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Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward |OT| Raiders of the Void Ark


I am staunchly refusing to get good in any way, shape, or form.

Crap. I may still be channeling Angary's MCH voice. How do I turn it off? Also, Angary-senpai, give me some MCH gearing tips. I know BiS stuff, but are there any non-weapon eso pieces you think are gonna still be worth the get regardless of Void Ark?
Eh, you should plan to use Hallowed on whatever the largest pull you're doing for the dungeon (doubly so if the actual pull will get you super low due to the run). It's a good amount of free time for the healer to go into full DPS mode and one of the few perks of having PLD when doing large pulls. Not using it is a pretty big waste.

Well you're assuming that the healer will actually DPS.

Most of the ones I get in DF don't. I think I've only seen Aero 3 a handful of times over all my dungeons runs. I only expect healers to heal in DF. DPS is a rare bonus.

If I used HG in that situation then it's not fair to the Heal-Only Healers since they don't get to do anything for those 10 seconds. I like to give them buttons to push so they have something to keep them busy for most of the fight.

If a healer in DF told me they were going to DPS and to use HG then I would. But that's never happened. I guess you only get that in static groups where everyone is co-ordinated.


Even if they don't, it's still the smart move to do. Not going to choose to play worse because of someone else. Sitting on your best cooldown for a pull is a bad call, regardless of the healer taking advantage of it or not.

And I solo queue my EXDRs these days so it's not even some "because I only run with my static" thing.


What? No

They are called HEALers, they should only be HEALing. Stop trying to get them to do DPS, that's not their job.

Let's see how far we get through A3S when both the SCH and WHM stop DPSing.

Should I just tank? Never go into Sword Oath? Wear all VIT gear? Make sure to just use my enmity combo?

EDIT - I have a feeling this is Asami sarcasm and I didn't detect it.


Let's see how far we get through A3S when both the SCH and WHM stop DPSing.

Should I just tank? Never go into Sword Oath? Wear all VIT gear? Make sure to just use my enmity combo?

EDIT - I have a feeling this is Asami sarcasm and I didn't detect it.

As a tank, should I be changing stances while tanking, or only when doing off tank work?
The smart move in my experience is to use my best cooldown to save my DF group the wipe if it turns out that the healer can't handle whatever is going on for whatever reason at the moment then I can adjust accordingly on pulls by going slower.

This method has saved me many times since I'm playing with a new healer every dungeon. Your first point made sense, that if the healer is going to DPS then it would make sense to HG since they can take advantage of the invulnerability at the beginning of the pull.

But if they are going to sit there for 10 seconds so they can heal me when my HP starts falling then the invulnerability doesn't serve me any benefit. If I start without it on the first big pull I can gauge whether or not I will need to slow down since if I'm forced to use it then I know they can't handle that much. Gives me more longevity too since I have to go through two full bars worth of health + healing outside of the invulnerability as opposed to one if you start with it. This way I can continue through the dungeon at the normal pace instead of finding out too late that the healer can't handle big pulls saving me the trouble of having to do that particular pull again (or what's left of it).

About the "garbage players" comment. There are all kinds of players in DF. I adapt to what the party is doing. If the DPS melt things on sight I make sure I stay on top of aggro on individual targets. If the Healer wants to DPS I try to make that possible and easier for them. I absolutely do not expect Healers to DPS in dungeons since the game doesn't really teach you to do that specifically. You use your damage spells for soloing but most people expect not to in dungeons since there's a certain degree of risk you take when you go to cleric stance and start trying to kill things. Many are clearly not comfortable enough to do it regularly while some are pretty proficient at it. Whenever I play WHM I am DPSing all the time outside of boss fights where I have to leverage my remaining mana and when the Tank is taking a ton of damage. If I get paired up with another Healer in the 8 man stuff I don't expect DPS from them as well. I'll contribute what I can (Heal + DPS) and they can contribute what they're comfortable with doing.

This just isn't the kind of game where I particularly care whether or not people are being as efficient as possible. I just do what I can do and try to account for what other people are capable of (like healer's skill level for example). If everyone puts in an effort regardless of their skill level/rotation/whatever then I am fine if we can clear whatever we're doing with that even if it takes a little longer.

Bit of a random tangent but I guess to end this post I want you to know that if you consider me to be a filthy garbage tier scrub lord for disagreeing with your reasoning then I am perfectly fine with that (mainly because it has no tangible effect on my gameplay experience).


