Reset! Will you cap eso this week!?

I'm not sure I'll even make it to the end of Neverreap before next reset.
Reset! Will you cap eso this week!?
How is this even possible? o.0![]()
I'm not sure I'll even make it to the end of Neverreap before next reset.
How is this even possible? o.0
That NIN had a Ravana weapon, DRG had an eso weapon. They were all at least i180.3 people who barely hit endgame, don't know their rotations, and are still using sub lvl60 gear, all signed up for a dungeon at once?
Happens from time to time, there's a bit of a gamble when you sign up for roulette.
Normally I'm not one to comment on DR party DPS, but I'm not sure how it's actually possible for a Ninja to do that kind of DPS unless they weren't actually doing anything at all. Wouldn't you put out more than that just by doing through your 1-2-3 rotation?![]()
I'm not sure I'll even make it to the end of Neverreap before next reset.
The Patch timing is a mistake, can we all agree on that?
Yes. There really is no excuse for such a long period of downtime unless they were wanting to get the EU servers up first.
Not only that, we are on another information drought until the next FATE event. Really, really poor planning.
In news unrelated to patch cycles or whatnot.
Tonight, since it looks like I won't be raiding yet, I think I'll try to throw together some Bismark Extreme runs. I need my ugly whale axe anyway. I'll try to grab as many bored GAFers as I can. XD
Oh man, that axe is awful. It looks like a bill-style axe gone wrong. The PLD/DRK swords are much cooler, in a Monster Hunter way.
I still think the arcanist books look awfully similar to the Scylla-themed dogbooks
Hello guys, I have a question about the game subscription. I still have 8 days left on my account and I was thinking of paying for a month now since I have the money for it (Not sure if I will next week lol). If I pay for the month will I lose my 8 days that I still have?
Even still. ~200 seems incredibly low, haha. I'm on console so I have no idea what I actually get, nor do I particularly care if people are lagging behind in dungeons, but from what I've read you'd have to purposely try to not actually do anything to achieve such a result, no? Suppose it's just people being lazy. Either way!3 people who barely hit endgame, don't know their rotations, and are still using sub lvl60 gear, all signed up for a dungeon at once?
Happens from time to time, there's a bit of a gamble when you sign up for roulette.
On that note. Have we heard anything about dps counters on training dummies? I remember rumours of that happening at some point.
I need to spend more time on the OF:
The OKCupid of Eorzea!
How...did I not know this existed. I've found my new end game.
does that dragoon take like 6 seconds between each action in his rotationThat NIN had a Ravana weapon, DRG had an eso weapon. They were all at least i180.
G-guys... I thought you were on my side...
just making sure you dont fly too close to the sun
5How ded is game? Scale of 1-10, 1 being ded body, 10 being rotten corpse.
How ded is game? Scale of 1-10, 1 being ded body, 10 being rotten corpse.
Has there been any information on what the training grounds will consist of, I would imagine they would have to include some way for a dps to see how much dmg thy are doing. It could be an interesting way for players to practice various job responsibilities of practice different kinds of mechanics if the devs are able to get it to work properly. The most obvious way of getting people to participate in it would be to give rewards for completing challenges in a given role.
This and the airship stuff are really interesting to me, I'm still somewhat unsure of lords of Verminion
Leave him on Marsjust making sure you dont fly too close to the sun
The only thing I've heard definitively about Training Grounds, is that they wanted to give people the option to practice specific mechanics of the current top tier raids.
Other then that, well they need to have some sort of measurement system for DPS. A, B, C, F, or something like that. *shrug*
Leave him on Mars
That would be very helpful indeed.
I know it's the nature of the beast of MMOs, but when you're balancing a half-dozen classes, all with their own abilities, it's important to know which ones should take priority, which ones to use in conjunction with other abilities, and what situations best call for what skills.
"Figure it out on your own" doesn't cut it for 90% of the players who reach endgame.
While I do agree that there needs to be feedback for players and all that, I'm not entirely sold on the idea that Training Grounds can do anything to really make people want to get better. It'll be a nice thing to have for those players who want to improve but there needs to be a better incentive to get people to want to improve.
