Are there any images of 3.1 gear floating around? I can't find anything other than a google document listing numerous things that will be implemented for the upcoming patch.

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Are there any images of 3.1 gear floating around? I can't find anything other than a google document listing numerous things that will be implemented for the upcoming patch.
Most of those look great, especially the outfit the guy with the afro is wearing. Hopefully they won't be too difficult to obtain, since I haven't made a lot of gil in the past six weeks...
that afro helmet tho
Felix will buy it for you.
That's the new gold saucer outfit and hair.Most of those look great, especially the outfit the guy with the afro is wearing. Hopefully they won't be too difficult to obtain, since I haven't made a lot of gil in the past six weeks...
Yea I don't know why people where complaining about the outfits. None of them looked bad and some looked really great.
Not quite sure what to think of the island life yet. I'm worried about the potential drama involved with uninstanced content like that but oh well, GAF has an airship fleet so we will be in a better spot than most.
Again, my only sadface was the release date.
BTW, I don't have proof, but I suspect that the Exploration Zones are going to be, "Semi-Instanced." Specifically, that there will be a maximum number of players allowed into a certain zone, and that new instances will be created once this maximum is reached. This did something similar to this for zones in heavily populated servers after Heavensward launched.
The reason I suspect this is because the following.
A: No matter how powerful the enemy, it won't last long if word gets out and the entire server runs into the server to zerg it.
B: For purposes of stability.
C: Reduces the instances where FC's are directly competing for the same Marks.
D: It means that Marks can scale with server activity somewhat, instead of being an entirely fixed resource.
I could be wrong of course, but this seems like the easiest way to curtail C without completely shutting it down. Plus, it kinda seems like something they'd do if you ask me. Granted, I've NEVER experienced this sort of content with an MMO before, so I might be overlooking something that's obvious to everyone else.
You may run into other Alliances on the islands, it is not instanced to every individual alliance
Yea I don't know why people where complaining about the outfits. None of them looked bad and some looked really great.
Not quite sure what to think of the island life yet. I'm worried about the potential drama involved with uninstanced content like that but oh well, GAF has an airship fleet so we will be in a better spot than most.
Again, my only sadface was the release date.
Well this line seems to imply there will be some instancing:
Also if it was truly open world I don't think they would need to mention that you could run into others since this would be obvious.
So do I get to blame GAF for pulling first?![]()
small afro choice
So, Lala's with Afros?
Just have to say, I'm level 17 THM, for ARC and ARCH to level 4 and have begun the post starting city quests.
I'm enjoying it a lot. Yes it's go here, kill x, run around. But I like the Ul'dah story and I'm liking what I've seen of the overall story.
I do wish I could summon pets as any class though!
Bah, they just look pretty
I want easy mode as a black mage!
The xxxflare spam from SMNs is getting kind of old in PvP. They're the only class that can still do the chase down and put out that level of damage while being mobile. I feel like I have to go DRK a lot of time for the sake of mere survival. Not even DA + Darkmind is enough a lot of the time to deal with it.
MCH is kind of decent at chasing with Invig/Enliven sprints, and prepped Clean/Slug Shot into Rapid Fire shots, plus bind+BttE.
Eh, its nowhere near as intolerable as having dots > festers > flares dump on your face in the span of less than 30 seconds though. The only thing thats worse is having back to back Fell cleaves dump on you, but thats nowhere near as bad as the xxxflare spam. You always know its coming too cause you'll have all 3 dots up on you at once, forcing the DA + mind card if its available.
I've stopped coming DPS, save for the random MCH forays, for that reason alone.
Eh, its nowhere near as intolerable as having dots > festers > flares dump on your face in the span of less than 30 seconds though. The only thing thats worse is having back to back Fell cleaves dump on you, but thats nowhere near as bad as the xxxflare spam. You always know its coming too cause you'll have all 3 dots up on you at once, forcing the DA + mind card if its available.
I've stopped coming DPS, save for the random MCH forays, for that reason alone.
Might be screwed based on how you missed the Destiny threadAre they any good strategies to kill Shield Brothers with Shotgun?
30 seconds? You mean 5.
On the upside, we're basically wet noodles after that burst for the next 60s.
BTW, I don't have proof, but I suspect that the Exploration Zones are going to be, "Semi-Instanced." Specifically, that there will be a maximum number of players allowed into a certain zone, and that new instances will be created once this maximum is reached. This did something similar to this for zones in heavily populated servers after Heavensward launched.
The reason I suspect this is because the following.
A: No matter how powerful the enemy, it won't last long if word gets out and the entire server runs into the server to zerg it.
B: For purposes of stability.
C: Reduces the instances where FC's are directly competing for the same Marks.
D: It means that Marks can scale with server activity somewhat, instead of being an entirely fixed resource.
I could be wrong of course, but this seems like the easiest way to curtail C without completely shutting it down. Plus, it kinda seems like something they'd do if you ask me. Granted, I've NEVER experienced this sort of content with an MMO before, so I might be overlooking something that's obvious to everyone else.
Yes, that's what got me thinking along those lines. And it makes sense to do it that way.
The xxxflare spam from SMNs is getting kind of old in PvP. They're the only class that can still do the chase down and put out that level of damage while being mobile. I feel like I have to go DRK a lot of time for the sake of mere survival. Not even DA + Darkmind is enough a lot of the time to deal with it.
There will be some instancing for sure, either multiple instances of the same island as you said or different islands to select.