Crap. I may still be channeling Angary's MCH voice. How do I turn it off? Also, Angary-senpai, give me some MCH gearing tips. I know BiS stuff, but are there any non-weapon eso pieces you think are gonna still be worth the get regardless of Void Ark?

The only MCH-specific Eso pieces I've picked up are the goggles, chest, pants, and weapon. MCH secondaries are kind of bleh from the preliminary numbers (Det by a small margin, then Crit, then Skillspeed down in the ghetto like always), and while we have an overabundance of Accuracy again this tier there aren't really a ton of options. Gordian Hood beats Machinists Goggles, Gordian Armguards beats Machinist's Gloves, Gordian Sabatons beats Machinist's Boots. Belt and accessories you probably already have from Bard so.

The goggles I picked up way back when because I didn't know when A3S going down would be a thing, and then how long from there for the headpiece to drop (the answer was clear #2. And #3. And #4. I wish I was joking. We're out of people with Aiming alt jobs.), but the chest and pants are the only pieces with real longevity. They're slightly better than the Bard eso chest/pants in that they have accuracy as the lower stat, so therse's less acc overload. While it's hard to say without finalized stat weights I'm guessing their i210 versions will be better than the Void Ark stuff. If Void Ark is crit/det again on the chest, the pants will still be worth it because you need accuracy from somewhere (and vice versa--crit/det Void Ark pants would need acc from the Eso top.) I think the difference would be like .7 dex between items, too, in which case it might be better to stick with upgraded Eso for vit/def/mdef.

Goggles for glamour is an obvious one.

No lie, the lack of usable left-side Machinist stuff means they're where my next twine is going. Must dye.
Ded game is turning everyone to write wall of text rip

Here's something for putting you through all that effort to read.



As a tank, should I be changing stances while tanking, or only when doing off tank work?
Like anything, it depends on both the fight and the group you are with. It can also depend a bit on which tank you are playing. WAR stance dancing for example is very fluid, and your highest dps combo also has extra threat attached so it is easier to maintain aggro. DRK/PLD switching is very clunky, as it costs a GCD, breaks combos, and costs a resource (important one if DRK!) so you have to be smarter about it. Both the tank combos are lower potency then your main DPS line so outside of aggro you never use them, and therefore aren't getting any extra passive threat just from dpsing.

If you keep all of that in mind the situations where you want to drop should be pretty obvious - anywhere you want extra damage, and it is safe to drop. The 4man bosses can be tanked outside of tank stance nearly the whole time (probably open with a stance'd threat combo if not WAR) for example. This assumes you know the fights already can therefore know when to use cooldowns.

The giant reddit post linked earlier is unfortunately spot on, if you want "optimal" tank play now you basically have to act like a slightly tougher DPS with some extra responsibility. That includes lots of stance dancing.
What ilvl do people think the base Relic will be? I hear the first version is being introduced in the next patch so I'm wondering whether it's worth getting an Eso weapon when I can or should I spend it on the armor.
What ilvl do people think the base Relic will be? I hear the first version is being introduced in the next patch so I'm wondering whether it's worth getting an Eso weapon when I can or should I spend it on the armor.

I'm betting it'll be just like the old ones-5 to 10 ilvls behind, so like i205 or i200. If it winds up being 210 I can imagine it'd probably piss of the savage raiders who like exclusive shiny. I wouldn't mind if they did wind up being i210 though.
210 would be nice.

I'm betting it'll be just like the old ones-5 to 10 ilvls behind, so like i205 or i200. If it winds up being 210 I can imagine it'd probably piss of the savage raiders who like exclusive shiny. I wouldn't mind if they did wind up being i210 though.

So probably around 200. Considering that it might make sense for me to hold off on buying the Eso weapon and to go for the armor instead. This is assuming it's not difficult to get the first version of the relic weapon.


No, relic will be 210. If it isn't there wouldn't be any reason to go through the insane grind I'm sure they have in store for us.

That being said, there's no reason to not get the eso weapon now. You're not going to be getting relic quickly after the patch (which isn't for 3 weeks in any event) unless you poop sock that shit.


No rush for the relic anyway since most people don't even need stuff at 190+ since they won't be running savage.

Wonder if they'll stop at 230 like they did at 130 for ARR. And with how bleh Void Ark gear is I'm curious to see what the Pharos Sirius Hard (wouldn't be surprised if this was just reskinned stuff, though) and Arboretum dungeon gear will be.


