deal with it (and even then most people who were bad and cleared it didn't learn, just got carried)

I wouldn't mind seeing some class specific quests like this for the new Relic quest line in 3.1 or w/e. Most of that relic stuff in ARR was busywork rather than actual "legendary" achievements, and since those are class specific I can't think of a better time to get people started.

In your example, targeting specific NPCs with specific buffs wouldn't be a bad idea for AST, to teach card effectiveness. WHM actually does a lot of DPS while healing, but they could also get asked to CC mobs with sleep or stun cause they have good options like Holy and Repose. SCH could be asked to move their fairy pet to specific areas to make them more effective or avoid cleaves (a big problem I saw with a lot of SCHs is being bad at pet maintenance). There's a lot of stuff they could do, and tbh asking a healer to DPS or keep an NPC alive isn't new for their class quests.

Haha manually move my fairy? Like, I'm sure learning that is going to be handy in the .1% of the content where that makes a difference. On a list of shit to learn as a SCH, moving your pet is number...oh, just think of the largest crit heal you've ever gotten. Once they can actually heal effectively on conjunction with another healer over extended periods while properly managing their cooldowns, then we talk about silly stuff like moving a pet.

And if they institute an actual rotation test for DPS then I want numbers, SE. Go ahead and confirm that 90% of the dps in the game don't even have most of their skills on a hotbar.



got bored of being a waifu so switching things up with a male aura

it's strange being so tall. all these lala's are like ants!


Haha manually move my fairy? Like, I'm sure learning that is going to be handy in the .1% of the content where that makes a difference. On a list of shit to learn as a SCH, moving your pet is number...oh, just think of the largest crit heal you've ever gotten. Once they can actually heal effectively on conjunction with another healer over extended periods while properly managing their cooldowns, then we talk about silly stuff like moving a pet.

And if they institute an actual rotation test for DPS then I want numbers, SE. Go ahead and confirm that 90% of the dps in the game don't even have most of their skills on a hotbar.

Duuuuuude, I haven't even read this conversation you're having but, what you're saying suggests that because other people play bad, you're happy to play bad? Tell me I'm wrong.

You want to excel at your class to the point everyone wants you on their static right?

got bored of being a waifu so switching things up with a male aura

it's strange being so tall. all these lala's are like ants!

For real. I'm a Mi'Qote PLD and I constantly feel tiny. Wish you could make them at least a little taller. None of the other races appeal to me right now.
Garlean when.


The Arrow one? I actually thought it was an okay card to put on BLM :/ Then again I haven't played the class past 56 and barely looked into it because I really don't enjoy it coming from a SCH.

Our cast time doesn't change, so you've lowered our GCD but we still have to spend the full amount casting Fire IV or whatever.

No, it just indicates that the game has a bit more depth than can be measured by a simple number. Sometimes you see a DPS targeted by a mechanic maybe you want to give them a Bole. Maybe you want to give Balance to a tank that struggles with keeping hate. These things can't be measured with simple yes or no tests.

Frumix, pls, this isn't a test to single out world's best everything. It's to show basic understanding of your class. Stop trying to put advanced tactics in, the point is obviously flying right over your head.


I'm pretty sure that the weekly and daily hunts don't give eso tomes but I may be wrong.

They don't, just Centurio seals.

Our cast time doesn't change, so you've lowered our GCD but we still have to spend the full amount casting Fire IV or whatever.

Unless something has changed I'm pretty sure it affects casting speed though. Unless you're talking about spear which reduces off-GCD (and only those) cooldowns and then yeah, putting that on a BLM is quite pointless.

Edit: Not saying the card is particularly good and you're probably better off fishing for a balance if you can shuffle but I'm pretty sure it's not completely useless if you cast it on a caster.


Our cast time doesn't change, so you've lowered our GCD but we still have to spend the full amount casting Fire IV or whatever.
Wait, what? this is Benefic under Diurnal Sect without and with Arrow. Your post really confused me so I needed to check.


I used my potion of changing already, can you get another? What kind of options are there to change appearance later?

You can get another fantasia by paying $$$, the option to buy them is on mogstation.

Without fantasia you can go to a haircut guy and have him change your haircut, hair color, and facial features for 2000gil but that's it.


We're currently looking for a Paladin/Dark Knight/possibly Warrior to join our merry band of raiders over on Ultros.

Typically we run Wednesday / Friday / sometimes Sunday from 7 - 9 PM EST.

We're good I promise also I am very funny and fun to be around just ask anyone except for Drama since she's mean.