There's no way it's totally uninstanced and for everyone. It wouldnt work.
black mage is easy mode up till 60 lol
you're still a thaumaturge right? get protect as a cross class skill from conjurer, it helps tremendously at soloing
When I use a skill off GCD, then the damage doesn't register and it immediately becomes available to use again, is that server lag? It's been happening more frequently and I'm messing up my rotations a lot.
There's not much to it just gotta lv miner to 50, gear up a bit, and go to the node at a specific in game time. You want lv 3 Thanalan soil for crossbreeding plants (5am West Than) and lv 3 Shroud soil (6am South Shroud) for increased crop yields on stuff you're not crossbreeding.
If this is the first time you're leveling a DoL class; gather everything in your gathering log at least once for exp, do your class quest every 5 levels, unlock the Challenge Log if you haven't for the DoL weekly exp, do the daily GC turn in, around lv 20 do leves and pickup some exp buff manuals from your GC vendor, when doing leves don't forget you can pop a cordial to restore gp.
You need to Utmost Caution 4 times while hitting instinctual Appraisal 4 times and praying for a proc. Final one is Discerning and Methodical to get over 530
3: Think we'll get anything unexpected in 3.1, as a result of the delay? I mean I know the delay is in large part due to much of the team taking a vacation, but surely some members of the team will be getting extra time to work on stuff as a result? Riiight? Riiiiiiight? ;_;
A couple things.
1: Does anyone have a good rotation for getting Counterfoils? In the past I've mainly gotten them through mistakes in my regular Collectable rotation, but now that I'm down to my last piece of mining gear I can't seem to hit it even after using a rotation another Gatherer suggested. I always seem to be just a few points short.
2: I still haven't really started on the Red Crafting Gathering Scrips grind. Am I safe to assume that if they increase the scrips per-turn-in in the future, that the whole grind becomes less annoying?
3: Think we'll get anything unexpected in 3.1, as a result of the delay? I mean I know the delay is in large part due to much of the team taking a vacation, but surely some members of the team will be getting extra time to work on stuff as a result? Riiight? Riiiiiiight? ;_;
PS: How many airships can a single FC have? I might be willing to help secure the mats and such if we can make another.
This is why you have a somebody chain sleep them to interrupt that crap. Also you need better healers or don't be out of range of them or don't go on your own if you're not confident in your 1v1 skills.
No; nothing about the way 3.0 played out has me expecting 'extras' in 3.1. Since 2.5 that've seemed far more interested in delaying things to drip-feed us content to try and extend the life of the same amount of content without having to create more. Im more surprised that the minion game, relic, or airship exploration haven't been pushed to 3.11 or 3.15 yet than anything. I'm expecting a Live Letter at the FATE that will focus primarily on relic stuff and random side quests (Hildebrand's return.) The tail end of 2.x and 3.0 are dragging on for a really long time (2.5 was in January!) because of capacity issues surrounding the expansion, and the expansion itself didn't really contain anything surprising; at this point I'm mostly curious to see how they handle 3.2. Will we end up back on a normal patch cycle or will things still be protracted?
What do you consider annoying about it now? It took me forever to start it too and outside of meeting the requirements to gather in the first place, it isn't nearly as bad as i originally thought. One sufficient gatherer or crafter can gather all necessary scripts for the week and then you can basically spend it how you like. It really is a mirror of Law/Eso tomes. I expect it to remain similar for the foreseeable future in that the latest nodes have the latest req's for turn ins to keep people on their toes. It's actually easier with more capable classes in a way since you have more options for nodes/synths at any given time, but GP/node mats will gate you quite a bit anyway. The red will probably always be hardest and take into account current limits and the current top end gear will go blue as it is replaced.
Also, for unexpected, it seems a lot of folks still aren't aware of theand there are a lot of things that they have mentioned over the months that are QoL related or just fun. Pretty much all of the mid tier content they have already started in 2.x is getting stuff added to it, like Gold Saucer and Beastman dailies and such. There is likely more unannounced but being excited for announcements of announcements is a pretty bad GAF meme and I'd rather not go down that dark road.Hildebrand teaser
Well, they said in the past that they have five major patches planned for 3.X, and that they want to go through them in less time than 2.X took, so they can get to the next expansion more quickly. So unless they decide to make each patch bigger to compensate I think chances are we'll get closer to something like the old 2.X patch schedule after 3.1.
Also, I suspect the reason they didn't delay Sky Island Exploration to 3.11 or 5 or whatever, is because it's likely to be the main attraction of this patch. I suspect the patch would look a bit slim without it.
As for the extra's, I was thinking more along the line of amusing side-quests or something. Considering that even simple trials take awhile to throw together, it seems unlikely that we'd be getting anything that wasn't already planned.
Mostly the amount of crap I have together to do the grind. I'm not all that well geared to begin with, so if I want to do it I'll need at least some HQ mats, that takes extra time and inventory space.The gathering Scrip grind isn't bad though, I usually finish it by Sunday or Monday without putting in any real effort.
Anyhow, I'm aware that more dailies are coming, and Hildebrand seems likely (but not confirmed.) Dunno, was just wondering how likely it is that they'd truly surprise me with something during the next Live Letter.
IC, thanks.
Well, the main elephant in the room that they haven't talked about much at all is the Relic quest, which could be surprising (in a good or bad way). Outside of that and potential MSQ twists, I don't see myself surprised by an announcement of anything either. Well, i guess I could be surprised by the training center or whatever it was called but I am not even sure that is 3.1. Then again, I'm pretty happen with the announcements overall, for the time being. It's the scheduling I dislike.Jjust because it's not as bad as WoW's year long content stretches doesn't mean it's not long.