Most the rotations aren't that complex to get to a decent point but many don't even do that. I don't see the Training Grounds helping these people in the slightest.
Oh man I had 2 month break from XIV and now I'm soooo rusty :d. I don't remember any of my routines so I guess I'll just do main quests for now. I should be extremely close to Heavensward content, I have done quite a few main quests after the ending credits.
Basically, XIV is a casual MMO with a largely casual player base and dps meters aren't for casuals, and can be used to antagonize the majority of the player base by a minority. And as pointed out with more alarming frequency by those who play multiple MMOs, XIV's "community" is one of the most adverse when it comes to veterans helping newcomers.
How ded is game? Scale of 1-10, 1 being ded body, 10 being rotten corpse.
I'm not sure I'll even make it to the end of Neverreap before next reset.
I asked for WoW's training grounds months ago when I saw the BisEX issue. Basic pve trials for tank/heal/dps with set agro control/dps/hps requirements that must be completed before you can enter certain fights/instances.
Even still. ~200 seems incredibly low, haha. I'm on console so I have no idea what I actually get, nor do I particularly care if people are lagging behind in dungeons, but from what I've read you'd have to purposely try to not actually do anything to achieve such a result, no? Suppose it's just people being lazy. Either way!
On that note. Have we heard anything about dps counters on training dummies? I remember rumours of that happening at some point.
I hate this line of thought because it ignores the fact that this isn't a single player game. What you do affects other people, and while it's cool they are having fun and all, depending on how far you take that idea it just leads to frustration for everyone else. We've all been in that group with the guy who has no idea what he is doing and is hurting the group. Regardless of what they want to believe, the game is designed to play a certain way in certain aspects.YoshiP won't let that happen so long as he has the authority to say so. While it can be used as an indicator to inform somebody they're not playing the class correctly, it's also a means to shame players who might not have any interest in "playing better" because they're simply here to play for fun or just want to try out something. In essence, it enables some of the player base to tell others how to play the game. When it comes to a majority of the content in XIV, optimal rotations and good dps are hardly a requisite for clearing. DPS meters would give some the ability to say "you should play this way" when they don't have to in order to enjoy the game. It's like going to a game show and the attendant telling you that you're "playing it wrong" even if you're having a good time. Or a developer/publisher saying "you're not supposed to do to" when you still have the ability to do it because that's what you wanted to do. Just because something was intended to be done one way doesn't mean it has to be. DPS meters would sway the atmosphere of XIV further into the "only one right way to play" direction. That mentality only has a place in progression raiding and pushing to clear new content as early as possible, not the rest of the game.
It'd be neat if they focused on patching in a better community than on frivolous things like a shitty RTS mini-game or a Mac version.You pretty much have to literally not do anything except maybe press 1 occasionally to get around 200 in whatever gear you're wearing when you hit 60. So when there's somebody doing 200 in Neverreap, what is actually happening is they are watching TV on another screen while following the party around and hitting 1 to target a mob and then mostly AFKing. They are literally not playing the game, it's the only way to manage 200 at level 60 because auto-attack damage literally contributes 200.
This is the community that plays this game, so fuck em.
DX11 version is broken for me and I have no fucking clue what causes it.It'd be neat if they focused on patching in a better community than on frivolous things like a shitty RTS mini-game or a Mac version.
That's probably why the patches slowed down; they have to account for the DX11 version and the kinda broken Mac version.
Anyone else not play MCH at all just because it started at 30? Unlocking all those skills and not teaching you how to use them made me not even wanna give it a shot. Hope they figure something out for the new classes, maybe like a training thing introducing you to each skill.
That's what the level 30 job quest is for for those classes, although they don't do a particularly great job going about it for MCH. DRK's and AST's are pretty good.Anyone else not play MCH at all just because it started at 30? Unlocking all those skills and not teaching you how to use them made me not even wanna give it a shot. Hope they figure something out for the new classes, maybe like a training thing introducing you to each skill.
Hey that was rude.
Also reading each skill and figuring out how to use them is different then unlocking them each level and actually using it a bunch before unlocking your next skill, which usually ties into earlier skills in some way.