So I can add mad rush to 60 to the list of questionable things I've done; would have been over (much, much, much, MUCH) sooner if DPS queues weren't horrible. I spent an hour waiting on the last one, and 30-40 minutes per run wasn't uncommon. Which when you're spamming for EXP (and grinding side quests while waiting for pops) means you''re waiting out one run for every run you actually get in. Going to try to tackle the end of the main story tomorrow and get all the grind prepwork behind me so I can go back to AFKing in the Mist (or, you know, doing other things, but I've been told AFKing in the Mist is the only possible option so.)
The leveling in the expansion is definitely messed up--50-52 are basically automatic, starting at 53 an experience deficit shows up that I think reaches its worst point at 58. 59's dungeon rewards about 10% of the XP you need to level (assuming rested bonus, food, etc), the dungeon is interesting, and the drops are good. Made the whole thing fairly painless. 59 is probably helped a lot just by virtue of having its own dungeon, but the pacing overall was better for me than the slog leading up to it.
The last zone is also my favorite in the expansion; I like the design, it manages to be less of a mess to navigate than most of the HW zones (Which suffer badly from maps that cannot convey elevation well), and the aetherial currents there are handled in a way that makes to me.