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Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward |OT| Raiders of the Void Ark


10 leviathan ex clears in a row, not a single pony drop. why you doing this to me game.
I feel better when they don't drop at all because whenever they do I always roll a low number. Highest I've gotten is in the 30's and I've seen a lot in the past few days.


Hmm, I've come to the conclusion that MCH is 3.0's NIN mudra for me as far as lag goes. Rapid Fire gets screwed up because you'll be hitting buttons faster than ammo procs register so sometimes you'll be firing un-proc'd Slug/Clean Shots while keeping the proc'd shots. This sometimes happens even without RF up. And then there's still the usual GCD > oGCD > GCD lockup. Goes without saying this wrecks Wildfire damage badly.

Kind of contemplating swapping over to BRD since they don't seem as lag sensitive...maybe.



Still working my way through the post 2.0 story stuff. I really wish they hadn't padded this crap out with so many insufferable fetch quests. The cutscenes are fine, and I don't mind all the politics thrown in, and of course the Primal fights, while few and far between are pretty cool even if they are super faceroll at this point.

HW story is much better. this game will always throw fetch quests at you, but they handled it better in HW with less padding, you'll see. you can suffer in optional (fetch)sidequests.

post-launch 2.0 is indeed insufferable. it's a waste of time. i can see how people started to drop out there. only the last 20-30% period is good.


Did The Whorleater (extreme) and Thornmarch (extreme) tonight. Went pretty well. Other healer in Thornmarch didn't have swiftcast so that was interesting. Someone tried to boot them just for saying they hadn't unlocked it o.0

I did attempt The Striking Tree (extreme) but we failed on that. Will have to try again tomorrow. I want to do unlock Shivia so I can get one of those diamond weapons (also, unrelated. Are there any i170+ one handed canes for WHM? I want to use one but it's only i70)


Still working my way through the post 2.0 story stuff. I really wish they hadn't padded this crap out with so many insufferable fetch quests. The cutscenes are fine, and I don't mind all the politics thrown in, and of course the Primal fights, while few and far between are pretty cool even if they are super faceroll at this point.

But holy shit everything is just dragged down by what feels like hours of completely worthless content. There are what feels like dozens of quests which literally involve teleporting to someplace, running for 5 minutes, clicking through dialogue and then teleporting back. The ones that do involve combat just spawn a completely brainless mob that I can kill in 10 seconds.

I feel like this stuff would be passable if they just cut the filler out but as it is this is by far the worst time I have had with this game yet. Can you guys reassure me that at least Heavensward's story isn't so shitty?

I don't know if the endgame community is stagnant or not, but I can tell you it doesn't help making me trudge through this bullshit just to start grinding to 60. I was going to try and get a few of my old raiding buddies to play this game, but I know for sure none of them are going to have the patience for this kind of crap. We've wiped for weeks on the bleeding edge of WoW content in the past but honestly this fetch quest bullshit is wearing my patience faster than that ever did.

Sorry for ranting, but a few days ago I was really looking forward to working towards getting into the endgame and this story quest barrier has just sapped all my enthusiasm. I just want to grind dungeons man.

Yeah it's really bad but it does get a lot better. You just have to struggle through it unfortunately.

Really good starter DRK guide for anyone thinking of giving the job a go. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Q1cr5udb-8

He he.


Suffering From Success
Did The Whorleater (extreme) and Thornmarch (extreme) tonight. Went pretty well. Other healer in Thornmarch didn't have swiftcast so that was interesting. Someone tried to boot them just for saying they hadn't unlocked it o.0

I did attempt The Striking Tree (extreme) but we failed on that. Will have to try again tomorrow. I want to do unlock Shivia so I can get one of those diamond weapons (also, unrelated. Are there any i170+ one handed canes for WHM? I want to use one but it's only i70)

The correct response to "Why don't you have Swiftcast?" should be "Why are you expecting yourself to die?"

I'm only half-kidding.
You know, my time leveling MCH has made me realize something.

As much as I've seen discussion in this thread about healers who don't dps, I think it more important to teach healers first. HOW TO FREAKING HEAL. If the healer cannot healing just healing the party under mild duress or heavy constant damage then screw teaching them how to dps, that'll only result in everyone dying faster.

I main healer so I don't on the regular get to see what other healers are like, but my time as MCH has reminded me why a lot of healers don't heal and why I main healer. They clearly still don't have the basics of just healing down. Some many healer completely break down and panic the moment things get iffy or clearly don't know the times they should be AoE healing and just spot healing, or knowing that that in the last .5 second of healing they can move and the heal will still go off.

Was doing Stone Vigil and the WHM clearly still didn't have his skills down, never used Esuna on burns and paralyze, using Cure II instead of Cure I, would be AoE healing when only the tank was taking damage, would just tank damage from boss aoes in the last part of their heal spells when he could still move. We failed the last boss 5 times, before the tank complained once, healer got mad and left then another healer came in and did the same crap and he had been there before! And it wasn't just that run but multiple runs I've been doing and I just think to myself "How do healers get this far and still not know basics like this?"

I mean the first thing I learned when I got medica was to not spam it.


I noticed that a lot of new players see a new skill they get and immediately assume previous ones that fit the same role are now obsolete and that using them would be dumb.


You know, my time leveling MCH has made me realize something.

As much as I've seen discussion in this thread about healers who don't dps, I think it more important to teach healers first. HOW TO FREAKING HEAL. If the healer cannot healing just healing the party under mild duress or heavy constant damage then screw teaching them how to dps, that'll only result in everyone dying faster.

I main healer so I don't on the regular get to see what other healers are like, but my time as MCH has reminded me why a lot of healers don't heal and why I main healer. They clearly still don't have the basics of just healing down. Some many healer completely break down and panic the moment things get iffy or clearly don't know the times they should be AoE healing and just spot healing, or knowing that that in the last .5 second of healing they can move and the heal will still go off.
My time level MCH has made me realize I'm awful at dps and assuming the healer or the tank is good is a bad idea lol

When I get in as a healer even if the tank is bad usually I can deal with it and make it work. As a dps there's a lot less control over that.


Seems like they won't refund Fantasias anymore with their 1 time per account recovery item like they did before.
Gotta get dat money...


I bet they make good money on fantasia sales.

of course they do. 7€ a pop is crazy IMO

Not a big deal, it just bothered me how before they would get you one fantasia back with their 1 time recovery system but now they told you "nope, go buy one at the shop". Especially when it's already a paid MMO...

Got a buddy who has fantasia'd at least 10 times.

Hell I admit to wasting a fantasia because I my character's skin color was just ever so slightly off.

I wasted my free fantasia for that... and the tail size, but now I feel like its too long lol


How useful is Stoneskin for AST? I'm leveling conjurer at the moment so I can cross class it. It's the last thing I need before I just switch over.
How useful is Stoneskin for AST? I'm leveling conjurer at the moment so I can cross class it. It's the last thing I need before I just switch over.
AST here and I literally never use it now because the nerf has made it one step over effectively useless.

Not gonna say you shouldn't have it, but on the same slice of the pie I never use it. I get why WHMs use it when applying it to the whole party, but most ASTs and SCH I see don't bother unless there is a lot of idling.
Leviathan is probably the worst ex primal to farm for ponies unsynced. Dps is so fast the reactor thing doesn't charge and it's a wipe every time. Unless you don't fucking breathe after killing the orbs it's over. At least all the other primals are face-smash easy now
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