I've been reduced to logging in once a day to do EX roulette for tomes and that's it. I have no interest in savage or i210 gear. Gimme story SE, I'm thirsty
Alas, this is the downside about creating higher ilvl caps to go with each raid gear. In 2.0, while ilvl90 gear isn't necessary to complete the casual content, it became SO much easier once you were in a party where everyone was about full ilvl80-90 that it created a good incentive for even casual players to gear up.
Now, if you go into a dungeon with everyone at full ilvl190, you can almost faceroll it. If you're only doing casual content there isn't much incentive to gear up beyond that. My big fear is that future dungeons just won't scale up fast enough to give players incentive to gear up. The first six or so dungeons of 2.X ended up being some of the hardest in the patch cycle, because at the ilvl90 cap you could only outgear them oh so much. The dungeons added afterward didn't scale quite as quickly as the ilvls of the average players.
And that was with 20ilvl jumps every new raid cycle. With 3.X is looks like we're going to be seeing 30ilvl jumps, maybe even 40ilvl jumps. I'm just not sure they can scale up casual content fast enough to make new gear relevant, after a certain point.
Granted, I'm often wrong. Watch as I once again end up worrying over nothing.