Something I've always wondered about in regards to gardening and now company airships: are all members able to participate in these activities or do only higher ranks have access to them?
It's probably a bit late of an answer, but if you want to participate in airship activities pester Victor Strange or Baramoht Klydsafdsfh (whatever his last name is).
Gardening is trickier because it's harder to control outcomes, plus for high-level gardening it takes at minimum a week or so to produce certain things at a very limited number (4 or under, I suppose). It also eats a lot of resources. In any case if you need something, I can try to grow it. Admittedly sometimes I'm not paying attention so I'll apologize ahead of time if you feel like you're being ignored.
Was making sure, happy I didn't miss a day. Is this the app that they were planning to release that was going to be linked to XIV or was that another one or do we not know?
It's the one they're linking to FF14, except they haven't gotten the code right yet, so that feature is still unavailable.
Also, TT is gated by a stamina system. Lol