So I've just hit 32 with my ARC/SCH/SMN and was just wondering, I was thinking of levelling mostly as the SMN as it's DPS but then I could queue for dungeons as a Scholar for healing. But I don't really know much about the Scholar or what the new summons do, do I have the support one out or the healing one in instances?
Also, when I'm levelling up I'm just putting it all in INT. Is there a way to have the Summoner have INT / Scholar have Mind? Or just too bad, I have to focus on one or the other with my attributes?
Also, I guess just in general where is a good resource/lets play/wiki on actually playing this classes, and some like 'must do' things like for example should I level my sub classes of THM or CNJ to certain levels so I can grab certain skills from them?
I just feel so lost in this game sometimes and feel like I"m not doing it as efficiently as possible. I'm paranoid about just being an idiot in it ever since I played WoW back in original and tried to go survival / melee hunter
EDIT: Also is there a point to levelling up my crafting like say, weaver so I can create gear as I level, or cooking so I can create buff food or just blast grind it when I'm 50 at the end?