Played for five hours straight yesterday (well, played for three hours and spent two more watching those 2.55 ending cut scenes). Wow, Ishgard is amazing. All I've explored is the city, but the music is beautiful and the cold-weather "northernness" really makes for some good atmosphere.
All these basic quests handing out 48,000 experience points means that I'm two thirds of the way to level 51 while only having fought a handful of monsters (one very tough FATE right outside the city, mostly).
Found the Machinist job headquarters -- it's in a building that I could swear was unlit and unmarked until I visited -- but not the other two yet. Which one has shorter queues when leveling 30-50? I was getting the usual long DPS queues while waiting to get into regular dungeons, but got in instantly when, immediately upon logging in and wanting to just run an easy dungeon to get back into the swing of things, I signed up for low level roulette as a Scholar. (Went from level 38 to 39, consuming most of my maxed-out rest bonus. And Cutter's Cry is a low level dungeon now!?)
Question for fellow lore buffs, particularly those who played 1.0: Ishgard City has been completely sealed off from the southern cities since the Calamity, right? They've been at war with the dragons for a millennium? Have they, in general (or totally) kept outsiders away for all this time? The elites have been travelling around, and it sounds like merchants get in and out, too.
I'm pretty pumped to meet these Mongolian-named and medieval-Japanese-named people up here. It's unreal how good this game's lore is.
(Edit: question about /playtime: does it include the beta? Because I have the ridiculous total of 24 days, or 576 hours, which is five times as long as I've ever spent playing any game. I know that with long DPS queues I've had multi-hour periods where I've been logged in but haven't been playing, but surely this clock started back in 2013 with the weekend beta testing... right?)