So they didn't bother to fix the Astrologian glitch... From what my friends have told me the class is supposedly terrible and just cannot compete with Scholar or White Mage at level 60 right now. I feel as though SE is just being careful on the power of these new jobs and I hope they will adjust them in time. I'll be staying as a Scholar for Alexander until they do.
As for Ravana EX, after clearing it with my static I can easily say that it will probably be one of those fights that just cannot be cleared via party finder. It's literally Titan/Ifrit EX with a bit of Turn 9 as well. I love it and I hope they make more difficult fights like this.
Glitch has little to do with that though. Class is also not "terrible". It's not really that good either I feel. It's really dependant on the cards you draw for a solid performance. If you draw TP card after TP card, you're not doing much of anything. You need to draw the damage cards to make up for the fact your damage is annoying as shit and expensive mana wise and you need to draw some cards to help with mana issues(like spear before you aether or ewer a couple of times in a row).
I'd say the main issue with the class though isn't the cards so much as the lack of healing cooldowns.
Scholars have Lustrate spam+Rouse+Virus+Eye for an Eye+Faerie stuff(mostly Eos)+new stuff(mostly crap), and in general have high healing output with the fairy, other than aoe which they got a new cooldown for.
WHMs have Divine Seal and Presence of Mind and also Benediction as well as the cross class SCH stuff, on top of having higher potency healing.
AST have cards which obviously are unreliable and are mostly about increasing damage from other people, Arrow being the only "healing" cooldown out of them and it's weak compared to Presence of Mind and could also be used on a DPS, Synastry which is super situational in its usage, Collective Unconscious which is borderline garbage other than for really small healing or inbetween phases free healing assuming you're in regen stance or crappy sacred soil in shield stance and Ligthspeed which only advantage is letting you cast while moving, at the cost of a massive 25% potency reduction. On the mitigation front, it's either Bole(single target, unless you also royal road aoe but then it's 5%) and Disable which long cooldown is absolutely not warranted considering the annoyance of using it properly and the effect.
So when shit goes wrong, and it happens every now and then, you have nothing to do but keep spamming normal baseline heals and hope you crit or draw the right card the next time Draw is up.
Now on the other hand, with decent draws, you can increase DPS quite a lot. Spear used on pull on cooldown heavy classes and Enhanced Balance(15%dmg) with Time Dilation for 30secs duration is quite nice and getting a few decent draws will most likely have a noticeable impact on DPS. Wether or not that's worth it though versus just having more solid healers, I don't know.