just watch galen and feel good about yourself afterwards or take tips from him. I hear he's #1 bard in the fc
Hmm. Maybe I shouldn't have written this after these comments.
Part of bard is coming down to which opener you use because you can coast on that damage spike for a decent ways. I can't parse myself so I don't know which of the two main openers is more viable or spikes higher, but getting down either the double EA opener or Krietor's opener are likely going to be the best way to start out. Really double EA is kind of a ton of buttons all at once and requires a lot more timing, I feel, to properly maximize where Krietor's is pretty basic stuff.
Once you're rolling there are a few things to try to keep in mind.
1. Try to use every SS proc with EA backing it up
2. Optimally you should try to Iron Jaws your dots with IR twice -> once after IR cast and once just before it goes off, even if you clip the dots substantially.
3. Iron jaws around 3 seconds or less
4. Bloodletter takes priority over damn near everything else, especially with how fast they reset now.
Depending on your latency I've used Iron Jaws at 1 second left and gotten the dots to re-up, so the later you hold that IJ the better off you are. I would clip dots if you have them ticking and get buffs up like B4B/HE/IR. I haven't run numbers on the "optimal" amount of ticks for IJ to go off for it to be a pure potency gain, but I'd assume that it isn't very many. Most bosses don't tick while they jump (I think Bubble Butt does?) so knowing the timing of the phases is important to not waste a GCD on Iron Jaws versus Heavy Shot/Straight Shot Proc if you aren't gonna get the ticks.
Blah blah blah. Bard is still about the opener and Bloodletter procs, but a big key to maintaining good deeps, I feel, is managing your Straight Shot Procs effectively. My EA is like 14.whatever second recast now and SS Proc has a 10 second run off. You can, in theory, use every single SS proc for EA, which is going to keep your dps up since you're spinning the global cooldowns while dealing with EA's garbage mechanic.