Shoot me a message on here or a tell in game to Galen Austad (I'm the super handsome one hanging around the GAF house most times)
I just finished the MSQ up to HW, and can confirm you do need to run some hard mode primals. I tanked the whole time, so queue times were non-existent, but I'd be frustrated as a damage dealer.

I'm sure healers get the fastest pops, but I'm leveling up my second job (DRK) really quickly with dungeons.


We're currently looking for a Paladin/Dark Knight/possibly Warrior to join our merry band of raiders over on Ultros.

Typically we run Wednesday / Friday / sometimes Sunday from 7 - 9 PM EST.

We're good I promise also I am very funny and fun to be around just ask anyone except for Drama since she's mean.

Shoot me a message on here or a tell in game to Galen Austad (I'm the super handsome one hanging around the GAF house most times)

tfw you;re Zodiark based and your FC can;t keep up.

I nned to do Savage. Still need to do Ravana of course. Done everything with PUG so far, FC starting to feel useless.


Please. You're one of my biggest fans and you can't even deny it.

I am suffering choice paralysis.


"That's probably true, which makes me very sad for you."

"I do have a pretty bad case of train wreck syndrome."

"I'll deny it as soon as the English language invents a single word to contain all my levels of no."


Trying to clear Bismarck Ex with party finder is suffering.

Ya, I had a group that DPS was fantastic, healing fantastic, one tank fantastic and the other tank was a complete disaster and kept getting rekt by the snakes and didn't/couldn't understand what he needed to do and got our group killed like 5 times in a row before we disbanded.


I think we might need a new section on NeoGAF for personals!
I'm okay with this
I am suffering choice paralysis.


"That's probably true, which makes me very sad for you."

"I do have a pretty bad case of train wreck syndrome."

"I'll deny it as soon as the English language invents a single word to contain all my levels of no."
I go with option 4

"As if I'd like you, b-baka..."


They don't, just Centurio seals.

Unless something has changed I'm pretty sure it affects casting speed though. Unless you're talking about spear which reduces off-GCD (and only those) cooldowns and then yeah, putting that on a BLM is quite pointless.

Edit: Not saying the card is particularly good and you're probably better off fishing for a balance if you can shuffle but I'm pretty sure it's not completely useless if you cast it on a caster.

Wait, what? this is Benefic under Diurnal Sect without and with Arrow. Your post really confused me so I needed to check.

It would help if I knew the name of the cards so I had to go look them up. Yes, arrow is good for us and has nothing to do with what I originally brought up. I was talking about Spear which is useless on a BLM.


Trying to clear Bismarck Ex with party finder is suffering.

Ya, I had a group that DPS was fantastic, healing fantastic, one tank fantastic and the other tank was a complete disaster and kept getting rekt by the snakes and didn't/couldn't understand what he needed to do and got our group killed like 5 times in a row before we disbanded.
Yup. I've yet to be in a group that can do it. The tanks usually get owned by snakes very quickly.

I've pretty much given up on the idea of ever beating Bismarck EX or Rav RX and will just my my weapon from law.
Yup. I've yet to be in a group that can do it. The tanks usually get owned by snakes very quickly.

I've pretty much given up on the idea of ever beating Bismarck EX or Rav RX and will just my my weapon from law.

Day 3 of my attempts, and I've gotten closer each time. At this rate, I'll meet everyone who uses PF to attempt BisEx.

We finally made it to the weather portion on a regular basis. For the most part, we handle the weather mechanics well, but we haven't quite figured out how to DPS the adds properly (and use the DKs), even though we easily met all the DPS checks up to that point.


Jesus Christ some of the duties in Heavesward are some of the poorest designed missions I've ever had to experience in any game, ever. It's like they totally disregard that not every class is DPS. I don't know what I'm supposed to do as a healer against multiple enemies that take a million slow lethargic hits with "stone II"...

Only started playing the expansion tonight and it's already incredibly irritating.
Trying to clear Bismarck Ex with party finder is suffering.

my last trial roulette was standard herring 3 days ago. that whirlwind is hard endgame. i think every ranged just stood there and got hit by that every time. it was funny to watch. pity there was no healing. who cares about dps checks when you can't survive simple mechanics. vote abandon after 4 wipes or so. abandon was rejected two times even. some person had to ragequit this community.


Cømet;174339120 said:
Duuuuuude, I haven't even read this conversation you're having but, what you're saying suggests that because other people play bad, you're happy to play bad? Tell me I'm wrong.

You want to excel at your class to the point everyone wants you on their static right?

For real. I'm a Mi'Qote PLD and I constantly feel tiny. Wish you could make them at least a little taller. None of the other races appeal to me right now.
Garlean when.

