Vaudeville Villain
Yay level 10! Uhh as archer which stats would be best to increase? I assume dexterity would be one. Can I reallocate points at a later time if I feel I made a mistake?
So stupid that you can't take your chocobo into story duty missions, especially when you're facing like 15+ enemies
Story missions are supposed to be done alone. If you can't beat it without your chocobo companion after a failing a few times, you're either not geared enough or you don't play your class well enough.
I really wish they'd let us have our chocobos out while we're waiting for a duty queue. For dps classes, the queue takes way too long and I would rather do something in between and having a chocobo just makes things faster.
I dunno, the ones where you have to keep someone alive or whatever is really annoying, I'm not a healer or a tank and i can only attack so many mobs at one single time.
Those pose a challenge to all different roles for different reasons.I dunno, the ones where you have to keep someone alive or whatever is really annoying, I'm not a healer or a tank and i can only attack so many mobs at one single time.
Yay level 10! Uhh as archer which stats would be best to increase? I assume dexterity would be one. Can I reallocate points at a later time if I feel I made a mistake?
The most interesting part from that interview is that while the not-Lunar Whale raid is gonna have a FFXIV-original story (CT was essentially an extensive retelling of the original FF3 Xande's story except with more ancient Allagans), the enemies encountered therein are said by Yoshida to be "very familiar to FF fans". It's not FF4 but it's FF4. He also said they wanted to take a new approach to the dungeon design itself with the raid as opposed to just making new encounters.
I feel so alone in Eorzea. Like, really lonely, having no friends, contacts or anything there. I know there's lots of strangers walking about, and one even revived me, but I gotta level up to at least 15, and then add you guys, if anyone wants me on their list as well.
I hope that means that the three parties will split up to accomplish different goals, rather than just all being in the same big fights and the occasional forced split to deal with an Atomos.
Like, one party has to go to the security room on the ship and shut down security while the other two parties deal with an endless wave or adds. It's be an endurance test for two parties and a time trial for the security team.
I just want more interesting things than ABC fight boss, ABC split up to fight an Atomos, A fights now then B fights then C fights repeat, ABC fight their own thing in the same room.
Yeah, I'll sign up for the FC on Ultros when I'm at lvl. 15.
You don't need to be lvl 15 to join a free company, unless you're still on the 14-day trial, which has restrictions on social / communication stuff.
Oh, weird. We're only getting two new dungeons per patch in 3.X, instead of three.
I guess that's okay, as they're apparently doing it so they can spend more time creating different kinds of content, but it does make me wonder which dungeons won't be getting a HM version.
Oh, weird. We're only getting two new dungeons per patch in 3.X, instead of three.
I guess that's okay, as they're apparently doing it so they can spend more time creating different kinds of content, but it does make me wonder which dungeons won't be getting a HM version.
I'd be okay if they just flat out didn't do HM versions of them and just gave us two brand new dungeons every time.
How creepy can I make the voice?
Wait, what?
EDIT: Oh, skimmed over that one.
Well that's actually kind of a bummer.
Three months of only two dungeons.
Still more dungeons than WoW gets, more frequently too. XD
You don't need to be lvl 15 to join a free company, unless you're still on the free 14-day trial which has restrictions on social / communication stuff.
Still more dungeons than WoW gets, more frequently too. XD
Dungeons are such wasted content. You run it a couple times, and maybe have to do it a couple times a week for that patch for currency, then that content is completely invalid. And it's always mind-numbingly boring content. Boring Trash Pack > Boring Trash Pack > Boring Trash Pack > Some boring boss > repeat 2 times.
Honestly they need to make dungeons more like Castrum+Prae with interactive elements, from vehicles to cannons to searchlights to etc. And they need to create EX Dungeons where it's difficult content.
Then they need to create a way for you need to run the dungeons again, without having to burn out on them. Like a once a week quest to help your relic weapon. Make it a slow grind.
People don't really want difficult daily dungeons in the roulette though though. Either you get impatient people wanting to rush cause they've seen it all before so it ruins the experience for newbs (like running Cast/Prae now) or people will just outright ignore them or quit when they zone it (old Pharos, Steps of Faith, ect).
Who has fun doing dungeons after the first couple of times in the current system?
And you just give greater rewards in EX dungeons.
The point is that if you for any reason need any of the instances - the roulette system will provide you with a party. Repeatability of content is kind of a huge issue because of how the game is designed. Content already dies out really fast? If dungeons aren't necessary to run more than a few times either then what's a new/late player to do?
I feel like they should keep a rotation of four dungeons in the roulette, but I'm not sure how to do that with the ilevel increase patches- ilevel sync, I guess?
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That's a good question. I honestly don't know what some players do in the game without raiding. I assume they just unsubscribe and resubscribe.
Or maybe they like running the same easy and boring content over and over.
Nevereap and Fractal were facepull easy at i150. Like every dungeon in this game except maybe AV.
I really want to know which person actually enjoys dungeons after the first couple of times so I can understand the appeal, because I don't. They are so boring.
This game needs more weekly gating. The reason why content dries up so quickly is you just spam it in the beginning, get your item(s) but also get super bored / burned out on it.
just go play ffxi then. weekly gating is dumb and if it occurred im sure you'd just be complaining about the weekly gates
Revisionist history aside, DF is designed to be an easier way to clear content the first time you do it, vs making your own group get tomes on subsequent runs, and as a low key place to run with alts/strangers in group content. What is old and boring to you is something other people haven't experienced yet, or maybe have run a handful of times the last few months so they aren't exactly bored yet. By the time they are? The new patch will have already dropped, and then some.
DF roulette is 100% designed with casual play in mind and you're gonna have to accept that. Whether or not it could be designed better to appeal to those of us who log in everyday is another argument, but designing DF for those people specifically is not going to happen. It's made to be accommodating, not restrictive or grueling, and never will be.
This game needs more weekly gating. The reason why content dries up so quickly is you just spam it in the beginning, get your item(s) but also get super bored / burned out on it.
I currently log in 4 times a week at most, and I play less than 12-16hrs a week (9hrs of raiding + pvp time + casual chatting) usually.
Yet I'm content dry except for raid.
I don't know what people that log in daily do.
Stop using that as a comeback. I like this game but I'm able to identify when there's features from other games that would benefit this. I'm trying to propose ideas on how to make this game fresh for those who play at least a little bit more then a couple times a week.
I love weekly gates as long as you have enough content variety.
Maybe the game doesn't need to take up so much of my time? Maybe I like that I can be more leisurely about logging in and playing?
What's more, I'm not certain an Extreme Dungeon would be a good use of resources. I mean, if you're talking raid tier dungeons, I don't think that'd get a lot of traffic.
Maybe the game doesn't need to take up so much of my time? Maybe I like that I can be more leisurely about logging in and playing?
Challenging content with smaller groups that functions outside of the static system would be amazing, though. This has been on my wishlist forever, but the loot piñata mentality behind the game makes it hard for me to figure out how they'd motivate people to do it without sticking some gear in there and adding a lockout which is exactly counter to what I'd want out of it.
I'd still like them to try.
Weekly gating doesn't mean you play more, it usually means you play less (or more evenly instead of front loaded). But the more important thing with weekly gating is it means you do a variety of content instead of running the same thing over and over.
So yes, I agree, nice not to have to spend as much time in the game, but the time I do spend in the game I want to be doing different things.
Weekly gating doesn't mean you play more, it usually means you play less (or more evenly instead of front loaded). But the more important thing with weekly gating is it means you do a variety of content instead of running the same thing over and over.
So yes, I agree, nice not to have to spend as much time in the game, but the time I do spend in the game I want to be doing different things.