If they hold true to prior relics, we should get a mid-patch update to bump relic to raid iLevel I think?

So maybe i205 for base relic, then a patch a month+ later that bumps it to 210 for parity up until 3.2 comes in and introduces the next tier. I kind of think it has to come in over 200 if they want the catch-up patch to help people struggling with the DPS checks in A3S and A4S.


Three hours of Ravana Extreme later and...

NOTHING! Oh my god

I actually want to cry. Multiple runs where we got him to like 6% health. DPS kept dying though and we'd just hit the enrage (please don't stand in fire AoE...). Think I was averaging at least three or four revives per run. Really limited what I could have put out damage wise but I kept DoTs up as much as possible and spammed loads of Stone IIIs.

So close but I had to call it. As a healer I'm pretty sure I know that fight through it's entirety now, so that helps a lot. Maybe I can piggyback on a farming party and hope they don't notice >.>


how do you healers live every day

just did a toto-rak with a gladiator that was at first doing just raw rage of halone, i told him doing it raw does nothing, it combos as fast blade-> savage blade-> rage of halone

...so he started doing fast blade-> riot blade-> rage of halone, and i corrected him again and then he finally understood and did it, and we didn't really have any aggro problems aside from me telling him to use flash a little more often, until it came time to do the final boss and it turned out he ignored his class quests and didn't have shield lob, leaving him unable to pick up the adds very well

probably also didn't help the dps didn't kill any of the flesh pods around the arena and stood on the ones that the boss spawns instead of moving away, so they end up with multiple stacks of poison (i mean i tried my best to remove stacks but after a point it just became less hectic to use medica and cure, if you keep getting the poison stacks from flesh pods fuck you i'm not removing that shit) and i barely just manage to keep everyone alive. (at least the tank had an excuse, as he was a new player and it was the first time he ran the dungeon, and he WAS willing to listen, one dps had a 60 and the other one was a monk)


Let's see how far we get through A3S when both the SCH and WHM stop DPSing.

Should I just tank? Never go into Sword Oath? Wear all VIT gear? Make sure to just use my enmity combo?

EDIT - I have a feeling this is Asami sarcasm and I didn't detect it.

How did you fall for my sarcasm? I knew someone would but really? You?


how do you healers live every day

just did a toto-rak with a gladiator that was at first doing just raw rage of halone, i told him doing it raw does nothing, it combos as fast blade-> savage blade-> rage of halone

...so he started doing fast blade-> riot blade-> rage of halone, and i corrected him again and then he finally understood and did it, and we didn't really have any aggro problems aside from me telling him to use flash a little more often, until it came time to do the final boss and it turned out he ignored his class quests and didn't have shield lob, leaving him unable to pick up the adds very well

probably also didn't help the dps didn't kill any of the flesh pods around the arena and stood on the ones that the boss spawns instead of moving away, so they end up with multiple stacks of poison (i mean i tried my best to remove stacks but after a point it just became less hectic to use medica and cure, if you keep getting the poison stacks from flesh pods fuck you i'm not removing that shit) and i barely just manage to keep everyone alive. (at least the tank had an excuse, as he was a new player and it was the first time he ran the dungeon, and he WAS willing to listen, one dps had a 60 and the other one was a monk)

Victims of fate leveling? I dunno what was up with the dps...


Out of curiosity on the Ultros server. How long does it usually take to get accepted into the GAF guild? I submitted a few days ago and was just wondering.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Out of curiosity on the Ultros server. How long does it usually take to get accepted into the GAF guild? I submitted a few days ago and was just wondering.

Did you apply at the Guildworks website as well?

There's also a two hour in-game interview with Drama Zeni afterwards. Dress nicely.


Will be fun to see if the European Data center helps us getting through the easy phases of A3S more smoothly, sometimes we just wipe to stuff that lag causes like the tether/debuffs not swapping.
Maybe we'll get it down this month, haven't raided in few weeks but we can get to the Healer Hand phase most of the times, time to try again after the EU Data center is online.


I recently started doing Seal Rock, and I wasn't expecting to like it but I actually find it fun. The only thing I don't like is that the "leaders" doing the callouts aren't doing as well as they think they are most of the time. So many times people splinter from the group to chase, and there's no callout or warning to get back. Then when they get killed and it causes us to lose a tower, he chastises them even though he didn't do a single callout for around 2 minutes.
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