Noooo the bads need to get good, I'm just saying that if we're going to be teaching the bads anything then let's get the essentials down first, then teach them to be jedi masters. Moving your pet is hardly essential SCH tech in the grand scheme of things.


Sweet. Just did Alexander (normal) for the first time in the DF.

Defeated the Oppressor just after two wipes.

Really fun fight!


Jesus Christ some of the duties in Heavesward are some of the poorest designed missions I've ever had to experience in any game, ever. It's like they totally disregard that not every class is DPS. I don't know what I'm supposed to do as a healer against multiple enemies that take a million slow lethargic hits with "stone II"...

Only started playing the expansion tonight and it's already incredibly irritating.

Which duty are you talking about? I honestly don't remember any msq duties being challenging at all. Stoneskin NPCs you're supposed to defend because they have a shitton of HP usually so stoneskin will be OP on them and don't forget cleric stance when dpsing, maybe use sleep (not sure it always works though). Enemies in duties usually have less hp than the regular monsters so most of them really shouldn't take that long to kill even as a healer.
Alex Turn 1 Savage finally downed! xD

Good stuff! My static just started it tonight. We got Faust down after about 6 or 7 attempts, but only got the big guys down to about 59% before wiping every time. It's definitely tricky balancing the placement of the big pools while also staying in range of AOE heals so that you stay alive... while killing adds in the lasers.


Which duty are you talking about? I honestly don't remember any msq duties being challenging at all. Stoneskin NPCs you're supposed to defend because they have a shitton of HP usually so stoneskin will be OP on them and don't forget cleric stance when dpsing, maybe use sleep (not sure it always works though). Enemies in duties usually have less hp than the regular monsters so most of them really shouldn't take that long to kill even as a healer.

I failed a number of forced synced storyline battles as a SCH because of mechanical bullshit.

One of the fights was around killing an npc, but what the game didn't tell you was that she couldn't die without every other npc being dead. 3 wipes there.

Another had me defending an npc, and it was hardcoded that that several big enemies would only attack the npc while the rest obeyed normal aggro rules. A few wipes there, because as a SCH I'm totally about the burst damage, right? ...yeah.

Then there was another which had the npcs summon bombs around my escort target, and I had to hit them away. Problem is I don't have any aoe that can tap them all, so I have to single target and wouldn't you know, there are so many that the npc gets blown to shit twice. Then I just lure the enemies the fuck away from the escort so I could ignore the mechanic.

None of those fights were fun. Not sure why the fuck they sync single player content.


I failed a number of forced synced storyline battles as a SCH because of mechanical bullshit.

One of the fights was around killing an npc, but what the game didn't tell you was that she couldn't die without every other npc being dead. 3 wipes there.

Another had me defending an npc, and it was hardcoded that that several big enemies would only attack the npc while the rest obeyed normal aggro rules. A few wipes there, because as a SCH I'm totally about the burst damage, right? ...yeah.

Then there was another which had the npcs summon bombs around my escort target, and I had to hit them away. Problem is I don't have any aoe that can tap them all, so I have to single target and wouldn't you know, there are so many that the npc gets blown to shit twice. Then I just lure the enemies the fuck away from the escort so I could ignore the mechanic.

None of those fights were fun. Not sure why the fuck they sync single player content.

I don't remember most of those expect the bomb one :/ Were they all from Heavensward? Also this is the first time I hear about somebody outlvling msq duties to the point that they need to get synced down.

And as a SCH you do have an AoE to push bombs away, Miasma 2, works nicely for the duty in Hinterlands :)

Critical Elk

Neo Member
I am suffering choice paralysis.


"That's probably true, which makes me very sad for you."

"I do have a pretty bad case of train wreck syndrome."

"I'll deny it as soon as the English language invents a single word to contain all my levels of no."

Is this the source material for hatoful boyfriend?


Which duty are you talking about? I honestly don't remember any msq duties being challenging at all. Stoneskin NPCs you're supposed to defend because they have a shitton of HP usually so stoneskin will be OP on them and don't forget cleric stance when dpsing, maybe use sleep (not sure it always works though). Enemies in duties usually have less hp than the regular monsters so most of them really shouldn't take that long to kill even as a healer.
I didn't mean to imply that they were terribly challenging - even if I did fail twice on one (duty where you get Black Choco as reward). It's just that it makes absolutely no sense to force all classes to complete these missions the same way. I'm just there spamming the same lacklustre and lengthy attack at spongey enemies while occasionally healing myself. No fun in it at all. In fact it's just frustrating because I'm being forced to do things that my class/job isn't designed to do.

I could switch to my Bard of course and get some enjoyment out of the combat but that kinda misses the point >.<
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